Features: * 80C52 core with 16 kbyte ROM and 256 byte RAM* Extra 1 kbyte RAM outside the core for data storage* Control and communication through a standard RS232 full duplex interface or a parallel interface* Specific ISO 7816 UART with parallel access on I/O for automatic convention processing, ...
TDA8006: Features: * 80C52 core with 16 kbyte ROM and 256 byte RAM* Extra 1 kbyte RAM outside the core for data storage* Control and communication through a standard RS232 full duplex interface or a parallel...
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* 80C52 core with 16 kbyte ROM and 256 byte RAM
* Extra 1 kbyte RAM outside the core for data storage
* Control and communication through a standard RS232 full duplex interface or a parallel interface
* Specific ISO 7816 UART with parallel access on I/O for automatic convention processing, variable baud rate through frequency or division ratio programming, error management at character level for T = 0, extra guard time register
* VCC generation(5 V ±5%or3 V ±5%,65 mA maximum with controlled rise and fall times)
* Card clock generation (up to 10 MHz) with two times synchronous frequency doubling
* CardclockSTOPHIGH,clockSTOPLOWor1.25 MHz (from internal oscillator) for card power-down mode
* CLKOUToutputforclockingexternaldeviceswitheither fxtal, 1/2fxtal or 1/4fxtal
* Automaticactivationanddeactivationsequencethrough an independent sequencer
* SupportstheasynchronousprotocolsT = 0andT = 1in accordance with ISO 7816, Europay, Mastercard and Visa (EMV)
* Supports synchronous cards
* Short circuit current limiting
* Special circuitry for killing spikes during power-on or off
* Supply supervisor for power-on/off reset
* Step-up converter (supply voltage from 4.2 to 6 V)
* Power-down and sleep mode for low power consumption
* Enhanced ESD protection on card side (6 kV minimum)
* Software library for easy integration within the application.
It is assumed that the reader of this data sheet is familiar with ISO 7816.
TheTDA8006iscontrolledeitherthroughastandardserial interface or a parallel bus, it takes care of all ISO 7816,
EMV and GSM11.11 requirements. It gives the card and the set a very high level of security due to its special hardware against ESD, short circuit, power failure, etc.
Its integrated step-up converter allows operation within a supply voltage range of 4.2 to 6 V.
A specialversionoftheTDA8006isavailablewhichhasits internal connections to the controller accessible through external pins. This allows easy development and evaluationwhenusedwitha80CL580microcontrollerora development tool. An emulation board is available.
A software library has been developed, taking care of all actions required for T = 0, T = 1 and synchronous protocols. This library may be either linked with the application software before masking, or masked in the internal ROM (see "Application Note AN98106").