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Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1405 is a 5Msps, 12-bit sampling A/D converter that draws only 115mW from either single 5V or dual ±5V supplies. This easy-to-use device includes a high dynamic range sample-and-hold, a precision reference an...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1403-1/LTC1403A-1 are 12-bit/14-bit, 2.8Msps serial ADCs with differential inputs. The devices draw only 4.7mA from a single 3V supply and come in a tiny 10-lead MSE package. A Sleep shutdown feature lowers p...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1403/LTC1403A are 12-bit/14-bit, 2.8Msps serial ADCs with differential inputs. The devices draw only 4.7mA from a single 3V supply and come in a tiny 10-lead MS package. A Sleep shutdown feature lowers power ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1403-1/LTC1403A-1 are 12-bit/14-bit, 2.8Msps serial ADCs with differential inputs. The devices draw only 4.7mA from a single 3V supply and come in a tiny 10-lead MSE package. A Sleep shutdown feature lowers p...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1403/LTC1403A are 12-bit/14-bit, 2.8Msps serial ADCs with differential inputs. The devices draw only 4.7mA from a single 3V supply and come in a tiny 10-lead MS package. A Sleep shutdown feature lowers power ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1402 is a 12-bit, 2.2Msps sampling A/D converter. This high performance device includes a high dynamic range sample-and-hold and a precision reference. It operates from a single 5V supply or dual ±5V supplies...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1401 is a complete 200ksps, 12-bit A/D converter that converts 0V to 2.048V unipolar input and draws only 15mW from a single 3V supply. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 315ns sample-and-hold and ...
Mfg:36 Pack:LINEAR Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC A/D CONV 12BIT W/SHTDN 8-SOICThe LTC®1400 is a complete 400ksps, 12-bit A/D converter which draws only 75mW from 5V or ±5V supplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 200ns sample-and-hold and a precision reference. Unipolar and bipo...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:20 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1400 is a complete 400ksps, 12-bit A/D converter which draws only 75mW from a 5V or ± 5V supplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 200ns sample-and-hold and a precision reference. Unipolar and b...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1380/LTC1393 are CMOS analog multiplexers withSMBus®compatible digital interfaces. The LTC1380 is asingle-ended 8-channel multiplexer, while the LTC1393 is adifferential 4-channel multiplexer. The SMBus d...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1392 is a micropower data acquisition systemdesigned to measure temperature, on-chip supply voltageand a differential voltage. The differential inputs featurerail-to-rail common mode input voltage range. The ...
Mfg:LINEARTECHNOLOGY Pack:DIP/SOP D/C:08+ Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC MUX 8CH SERIAL INTERFC 16SSOPThe LTC ®1391 is a high performance CMOS 8-to-1 analog multiplexer. It features a serial digital interface that allows several LTC1391s to be daisy-chained together, increasing the number of MUX channels available us...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:07/08+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC ®1391 is a high performance CMOS 8-to-1 analog multiplexer. It features a serial digital interface which allows several LTC1391s to be wired in series or parallel, increasing the number of MUX channels availa...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:07/08+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1390 is a high performance CMOS 8-to-1 analog multiplexer. It features a 3-wire digital interface with a bidirectional data retransmission feature, allowing it to be wired in series with a serial A/D converte...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC TXRX RS232/RS485 5VSNGL20SOICThe LTC1387ISW is one member of the LTC1387 family which designed as one kind of low power reconfigurable CMOS bidirectional transceiver.It can be used in point-of-sale terminals, software selectable multiprotocol interf...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1387 is a low power reconfigurable CMOS bidi- rectional transceiver. It can be configured as an RS485 differential port or as two RS232 single-ended ports. An onboard charge pump uses four 0.1µF capaci...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC TXRX RS232/RS485 5VSNGL20SOICThe LTC1387CSW is one member of the LTC1387 family which designed as one kind of low power reconfigurable CMOS bidirectional transceiver.It can be used in point-of-sale terminals, software selectable multiprotocol interf...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:82 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1386 is an ultra-low power 2-driver/2-receiver EIA/TIA562 transceiver that operates from a single 3.3V supply. The charge pump requires only four space-saving 0.1mF capacitors. The supply current (ICC) of the tran...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:567 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1385 is an ultra-low power, 2-driver/2-receiver EIA / TIA-562 transceiver which operates from a single 3.3V supply. The charge pump requires only four spacesaving 0.1mF capacitors.The transceiver of LTC1385 operat...