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  • TMS29F002T

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS29F002T/B is a 262144 by 8-bit (2097152-bit), 5-V single-supply, programmable read-only memory device that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. This device is organized as 262144 x 8 bits, divided into sev...

  • TMS29F002RT

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS29F002RT/B is a 262144 by 8-bit (2097152-bit), 5-V single-supply, programmable read-only memory device that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. This device is organized as 262144 by 8 bits, divided into s...

  • TMS29F002RB

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS29F002RT/B is a 262144 by 8-bit (2097152-bit), 5-V single-supply, programmable read-only memory device that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. This device is organized as 262144 by 8 bits, divided into s...

  • TMS29F002B

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS29F002T/B is a 262144 by 8-bit (2097152-bit), 5-V single-supply, programmable read-only memory device that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. This device is organized as 262144 x 8 bits, divided into sev...

  • TMS28F800Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F800Axy is a 8388608-bit, boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and eprogrammed. The TMS28F800Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of:` One 16K-byte/8K-word protected boo...

  • TMS28F512A

    Mfg:220    D/C:PLCC    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F512A Flash memory is a 65536 by 8-bit (524 288-bit), programmable read-only memory that can be electrically bulk-erased and reprogrammed. It is available in 10000 and 1000 program/erase endurance cycle versions...

  • TMS28F400BZT

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F400BZT is a 524288 by 8-bit /262144 by 16-bit (4194304-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F400BZT is organized in a blocked architecture consist...

  • TMS28F400BZB

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F400BZB is a 524288 by 8-bit /262144 by 16-bit (4194304-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F400BZB is organized in a blocked architecture consistin...

  • TMS28F400Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F400Axy is a 524288 by 8 bits/262144 by 16 bits (4194304-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F400Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting o...

  • TMS28F210

    Mfg:750    Pack:TI    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F210 is a 65536 by 16-bit (1048 576-bit), programmable read-only memory that can be electrically bulk-erased and reprogrammed. It is available in 10000- and 1000-program/erase-endurance-cycle versions.The TMS28F...

  • TMS28F200BZT

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F200BZT is a 262144 by 8-bit/131072 by 16-bit (2097152-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F200BZx is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of ...

  • TMS28F200BZB

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F200BZx is a 262144 by 8-bit/131072 by 16-bit (2097152-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F200BZx is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of ...

  • TMS28F200Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F200Axy is a 262144 by 8-bit /131072 by-16 bit (2097152-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F200Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of...

  • TMS28F1600T

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F1600T/B is a 16777216-bit, boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and eprogrammed. The TMS28F1600T/B is organized in a sectored architecture consisting of one 16K-byte protected boot sect...

  • TMS28F1600B

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F1600T/B is a 16777216-bit, boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and eprogrammed. The TMS28F1600T/B is organized in a sectored architecture consisting of one 16K-byte protected boot sect...

  • TMS28F033

    Pack:QFP80    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F033 is the first synchronous nonvolatile flash memory device to offer a configurable burst interface to 16/32-bit microprocessors and microcontrollers operating at frequencies up to 40 MHz.The TMS28F033 contain...

  • TMS28F020

    Pack:PLCC    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F020 flash memory is a 262144 by 8-bit (2097152-bit), programmable read-only memory that can be electrically bulk-erased and reprogrammed. It is available in 100000 and 10000 program/erase-endurance-cycle versio...

  • TMS28F010B

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F010B is a 131072 by 8 bit (1048576-bit), programmable read-only memory that can be electricallybulk-erased and reprogrammed. It is available in 100000 and 10000 program/erase-endurance-cycle versions.The TMS28F...

  • TMS28F010A

    Mfg:TI    Pack:PLCC32    D/C:07/08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F010A is a 1048576-bit, programmable read-only memory that can be electrically bulk-erased and reprogrammed. It is available in 10000 and 1000 program/erase-endurancecycle versions.The TMS28F010A Flash EEPROM is...

  • TMS28F008Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F008Axy is a type of 8388608-bit, boot-block flash memory that is able to be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed.The TMS28F800Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of one 16K-byte/8K-word ...

  • TMS28F004Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F400Axy is a 524288 by 8 bits/262144 by 16 bits (4194304-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F400Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting o...

  • TMS28F002Axy

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS28F200Axy is a 262144 by 8-bit /131072 by-16 bit (2097152-bit), boot-block flash memory that can be electrically block-erased and reprogrammed. The TMS28F200Axy is organized in a blocked architecture consisting of...

  • TMS27PC512

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27PC512 is designed as one kind of programmable read-only memories,they are 65536 by 8-bit,ultraviolet (UV) light erasable.Features of the TMS27C512 can be summarized as:(1)organization:65536 by 8 bits;(2)single 5...

