ZL38065, ZL38065QC, ZL38070 Selling Leads, Datasheet
MFG:ZARLINK Package Cooled:0812+ D/C:BGA

ZL38065, ZL38065QC, ZL38070 Datasheet download
Part Number: ZL38065
Package Cooled: 0812+
MFG:ZARLINK Package Cooled:0812+ D/C:BGA
ZL38065, ZL38065QC, ZL38070 Datasheet download
Package Cooled: 0812+
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PDF/DataSheet Download
Datasheet: ZL38065
File Size: 674650 KB
Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]
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Datasheet: ZL38065QCG
File Size: 674650 KB
Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]
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PDF/DataSheet Download
Datasheet: ZL38070
File Size: 1199582 KB
Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]
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The ZL38065 Voice Echo Canceller implements a cost effective solution for telephony voice-band echo cancellation conforming to ITU-T G.168 requirements. The ZL38065 architecture contains 16 groups of two echo cancellers (ECA and ECB) which can be configured to provide two channels of 64 milliseconds or one channel of 128 milliseconds echo cancellation. This provides 32 channels of 64 milliseconds to 16 channels of 128 milliseconds echo cancellation or any combination of the two configurations. The ZL38065 supports ITU-T G.165 and G.164 tone disable requirements.
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | UNIT | |
1 | I/O Supply Voltage (VDD1) | V DD_IO | -0.5 | 5.0 | V |
2 | Core Supply Voltage (VDD2) | V DD_CORE | -0.5 | 2.5 | V |
3 | Input Voltage | VI3 | VSS - 0.5 | VDD1+0.5 | V |
4 | Input Voltage on any 5 V Tolerant I/O pins | VI5 | VSS - 0.3 | 7.0 | V |
5 | Continuous Current at digital outputs | Io | 20 | mA | |
6 | Package power dissipation | PD | 2 | W | |
7 | Storage temperature | TS | -55 | 150 |
• Independent multiple channels of echo cancellation; from 32 channels of 64 ms to 16 channels of 128 ms with the ability to mix channels at 128 ms or 64 ms in any combination
• Fully compliant to ITU-T G.165, G.168 (2000) and (2002) specifications
• Passed all AT&T voice quality tests for carrier grade echo canceller systems.
• Unparalleled in-system tunability
• Sub 50 ms initial convergence times under many typical network conditions
• Fast reconvergence on echo path changes
• Patented Advanced Non-Linear Processor with high quality subjective performance
• Superior noise matching algorithm
• PCM coding, /A-Law ITU-T G.711 or sign magnitude
• Per channel Fax/Modem G.164 2100 Hz or G.165 2100 Hz phase reversal Tone Disable
• Per channel echo canceller parameters control
• Transparent data transfer and mute
• Protection against narrow band signal divergence and instability in high echo environments
• +9 dB to -12 dB level adjusters (3 dB steps) at all signal ports
• Offset nulling of all PCM channels
• Independent Power Down mode for each group of 2 channels for power management
• Compatible to ST-BUS and GCI interface at 2 Mbps serial PCM
• 3.3 V pads and 1.8 V Logic core operation with 5 V tolerant inputs
• IEEE-1149.1 (JTAG) Test Access Port
The ZL38070 Voice Echo Canceller implements a cost effective solution for telephony voice-band echo cancellation conforming to ITU-T G.168 requirements. The ZL38070 architecture contains 128 groups of two echo cancellers (ECA and ECB) which can be configured to provide two channels of 64 milliseconds or one channel of 128 milliseconds echo cancellation. This provides 256 channels of 64 milliseconds to 128 channels of 128 milliseconds echo cancellation or any combination of the two configurations. The ZL38070 supports ITU-T G.165 and G.164 tone disable requirements.
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | UNIT | |
1 | I/O Supply Voltage (VDD1) | V DD_IO | -0.5 | 5.0 | V |
2 | Core Supply Voltage (VDD2) | V DD_CORE | -0.5 | 2.5 | V |
3 | Input Voltage | VI3 | VSS - 0.5 | VDD1+0.5 | V |
4 | Input Voltage on any 5 V Tolerant I/O pins | VI5 | VSS - 0.3 | 7.0 | V |
5 | Continuous Current at digital outputs | Io | 20 | mA | |
6 | Package power dissipation | PD | 3.0 | W | |
7 | Storage temperature | TS | -55 | 150 |
• ZL38070 has eight Echo Voice Processors in a single BGA package. This single device provides 256 channels of 64 msec echo cancellation or 128 channels at 128 msec echo cancellation
• Each Echo Voice Processor has the capability of cancelling echo over 32 channels
• Each Echo Voice Processor (EVP) shares the address bus and data bus with each other
• Fully compliant to ITU-T G.165, G.168 (2000) and (2002) specifications
• Passed all AT&T voice quality tests for carrier grade echo canceller
• Sub 50 ms initial convergence times under many typical network conditions
• Unparalleled in-system tunability
• The ZL38070 provides more than 58% board space savings when compared with eight individually packaged Echo Voice Processor devices
• Each EVP has a Patented Advanced Non-Linear Processor with high quality subjective performance
• Each EVP has protection against narrow band signal divergence and instability in high echo environments
• Each EVP can be programmed independently in any mode e.g., Back-to-Back or Extended Delay to provide capability of cancelling different echo tails
• Each EVP has +9 to -12 dB level adjusters at all signal ports (Rin, Sin, Sout and Rout)
• Parallel controller interface compatible with Motorola microcontrollers