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:30 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1384 is an ultra-low power 2-driver/2-receiver RS232 transceiver that operates from a single 5V supply. The charge pump requires only four spacesaving 0.1mF capacitors.The transceiver operates in one of two modes,...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:80 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1383 is an ultra-low power 2-driver/2-receiver RS232 transceiver that operates from a single 5V supply. The charge pump requires only four spacesaving 0.1mF capacitors. The supply current (ICC) of the transceiver ...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:10 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1382 is an ultra-low power 2-driver/2-receiver RS232 transceiver that operates from a single 5V supply. The charge pump requires only four spacesaving 0.1mF capacitors.The transceiver operates in one of two modes,...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1380/LTC1393 are CMOS analog multiplexers withSMBus®compatible digital interfaces. The LTC1380 is asingle-ended 8-channel multiplexer, while the LTC1393 is adifferential 4-channel multiplexer. The SMBus d...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:17 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1350 is a 3-driver/5-receiver EIA/TIA-562 transceiver with very low supply current. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 300A. The charge pump only requires four 0.1mF capacitors.In SHUTDOWN mode, ...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:20 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1349 is a 3-driver/5-receiver RS232 transceiver with very low supply current. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 300A. The charge pump only requires four 0.1F capacitors.In SHUTDOWN mode, two rec...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:2183 Vendor:Other Category:Other
he LTC®1348 is a 3-driver/5-receiver RS232 transceiverwith very low supply current. The charge pump onlyrequires five 0.1µF capacitors. The LTC1348 provides fullRS232 output levels when operated over a wide sup...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC TXRX 5V RS232 LOW PWR 28-SSOPThe LTC1347CG is the subpackage of LTC1347. The following is about the LTC1347. The LTC1347 is a kind of 3-driver/5-receiver RS232 transceiver with very low supply current. It is fully compliant with all data rate and ov...
Mfg:LT Pack:SMD D/C:03+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1347 is a 3-driver/5-receiver RS232 transceiver with very low supply current. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 300mA. The charge pump only requires four 0.1mF capacitors.In Shutdown mode, all f...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC TXRX V.35 DCE/DTE 24-SOICThe LTC1346A is a single chip transceiver that providesthe differential clock and data signals for a V.35 interface from ±5V supplies. Combined with an external resistortermination network and an LT®1134A RS232 trans...
Pack:SOP D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1345 is a single chip transceiver that provides the differential clock and data signals for a V.35 interface from a single 5V supply. Combined with an external resistor termination network and an LT®1134A...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC CABLE TERM MULTIPROTCL 24SSOPThe LTC1344ACG is one member of LTC1344 family. The LTC?1344A features six software-selectablemultiprotocol cable terminators. Each terminator can beconfigured as an RS422 (V.11) 100? minimum differen-tial load, V.35 T-n...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC(R) 1344A features six software-selectable multiprotocol cable terminators. Each terminator can be configured as an RS422 (V.11) 100W minimum differen- tial load, V.35 T-network load or an open circuit for use wi...
Mfg:LT Pack:N/A D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1344 features six software-selectable ultiprotocol cable terminators. Each terminator can be onfigured as an RS422 (V.11) 100 inimum differential oad, V.35 T-network load or an open circuit for use ith RS232 ...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:DIP D/C:275 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC 1343 is a 4-driver/4-receiver multiprotocol transceiver that operates from a single 5V supply. Two LTC1343s form the core of a complete software-selectable DTE or DCE interface port that supports the RS232, RS449...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC 1340 is a varactor diode driver designed to generate5V varactor drive from a single 3V or higher voltage supply.It includes a low noise amplifier with an internal gain of 2.3and a self-contained charge pump to ge...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SMD D/C:116 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1338 is a 5-driver/3-receiver RS232 transceiver with very low supply current. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 500mA. The charge pump only requires four 0.1mF capacitors.In SHUTDOWN mode, the s...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:DIP D/C:170 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1337 is a 3-driver/5-receiver RS232 transceiver with very low supply current. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 300mA. The charge pump only requires four 0.1mF capacitors and can supply up to 12...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1321/LTC1322/LTC1335 are low power CMOS bidirectional transceivers, each featuring two reconfigurable interface ports. Each can be configured as two RS485 differential ports, as two single-ended ports, or as one R...
