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VES1820-DVB-C, VES1820-N70778.N1, VES1820X

VES1820-DVB-C, VES1820-N70778.N1, VES1820X Selling Leads, Datasheet

MFG:1000  Package Cooled:PHILIPS  D/C:06+

VES1820-DVB-C, VES1820-N70778.N1, VES1820X Picture

VES1820-DVB-C, VES1820-N70778.N1, VES1820X Datasheet download

Five Points

Part Number: VES1820-DVB-C


MFG: 1000

Package Cooled: PHILIPS

D/C: 06+



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  • Vendor: PHILIPS D/C: 04+& Qty: QFP/100  Adddate: 2024-10-18
  • Inquire Now
  • Walsoon Group Ltd   China
    Contact: Mr.StevenLee   MSN:steven200867@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-755-82818867-808
    Fax: 86-755-82818852

About VES1820X

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: VES1820X

File Size: 106398 KB

Manufacturer: PHILIPS [Philips Semiconductors]

Download : Click here to Download

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  • VES1820X2

  • Vendor: PHILIPS D/C: 04+& Qty: QFP/100  Adddate: 2024-10-18
  • Inquire Now
  • Walsoon Group Ltd   China
    Contact: Mr.StevenLee   MSN:steven200867@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-755-82818867-808
    Fax: 86-755-82818852

About VES1820X

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: VES1820X

File Size: 106398 KB

Manufacturer: PHILIPS [Philips Semiconductors]

Download : Click here to Download

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  • VES1820X2

  • Vendor: PHILIPS D/C: 04+& Qty: QFP/100  Adddate: 2024-10-18
  • Inquire Now
  • Walsoon Group Ltd   China
    Contact: Mr.StevenLee   MSN:steven200867@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-755-82818867-808
    Fax: 86-755-82818852
  • VES1820X2

  • Vendor: PHILIPS D/C: 04+& Qty: QFP/100  Adddate: 2024-10-18
  • Inquire Now
  • Walsoon Group Ltd   China
    Contact: Mr.StevenLee   MSN:steven200867@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-755-82818867-808
    Fax: 86-755-82818852

About VES1820X

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: VES1820X

File Size: 106398 KB

Manufacturer: PHILIPS [Philips Semiconductors]

Download : Click here to Download

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VES1820X General Description

The VES1820X is a single chip channel receiver for 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256-QAM modulated signals. The device interfaces directly to the IF signal, which is sampled by a 9-bit AD converter.

The VES1820X performs the clock and the carrier recovery functions. The digital loop filters for both clock and carrier recovery are programmable in order to optimize their characteristics according to the current application.

After base band conversion, equalization filters are used for echo cancellation in cable applications. These filters are configured as Tspaced transversal equalizer or DFE equalizer, so that the system performance can be optimized according to the network characteristics. A proprietary equalization algorithm, independent of carrier offset, is achieved in order to assist carrier recovery. Then a decision directed algorithm takes place, to achieve final equalization convergence.

The VES1820X implements a FORNEY convolutional deinterleaver of depth 12 blocks and a Reed-Solomon decoder which corrects up to 8 erroneous bytes. The deinterleaver and the RS decoder are automatically synchronized thanks to the frame synchronization algorithm which uses the MPEG2 sync byte. Finally descrambling according to DVB-C standard, is achieved at the Reed Solomon output. This device is controlled via an I2C bus.

Designed in 0.35 m CMOS technology and housed in a 100 pin MQFP package, the VES1820X operates over the commercial temperature range.

VES1820X Maximum Ratings


Min Max Unit.
Ambient operating temperature : Ta 0 70
DC supply voltageltage -0.5 + 4.1 V
DC Input voltage -0.5 VDD + 0.5 V
DC Input Current ± 20 mA
Lead Temperature ±300
Junction Temperature ±150

Stresses above the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

VES1820X Features

· 16/32/64/128/256 QAM demodulator (DVB-C compatible : ETS 300-429).
· On chip 9-bit ADC.
· On chip PLL for crystal frequency multiplication.
· Digital down conversion.
· Half Nyquist filters (roll off = 15 %).
· Automatic gain control PWM output (AGC).
· Symbol timing recovery, with programmable second order loop filter.
· Variable symbol rate capability from SACLK/64 to SACLK/4 (SACLK max = 36 MHz)
· Programmable anti-aliasing filters.
· Full digital carrier recovery loop.
· Carrier acquisition range up to 8 % of symbol rate.
· Integrated adaptative equalizer (Linear Transversal Equalizer or Decision Feedback Equalizer).
· On chip FEC decoder (Deinterleaver & RS decoder), full DVB-C compliant.
· DVB compatible differential decoding and mapping.
· Parallel or serial transport stream interface.
· I2C bus interface, for easy control.
· CMOS 0.35mm technology.

VES1820X Typical Application

· DVB-C fully compatible.
· Digital data transmission using QAM modulations.
· Cable demodulation.
· Cable modems
· MMDS (ETS 300-429).

VES1820X Connection Diagram

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