  • TMS27PC210A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C210A series are 65536 by 16-bit (1048576-bit), ultraviolet-light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories (EPROMs).The TMS27PC210A series are 65536 by 16-bit (1048576-bit),one-time programmable (O...

  • TMS27PC010A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27PC010A is 131072 by 8-bit,ultraviolet(UV) light erasable.electrically programmable read-only memories.It is using power-saving CMOS technology for high speed and simple interface with MOS and bipolar circuits. ...

  • TMS27L08

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27L08 is ultra-violet light-erasable,eletrically programmable read only memories.It has 8,192 bits organized as 1024 words of 8-bit length.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate techology for high speed and...

  • TMS27C512-12JL

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C512-12JL is one member of the TMS27C512 family which is designed as the 65536 by 8-bit (524288-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories (EPROMs). Also this device is f...

  • TMS27C512

    Mfg:TI    Pack:DIP    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C512 series are 65536 by 8-bit(524288-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories(EPROMs).The TMS27PC512 series are 65536 by 8-bit(524288-bit), one-time programmable (OTP)e...

  • TMS27C256

    Pack:DIP28    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C256 series are 32768 by 8-bit(262144-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories(EPROMs).The TMS27PC256 series are 32768 by 8-bit(262144-bit), one-time programmmable (OTP)...

  • TMS27C240

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C240 series are 262144 by 16-bit (4194304-bit), ultraviolet-light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories (EPROMs).The TMS27PC240 series are 262144 by 16-bit (4194304-bit), one-time programmable (...

  • TMS27C210A

    Mfg:TI    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C210A series are 65536 by 16-bit (1048576-bit), ultraviolet-light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories (EPROMs).The TMS27PC210A series are 65536 by 16-bit (1048576-bit),one-time programmable (O...

  • TMS27C128-XXX

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C128-XXX is 32768 by 8-bit,ultraviolet(UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories.It is fabricated using power-saving CMOS technology for high speed and simple interface with MOS and bipola...

  • TMS27C128

    Mfg:TI    Pack:DIP    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C128 series are 131 072-bit, ultraviolet-light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories.The TMS27PC128 series are 131 072-bit, one time electrically programmable read-only memories.

  • TMS27C040

    Mfg:TI    Pack:DIP    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C040 devices are 524288 by 8-bit(4194304-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories(EPROMs).The TMS27PC040 devices are 524288 by 8-bit(4194304-bit), one-time programmable ...

  • TMS27C020

    Mfg:TI    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C020 series are 262144 by 8-bit(2097152-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories(EPROMs).The TMS27PC020 series are one-time programmable(OTP) electrically programmable r...

  • TMS27C010A

    Mfg:TI    Pack:DIP    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS27C010A series are 131072 by 8-bit(1048576-bit), ultraviolet (UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories(EPROMs).The TMS27PC010A series are 131072 by 8-bit(1048576-bit), one-time programmable ...

  • TMS279X

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS279X family are N-channel silicon gate MOS LSl devices which perform the functions of a Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller in a single chip implementation. The TMS279X, which can be considered the end result of both...

  • TMS2716

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS2716 is an ultra-violet light-erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories.It has 16,384 bits organized as 2048 words of 8-bit length.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate technology for high spe...

  • TMS2708

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS2708 is ultra-violet light-erasable,eletrically programmable read only memories.It has 8,192 bits organized as 1024 words of 8-bit length.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate techology for high speed and ...

  • TMS2564

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS2564 is a 65,536-bit,ultraviolet(UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate technology for high speed and simple interface with MOS and bipolar c...

  • TMS2532

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS2532 is a 32,768-bit,ultraviolet(UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate technology for high speed and simple interface with MOS and bipolar c...

  • TMS2516-45JL

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMS2516-45JL is 16,384-bit,ultraviolet(UV) light erasable,electrically programmable read-only memories.It is fabricated using N-channel silicon-gate technology for high speed and simple interface with MOS and bipola...

  • TMS1103

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    TMS1103 is a kind of monolithic random-acess memory devices organized as 1024 one-bit words. There are some features of TMS1103 as follows. First is low power dissipation. The second is input interface which is fully dec...

  • TMS10124

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS10115

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS10112

    Mfg:TRACO    D/C:2006+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS10105

    Mfg:traco    Pack:traco    D/C:dc02    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06215

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06212

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06124

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06115

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06112

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS06105

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMS

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMR3-2410WI

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-3WI series is a new family of isolated 3W DC/DC converters with regulated output, featuring ultra-wide 4:1 input voltage range. The product comes in a ultra-compact SIP plastic package with a small footprint occu...