Mfg:LT Pack:SSOP Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC TXRX CMOS MULTIPROTOCL 28SSOPThe LTC®1334 is a low power CMOS bidirectional transceiver featuring two reconfigurable interface ports. It can be configured as two RS485 differential ports, as two dual RS232 single-ended ports or as one RS485 diff...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC CMOS TXRX MULTIPROTOCL 28SOICThe LTC1334CSW is one member of the LTC1334 family which is designed as the single 5V RS232/RS485 multiprotocol transceiver that can be used in (1)low power RS485/RS422/RS232/EIA562 interface; (2)software-selectable mult...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:1610 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1334 is a low power CMOS bidirectional transceiver featuring two reconfigurable interface ports. It can be configured as two RS485 differe ntial ports, as two dual RS232 single-ended ports or as one RS485 di...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1329-10/LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50 are micropower 8-bit current output D/A converters (DACs) with an output range of 0A to 10A for the LTC1329-10 and 0A to 50A for the LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50. The DAC current outp...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1329-10/LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50 are micropower 8-bit current output D/A converters (DACs) with an output range of 0A to 10A for the LTC1329-10 and 0A to 50A for the LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50. The DAC current outp...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1329-10/LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50 are micropower 8-bit current output D/A converters (DACs) with an output range of 0mA to 10mA for the LTC1329-10 and 0mA to 50mA for the LTC1329-50/LTC1329A-50. The DAC current ...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:07/08+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1327 is an advanced low power, three-driver/fivereceiver EIA/TIA-562 transceiver. In the no load condition, the supply current is only 300mA. The charge pump only requires four 0.1mF capacitors.In SHUTDOWN mode, t...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1326/LTC1326-2.5 are triple supply monitors intended for systems with multiple supply voltages. They provide micropower operation, small size and high accuracy supply monitoring.Tight 0.75% threshold accuracy...
Mfg:LT D/C:2007-4-5 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC(R) 1326/LTC1326-2.5 are triple supply monitors intended for systems with multiple supply voltages. They provide micropower operation, small size and high accu- racy supply monitoring.
Tight 0.75% threshold accur...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:10 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1325 provides the core of a flexible, cost-effective solution for an integrated battery management system.The monolithic CMOS chip of LTC1325 controls the fast charging of nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:07/08+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1324 is a single 5V line transceiver designed to operate on Apple®LocalTalk networks. The driver features a digitally selectable low slew rate mode for reduced EMI emissions. The chip draws only 1mA quies...
Mfg:N/A Pack:NA/ D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1323 is a multi-protocol line transceiver designed to operate on AppleTalk or EIA562-compatible singleended networks while operating from a single 5V supply.There are two versions of the LTC1323 available: a ...
Mfg:LT Pack:SMD D/C:03+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1321/LTC1322/LTC1335 are low power CMOS bidirectional transceivers, each featuring two reconfigurable interface ports. Each can be configured as two RS485 differential ports, as two single-ended ports, or as one R...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SMD D/C:580 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1321/LTC1322/LTC1335 are low power CMOS bidirectional transceivers, each featuring two reconfigurable interface ports. Each can be configured as two RS485 differential ports, as two single-ended ports, or as one R...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:240 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1320 is an RS422/RS562 line transceiver designed to operate on LocalTalk networks. It provides one differential RS422 driver, one single-ended RS562 driver, two single-ended RS562 receivers, and one differential R...
Mfg:LT Pack:SMD D/C:03+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1318 is a single 5V, RS232/RS422 transceiver for connection to the DCE, or peripheral side of an interface link. It includes an on-board charge pump to generate a ±8V supply which allows true RS232 output sw...
Mfg:LT Pack:SMD D/C:03+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1314/LTC1315 provide the power switching necessary to control Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) Release 2.0 card slots.When used in conjunction with a PC card interface controll...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:60 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1314/LTC1315 provide the power switching necessary to control Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) Release 2.0 card slots.When used in conjunction with a PC card interface controll...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC A/D CONV SAMPLING 12BIT 8-DIPThe LTC1298CN8 is the subpackage of LTC1298. The following is some information about the LTC1298CN8. The LTC1298CN8 is a kind of micropower, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converter. The typical applicatio...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:DIP D/C:550 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1286/LTC1298 are micropower, 12-bit, succes- sive approximation sampling A/D converters. They typi- cally draw only 250A of supply current when converting and automatically power down to a typical supply current o...
