Low Cost Custom Prototype PCB Manufacturer

Remote Control Circuit

Index 33

Sequential timer circuit

Published:2011/4/1 1:48:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: sequential timer

Sequential timer circuit
Sequential timer circuit

The 556 double timer transports the first half to the latter half by 0.001μF coupling capacitance, giving a total delay which is equal to the sum of single delay. The moment of 6-pin grounding can start the first half of timer. After determining the time interval by 1.1R1C1, the second timer starts delaying, the value is decided by 1.1R2C2.   (View)

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Electronic clock improvement circuit diagram

Published:2011/4/2 2:16:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: Electronic clock

Electronic clock improvement circuit diagram

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Short-circuit protector with relay

Published:2011/4/2 2:19:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: short-circuit protector, relay

Short-circuit protector with relay

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High power DC motor speed control circuit

Published:2011/4/2 2:22:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: motor speed control

High power DC motor speed control circuit

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Electric fan stepless speed regulation circuit

Published:2011/4/2 2:29:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: electric fan, stepless speed regulation

Electric fan stepless speed regulation circuit

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Y982 electric heater temperature control circuit

Published:2011/4/2 2:34:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: electric heater, temperature control

Y982 electric heater temperature control circuit
Y982 electric heater temperature control circuit


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Typical application circuit of ZN1034E long delay control integrated circuit

Published:2011/4/2 2:51:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: control integrated circuit

Typical application circuit of ZN1034E long delay control integrated circuit
The RT in figure can be chosen between 5kΩ~5MΩ. Considering operate easily and linearity, it is better to choose 250kΩ~1MΩ. The preferred value of CT is over 0.01pF, and the minimum value should not lower than 3 900pF according to the manufacturer's recommendations.   (View)

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Typical application circuit of U2403B constant source charging timer

Published:2011/4/2 2:55:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: constant source, charging timer

Typical application circuit of U2403B constant source charging timer

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Long pulse timer circuit

Published:2011/4/2 3:17:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: timer

Long pulse timer circuit
This timer circuit can provide 20min counting time delay. It is a normal decline oscillator with FET current source. Resistance R1 provides reverse migration to the door of JFET transform into power supply. It colses JFET and delays the charging time of C1. C1 is a low drain capacitance similar to polyester resin.   (View)

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MA21 miniature electronic governor circuit

Published:2011/4/2 3:42:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: electronic governor

MA21 miniature electronic governor circuit

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Typical application circuit of S1633A Ni-Cd battery charge control integrated circuit

Published:2011/4/2 3:45:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: Ni-Cd battery, charge control, integrated circuit

Typical application circuit of S1633A Ni-Cd battery charge control integrated circuit

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Typical application circuit of RS6445C long-time timing integrated circuit

Published:2011/4/2 3:53:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: long-time timing, integrated circuit

Typical application circuit of RS6445C long-time timing integrated circuit
The timing time in figure is decided by timing R.C components R, C and 4, 5 pins preset level B, A. The value of timing time T=2/3•1024•N•R•C is determined by A, B, in theory.   (View)

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Speed regulation circuit with integrated trigger KC04

Published:2011/4/2 3:56:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: speed regulation, integrated trigger

Speed regulation circuit with integrated trigger KC04

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Kind of KV protection circuit

Published:2011/4/2 3:57:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: KV protection

Kind of KV protection circuit

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Single on-off timing control application circuit composed of MC14541 special timing integrated circuit

Published:2011/4/2 4:10:00 Author:Nicole | Keyword: on-off timing, special timing, integrated circuit

Single on-off timing control application circuit composed of MC14541 special timing integrated circuit
MC14541 is a programmable timing special IC. The timing time of this circuit is 3 hours, you can through selecting RTc、CTc、Rs to choose the time of required control power on-off.   (View)

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Pulse width regulator circuit

Published:2011/3/22 22:43:00 Author:Jessie | Keyword: pulse, width regulator

Pulse width regulator circuit

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Adjustable relay delay switch circuit

Published:2011/3/22 22:44:00 Author:Jessie | Keyword: relay, delay, switch

Adjustable relay delay switch circuit
Technical characteristicsWorking voltage: 10~16 VSwitch power: ~ 2kVARepeat preparation time: < 250ms   (View)

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Tianyi AD-5100 amplifier remote control circuit

Published:2011/3/21 0:57:00 Author:may | Keyword: Tianyi, amplifier remote control

Tianyi AD-5100 amplifier remote control circuit

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μPC1373H application circuit

Published:2011/3/28 22:02:00 Author:may

μPC1373H application circuit
μPC1373H application circuit is shown in the diagram:   (View)

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Fan speed control circuit with remote control

Published:2011/3/21 1:38:00 Author:Allen | Keyword: Fan speed control, remote control

Fan speed control circuit with remote control

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