  • TMR3-050

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-3 series is a new family of isolated 3W dc-dc converter modules with regulated output, featuring wide 2:1 input voltage ranges. The product comes in a ultra-compact SIP-8 plastic package with a small footprint oc...

  • TMR0523

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-2 series is a family of isolated 2W dc-dc converter modules with regulated output, featuring wide 2:1 input voltage ranges. The product comes in a compact SIP-8 plastic package with small footprint occupying only...

  • TMR0522

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-2 series is a family of isolated 2W dc-dc converter modules with regulated output, featuring wide 2:1 input voltage ranges. The product comes in a compact SIP-8 plastic package with small footprint occupying only...

  • TMR0521

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-2 series is a family of isolated 2W dc-dc converter modules with regulated output, featuring wide 2:1 input voltage ranges. The product comes in a compact SIP-8 plastic package with small footprint occupying only...

  • TMR0512

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR series TMR0512 is a range of miniature regulated 2 Watt DC/DC- converters in a SILpackage. Requiring only 2cm2 board space they provide a state of art functionality. Wide 2:1 Input voltage range, 1000 VDC isolati...

  • TMR0511

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR series is a range of miniature regulated 2 Watt DC/DC- converters in a SILpackage. Requiring only 2cm2 board space they provide a state of art functionality. Wide 2:1 Input voltage range, 1000 VDC isolation volta...

  • TMR0510

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR series TMR0510 is a range of miniature regulated 2 Watt DC/DC- converters in a SILpackage. Requiring only 2cm2 board space they provide a state of art functionality. Wide 2:1 Input voltage range, 1000 VDC isolati...

  • TMR 3WI

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMR 3

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMR 2WI

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMR-2WI series is a new family of isolated 2W dc-dc converter modules with regulated output, featuring ultra-wide 4:1 input voltage ranges of 9-36 VDC or 18-75 VDC. The product comes in a ultra-compact SIP-9 plastic ...

  • TMR 2

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMR 0522

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    Input current at full load (nominal input) 5 Vin models: 667 mA max.12 Vin models: 242 mA max. 24 Vin models: 119 mA max. 48 Vin models: 62 mA max. Surge voltage (100 msec. max.) 5 Vin models: 15 V max...

  • TMR 0521

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    Input current at full load (nominal input) 5 Vin models: 667 mA max.12 Vin models: 242 mA max. 24 Vin models: 119 mA max. 48 Vin models: 62 mA max. Surge voltage (100 msec. max.) 5 Vin models: 15 V max...

  • TMR 0512

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    Input current at full load (nominal input) 5 Vin models: 667 mA max.12 Vin models: 242 mA max. 24 Vin models: 119 mA max. 48 Vin models: 62 mA max. Surge voltage (100 msec. max.) 5 Vin models: 15 V max...

  • TMR 0511

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    Input current at full load (nominal input) 5 Vin models: 667 mA max.12 Vin models: 242 mA max. 24 Vin models: 119 mA max. 48 Vin models: 62 mA max. Surge voltage (100 msec. max.) 5 Vin models: 15 V max...

  • TMR 0510

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    Input current at full load (nominal input) 5 Vin models: 667 mA max.12 Vin models: 242 mA max. 24 Vin models: 119 mA max. 48 Vin models: 62 mA max. Surge voltage (100 msec. max.) 5 Vin models: 15 V max...

  • TMR

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    20 x 60 Ta2 N Multi-Tap on Alumina TMR

  • TMQ80A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMQ100A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMQ1000A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMPZ84C112A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPZ84C112A is a kind of high performance, low power consumption 8-bit microcontroller. The device consists of a Toshiba CMOS TMPZ84C00A core with built-in input/output ports, timer and a 256-byte RAM. It is availabl...

  • TMPZ84C02AF-6

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPZ84C02AF-6 is an 8-bit microprocessor with a built-in clock generator/controller, which provides low power operation and high performance. The feature of TMPZ84C02AF-6 are as follows: (1)instruction set compatible...

  • TMPR4956C

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    TX4956 has two types of system interface. One is for R5000 type protocol , other is for R4300 type protocol, R5000 type protocol supports two bus widths, 32-bit bus width and 64-bit bus width. R4300 type protocol only su...

  • TMPR4955B

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR4955B is designed as is a standard microcontroller of 64-bit RISC microprocessor TX49 family.TMPR4955B has many features. The first one is TX49/H3 processor core. The second one is IEEE754 compatible single and d...

  • TMPR4955A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMPR4937

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR4937 (TX4937) is a standard microcontroller that belongs to the 64-bit TX System RISC TX49 family.The TX4937 uses the TX49/H3 core as its CPU. The TX49/H3 core is a 64-bit RISC core that Toshiba developed based o...