Mfg:LT Pack:DIP8 D/C:05+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1292/LTC1297 are data acquisition systems that contain a 12-bit, switched-capacitor successive approximation A/D, a differential input, sample-and-hold on the (+) input, and serial I/O. When the LTC1297 is idle be...
Mfg:N/A Pack:NA/ D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1293/4/6 is a family of data acquisition systems which contain a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 12-bit unipolar, or 11-bit plus ...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:DIP D/C:1947 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1293/4/6 is a family of data acquisition systems which contain a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 12-bit unipolar, or 11-bit plus ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1293/4/6 is a family of data acquisition systems which contain a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 12-bit unipolar, or 11-bit plus ...
Mfg:LT Pack:DIP8 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1292/LTC1297 are data acquisition systems that contain a 12-bit, switched-capacitor successive approximation A/D, a differential input, sample-and-hold on the (+) input, and serial I/O. When the LTC1297 is idle be...
Mfg:LT Pack:N/A D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1291 is a data acquisition system that contains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform a 12-bit unipolar A/D conversion. The input multi...
Mfg:N/A Pack:NA/ D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC@ 1290 is a data acquisition component which contains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 12-bit unipolar or 11-bit plus sign bipo...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:10 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1289 is a 3V data acquisition component whichcontains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D con-verter. The device specifications are guaranteed at asupply voltage of 2.7V. It uses LTCMOSTMswitched ca-pacitor ...
Mfg:LT D/C:04+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1285/LTC1288 are 3V micropower, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converters. They typically draw only 160mA of supply current when converting and automatically power down to a typical supply curr...
Mfg:LT Pack:DIP8 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1287 is a 3V data acquisition component whichcontains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D con-verter. The device specifications are guaranteed at asupply voltage of 2.7V. It uses LTCMOSTMswitched ca-pacitor ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1286/LTC1298 are micropower, 12-bit, succes- sive approximation sampling A/D converters. They typi- cally draw only 250A of supply current when converting and automatically power down to a typical supply current o...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:20 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1285/LTC1288 are 3V micropower, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converters. They typically draw only 160mA of supply current when converting and automatically power down to a typical supply curr...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1283 is a 3V data acquisition component which contains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 10-bit unipolar, or 9-bit plus sign bipo...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC A/D CONV SAMPLING W/REF 24DIPThe LTC1282ACN is one member of the LTC1282 family which is designed as the 3V 140ksps 12-bit sampling A/D converter with reference that has a 25 ppm/°C (max) internal reference and converts 0V to 2.5V unipolar inputs fr...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1282 is a 6s, 140ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter that draws only 12mW from a single 3V or dual ±3V supply. This easy-to-use device comes complete with 1.14s sample-and-hold, precision reference and intern...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:140 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1279 is a 1.4ms, 600ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter which draws only 60mW from a single 5V or ±5V supplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 160ns sample-and-hold, a precision reference and a...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC A/DCONV SAMPLNG W/SHTDN 24DIPThe LTC1278-4CN is one member of the LTC1278 family which is designed as the 1.6ms, 500ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter that converts 0V to 5V unipolar inputs from a single 5V supply and ±2.5V bipolar inputs from ±5V ...
Mfg:Ltnear Pack:SOP D/C:09+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1278 is a 1.6µs, 500ksps, sampling 12-bit A/Dconverter that draws only 75mW from a single 5V or ±5Vsupplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete witha 200ns sample-and-hold, a precision reference and...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:30 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1274/LTC1277 are 8ms sampling 12-bit A/D converters which draw only 2mA (typ) from single 5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-use devices come complete with a 2ms sample-and-hold, a precision reference and an i...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 are 300ksps, sampling12-bit A/D converters that draw only 75mW from single5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-usedevices comecomplete with 600ns sample-and-holds, precision refer-ences and inter...
