Features: Single Supply 5V or ±5V Operation 300ksps Sample Rate 75mW (Typ) Power Dissipation On-Chip 25ppm/°C Reference Internal Synchronized Clock; No Clock Required High Impedance Analog Input 70dB S/(N + D) and 77dB THD at Nyquist±1/2LSB INL and ±3/4LSB DNL Max (A Grade)ESD Protected On All Pin...
LTC1273: Features: Single Supply 5V or ±5V Operation 300ksps Sample Rate 75mW (Typ) Power Dissipation On-Chip 25ppm/°C Reference Internal Synchronized Clock; No Clock Required High Impedance Analog Input 70d...
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The LTC1273/LTC1275/LTC1276 are 300ksps, sampling12-bit A/D converters that draw only 75mW from single5V or ±5V supplies. These easy-to-usedevices comecomplete with 600ns sample-and-holds, precision refer-ences and internally trimmed clocks. Unipolar and bipo-lar conversion modes provide flexibility for various appli-ations. They are built with LTBiCMOSTMswitched ca-pacitor technology.
These devices have 25ppm/°C (max) internal references.The LTC1273 converts 0V to 5V unipolar inputs from asingle 5V supply. The LTC1275/LTC1276 convert ±2.5Vand ±5V respectively from ±5V supplies. Maximum DCspecifications include ±1/2LSB INL, ±3/4LSB DNL and25ppm/°C full scale drift over temperature. OutstandingAC performance includes 70dB S/(N + D) and 77dB THDat the Nyquist input frequency of 150kHz.
The internal clock is trimmed for 2.7µs maximum conver-sion time. The clock automatically synchronizes to eachsample command eliminating problems with asynchro-nous clock noise found in competitive devices. A highspeed parallel interface eases connections to FIFOs, DSPsand microprocessors.