  • TMPR4927ATB-200

    Mfg:TOSHSA    Pack:BGA    D/C:0622+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR4927ATB, to be referred as TX4927 MIPS RISC micro-controller is a highly integrated ASSP solution based on Toshiba's TX49/H2 processor core, a 64-bit MIPS I,II,III ISA Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) compatibl...

  • TMPR4927A

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR4927A is designed as is a standard microcontroller of the TX49 64-bit TX system RISC family which is designed for designed for embedded applications.TMPR4927A has many features. The first one is TX49/H2 core whic...

  • TMPR4925XB

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR4925XB, to be referred as TX4925 MIPS RISC micro-controller is a highly integrated ASSP solution based on Toshiba's TX49/H2 processor core, a 64-bit MIPS I,II,III ISA Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) compatible...

  • TMPR4925

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    

  • TMPR3922U

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3922U is a single-chip combined digital ASSP for PDA(peraonal digital assistants). The TMPR3922U includes of PDA system support logic, integrated with the TX3920 processor core dsigned by toshba. Features of TMP...

  • TMPR3922AU

    Mfg:TOSHIBA    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3922AU is a single-chip integrated digital ASSP for PDA(Personal Digital Assistants). The TMPR3922AU consists of PDA system support logic, integrated with the TX3920 processor Core designed by Toshiba.

  • TMPR3916

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3916 is designed as 32-bit system RISC with typical applications of car navigation systems, driver information displays, personal digital assistants (PDAs), musical instruments and electronic book players.TMPR391...

  • TMPR3912XB-75

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3912XB-75 is a single-chip integrated digital ASSP for PDA(Personal Digital Assistants).The TMPR3912XB-75 consists of PDA system support logic, integrated with the TX39 processor Core designed by Toshiba.The TMPR...

  • TMPR3912AU

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3912AU is a single-chip integrated digital ASSP for PDA(personal digital assistants). The TMPR3912AU consists of PDA system support logic, integrated with the TX39 processor Core designed by Toshiba.The TMPR3912A...

  • TMPR3911

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPR3912 contains 208 pins (LQFP) or 217 pins (FBGA) consisting of input, output, bi-directional, and power and ground pins. The TMPR3911 contains 176 pins (LQFP) or 177 pins (FBGA) consisting of input, output, bi-di...

  • TMPR28051 STS-1

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group TMPR28051 device is designed to map any valid combination of DS1 and E1 signals into a stream at a rate of 51.84 Mbits/s. This TMPR28051 STS-1 provides all of the functions...

  • TMPR28051

    Mfg:LUCENT    D/C:08+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group TMPR28051 device is designed to map any valid combination of DS1 and E1 signals into a stream at a rate of 51.84 Mbits/s. This device provides all of the functions necessary...

  • TMPN3150B1AFG

    Mfg:N/A    Pack:NA/    D/C:09+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPN3150B1AFG is a Neuron Chip which configures LONWORKS nodes in combination with external memory. Neuron Chips have all the built-in communications and control functions required to implement LONWORKS nodes. These ...

  • TMPN3150B1AF

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPN3150B1AF is a neuron chip which configures lowworks nodes in combination with external memory. The maximum ratings of the TMPN3150B1AF can be summarized as:(1):the characteristics is power supply voltage,the sym...

  • TMPN3120FE5M

    Mfg:200    Pack:TOSHIBM    D/C:04+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The Neuron Chip TMPN3120FE5M provides double the performance of previous Neuron Chips. It supports a response time of 3 to 4 ms across a LONWORKS Network and has double the input / output ( I / O ) performance of the ...

  • TMPN3120FE3U

    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The Neuron Chip (TMPN3120FE3M and TMPN3120FE3U) provides double the performance of previous Neuron Chips. It supports a response time of 3 to 4 ms across a LONWORKs Network and has double the input / output (I / O) pe...

  • TMPN3120FE3MG

    Mfg:N/A    Pack:NA/    D/C:09+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The TMPN3120FE3MG features extra single-chip memory in the form of a 2 Kbyte EEPROM, a 2 Kbyte SRAM, and a 16 Kbyte ROM.Neuron Chips have all the built-in communications and control functions required to implement LONWOR...

  • TMPN3120FE3M

    Mfg:4691    Pack:TOSHIBA    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    The Neuron Chip (TMPN3120FE3M and TMPN3120FE3U) provides double the performance of previous Neuron Chips. It supports a response time of 3 to 4 ms across a LONWORKs Network and has double the input / output (I / O) pe...

  • TMPN3120E1M

    Mfg:TOS    Pack:SSOP-32    D/C:0322+    Vendor:Other    Category:Other    
    ·The TMPN3120E1M is a Neuron Chip which configures LONWORKS nodes on a single chip.·Neuron Chips have all the built-in communications and control functions required to implement LONWORKS nodes.·These nodes may then be ea...