Mfg:N/A Pack:N/A D/C:N/A Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 are 300ksps, sampling12-bit A/D converters that draw only 75mW from single5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-usedevices comecomplete with 600ns sample-and-holds, precision refer-ences and inter...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:5 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1274/LTC1277 are 8ms sampling 12-bit A/D converters which draw only 2mA (typ) from single 5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-use devices come complete with a 2ms sample-and-hold, a precision reference and an i...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:SOP D/C:3825 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 are 300ksps, sampling12-bit A/D converters that draw only 75mW from single5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-usedevices comecomplete with 600ns sample-and-holds, precision refer-ences and inter...
Mfg:LT Pack:DIP-24 D/C:2008+ Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC A/D CONV 12BIT SAMPLING 24DIPThe LTC1272 is a 3ms, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converter. It has the same pinout as the industry standard AD7572 and offers faster conversion time, on-chip sample-and-hold, and single supply operatio...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:5 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1272 is a 3ms, 12-bit, successive approximation sampling A/D converter. It has the same pinout as the industry standard AD7572 and offers faster conversion time, on-chip sample-and-hold, and single supply operatio...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1267 series are dual synchronous step-down switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst ModeTM operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. The LTC1267 is composed of two separ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1267 series are dual synchronous step-down switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst ModeTM operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. The LTC1267 is composed of two separ...
Mfg:LT Pack:SMD D/C:358 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1267 series are dual synchronous step-down switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst ModeTM operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. The LTC1267 is composed of two separ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1266 series is a family of synchronous switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst ModeTM operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. These devices drive external power MOSFE...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1266 series is a family of synchronous switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst ModeTM operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. These devices drive external power MOSFE...
Mfg:Linear Technology D/C:05+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC(R) 1266 series is a family of synchronous switching regulator controllers featuring automatic Burst Mode operation to maintain high efficiencies at low output currents. These devices drive external power MOSFETs ...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC DC/DC CONV STP-DWN 3.3V14SOICThe LTC1265CS-3.3 is one member of the LTC1265 family which is designed as the 1.2A, high efficiency step-down DC/DC converter that can be used in (1)5V to 3.3V conversion; (2)distributed power systems; (3)step-down conv...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1265 is a monolithic step-down current modeDC/DC converter featuring Burst ModeTMoperation at low output current. The LTC1265 incorporates a 0.3W switch(VIN =10V) allowing up to 1.2A of output current.Under...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1265 is a monolithic step-down current modeDC/DC converter featuring Burst ModeTMoperation at low output current. The LTC1265 incorporates a 0.3W switch(VIN =10V) allowing up to 1.2A of output current.Under...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:N/A D/C:3490 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC® 1265 is a monolithic step-down current modeDC/DC converter featuring Burst ModeTMoperation at low output current. The LTC1265 incorporates a 0.3W switch(VIN =10V) allowing up to 1.2A of output current.Under...
Mfg:LT D/C:2007+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC1264-7 is a clock-tunable monolithic 8th order lowpass filter with linear passband phase and flat group delay. The amplitude response approximates a maximally flat passband and exhibits steeper roll-off than an eq...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:5 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1264 consists of four identical, high speed 2nd order switched-capacitor filter building blocks designed for center frequencies up to 250kHz. Each building block, together with three to five resistors, can pr...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:10 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1263 is a regulated 12V, 60mA output DC/DC converter. It provides the 12V ±5% output necessary to program double byte-wide flash memories. The output provides 60mA from input voltages as low as 4.75V without ...
Mfg:LINEAR Pack:DIP D/C:330 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1262 is a regulated 12V, 30mA output DC/DC converter. It is designed to provide the 12V ±5% output necessary to program byte-wide flash memories. The output will provide up to 30mA from input voltages as low ...
Vendor:Linear Technology Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC VOLT INVERT SW-CAP ADJ 8-MSOPThe LTC1261LCMS8 is designed as one kind of switched-capacitor voltage inverter device that can be used in (1)gaas fet bias generators; (2)negative supply generators; (3)battery-powered systems; (4)single supply applicat...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1261L is a switched-capacitor voltage inverterdesigned to provide a regulated negative voltage from asingle positive supply. It operates from asingle 2.7V to 5.25V supply and provides an adjustableoutput volt...
Mfg:LT Pack:SOP D/C:30 Vendor:Other Category:Other
The LTC®1261 is a switched-capacitor voltage inverterdesigned to provide a regulated negative voltage from asingle positive supply. The device operates from asingle 3V to 8V supply and provides an adjustable outputvo...
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