
PinoutSpecifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit VS Supply Voltage 52 V VD;VOUT-UP Output Negative Voltage DC -1.3 V VD Output Negative Voltage peak at t= 0.1s f = 100KHz -5V V VOUT-DOWN Output PositiveVoltage DC VS + 1.3 V Output PositiveVoltage peak at t = 0.1s...

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L6213 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004389238 Detail

L6213: PinoutSpecifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit VS Supply Voltage 52 V VD;VOUT-UP Output Negative Voltage DC -1.3 V VD Output Negative Voltage peak at t= 0.1s f = 100KHz -5...

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Product Details



  Connection Diagram


Symbol Parameter Value Unit
VS Supply Voltage 52 V
VD;VOUT-UP Output Negative Voltage DC -1.3 V
VD Output Negative Voltage peak at t= 0.1s f = 100KHz -5V V
VOUT-DOWN Output PositiveVoltage DC VS + 1.3 V
Output PositiveVoltage peak at t = 0.1s f = 25KHz VS +5 V
VOUT-UP Output Negative Voltage peak at t= 0.1s f = 25KHz -5 V
PFP Input Voltage 25 V
VO, Enable
Input Voltage 7 V
Reset, PF Output Voltage 20 V
CD, ISTP Input Voltage 5.5 V
Output Current DC= 10% TON = 3.5ms 5.5 A
Tstg Storage Temperature 50 to 150 °C


The L6213 is an ICcontaininga S.M.P.S.deliver- ing 1A at a voltageof 5V and a section designed todrive a solenoidwith acurrentup to5A.

The L6213 is realized in BCD mixed technology, which combines isolated DMOS power transistor withCMOSand Bipolarcircuits on thesamechip.

TheSMPSsection candeliver1A DCwith anout- put voltage of 5V, including current limiting, reset and power fail for microprocessor and thermal protection.

The solenoid driver section is designed for high current applications like hammer driver in elec- tronictypewriter.

Thesolenoidoutputsectioncontainsa highsideand a low side DMOS, which RDS ON are optimized for highside chopping.The current rising slopeisexter- nallyprogrammablethroughanexternalcapacitor.

The level of hysteresis of the current can be changedthroughan externalresistor.

The L6213 is supplied in Powerdip 16+2+2, and use the four center pins to conduct heat to the printedcircuit.

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