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ZL10353QCG, ZL10355, ZL1461SA

ZL10353QCG, ZL10355, ZL1461SA Selling Leads, Datasheet

MFG:INTEL ?  Package Cooled:09+  D/C:1000

ZL10353QCG, ZL10355, ZL1461SA Picture

ZL10353QCG, ZL10355, ZL1461SA Datasheet download

Five Points

Part Number: ZL10353QCG



Package Cooled: 09+

D/C: 1000



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  • ZL10100DDB

  • Vendor: Zarlink D/C: 03+& Qty: 500 Note: NEW  Adddate: 2024-10-06
  • Inquire Now
  • Forever Technology Company   China
    Contact: Ms.CarolineLiu   MSN:yjzy-2008@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-10-82117278
    Fax: 86-10-82111860

About ZL10353QCG

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: ZL10353QCG

File Size: 462189 KB

Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]

Download : Click here to Download

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ZL10355 Suppliers

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  • ZL10100DDB

  • Vendor: Zarlink D/C: 03+& Qty: 500 Note: NEW  Adddate: 2024-10-06
  • Inquire Now
  • Forever Technology Company   China
    Contact: Ms.CarolineLiu   MSN:yjzy-2008@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-10-82117278
    Fax: 86-10-82111860

About ZL10355

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: ZL10355

File Size: 467301 KB

Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]

Download : Click here to Download

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ZL1461SA Suppliers

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  • ZL10100DDB

  • Vendor: Zarlink D/C: 03+& Qty: 500 Note: NEW  Adddate: 2024-10-06
  • Inquire Now
  • Forever Technology Company   China
    Contact: Ms.CarolineLiu   MSN:yjzy-2008@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-10-82117278
    Fax: 86-10-82111860

About ZL10036

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: ZL10036

File Size: 962479 KB

Manufacturer: ZARLINK [Zarlink Semiconductor Inc]

Download : Click here to Download

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ZL10355 General Description

The ZL10355 is a superior fourth generation fully compliant ETSI ETS300 744 COFDM demodulator that exceeds, with margin, the performance requirements of all known DVB-T digital terrestrial television standards, including Unified Nordig and DTG.

ZL10355 Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Min. Max. UNIT
Power supply VDD -0.3 +3.6 V
CVDD -0.3 +2.0 V
Voltage on input pins (5 V rated) VI -0.3 5.5 V
Voltage on input pins (3.3 V rated) VI -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
Voltage on output pins (5 V rated) VO -0.3 5.5 V
Voltage on output pins (3.3 V rated) VO -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
Storage temperature TSTG -55 150
Operating ambient temperature TOP -40 80
Junction Temperature Tj   125

Note: Stresses exceeding these listed under absolute maximum ratings may induce failure. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may reduce reliability. Functionality at or above these conditions is not implied.

ZL10355 Features

• Compliant with ETSI 300 744 DVB-T, Unified Nordig and DTG performance specifications
• High performance with fast fully blind acquisition and tracking capability
• Low power consumption: less than 0.32 W, and eco-friendly standby and sleep modes
• Digital filtering of adjacent channels
• Single 8 MHz SAW filter for 6, 7 & 8 MHz OFDM
• Superior single frequency network performance
• Fast AGC to track out signal fades
• Good Doppler tracking capability
• Enhanced frequency capture range to include triple offsets
• External 4 MHz clock or single low-cost 0.48 MHz crystal, tolerance up to +/-200 ppm
• Automatic mode (2 K/8 K), guard and spectral inversion detection
• Very low driver software overhead due to on-chip state-machine control
• Novel RF level detect facility via a separate ADC
• Pre and post Viterbi-decoder bit error rates, and uncorrectable block count

ZL10355 Typical Application

• Digital terrestrial set-top boxes
• Integrated digital televisions
• Personal video recorders
• PC-TV receivers
• Portable applications

ZL10355 Connection Diagram

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