
Features: ·3.3V single supply operation·On-chip Encoder and Dual Decoder·Small footprint available in 32-pin plastic·TQFP package·Less than 0.5W maximum power dissipation·6 mm x 6 mm 40-pin plastic chip-scale package option·Military processing optionsPinoutSpecifications Supply voltage(VDD) ...

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HI-1575 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004362302 Detail

HI-1575: Features: ·3.3V single supply operation·On-chip Encoder and Dual Decoder·Small footprint available in 32-pin plastic·TQFP package·Less than 0.5W maximum power dissipation·6 mm x 6 mm 40-pin plastic ...

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Product Details



·3.3V single supply operation
·On-chip Encoder and Dual Decoder
·Small footprint available in 32-pin plastic
·TQFP package
·Less than 0.5W maximum power dissipation
·6 mm x 6 mm 40-pin plastic chip-scale package option
·Military processing options


  Connection Diagram


Supply voltage(VDD) -0.3 V to +5 V
Logic input voltage range -0.3 V DC to +3.6 V
Receiver differential voltage +/- 10 Vp-p
Driver peak output current +1.0 A
Power dissipation at 25 1.0 W
Solder Temperature 275 for 10 sec.
Junction Temperature 175
Storage Temperature -65 to +150


The HI-1575 is a low power CMOS dual transceiver with on-chip Manchester II Encoder and dual Decoder designed to meet the requirements of the MIL-STD-1553 Specification. The part act as a "Smart Transceiver", allowing users to transmit and receive properly encoded MIL-STD-1553 Command and Data words between a 16-bit host processor and dual MIL-STD-1553 data buses.

A single write cycle is used to transfer a word to the HI-1575, which encodes the data, adds the selected Sync and Parity bits, and transmits the word on the chosen MIL-STD-1553 data bus. Complete MIL-STD-1553 messages may be transmitted by executing multiple write cycles to the device.

Activity on both MIL-STD-1553 data buses is continuously monitored. When the HI-1575 detects a properly encoded word, a hardware interrupt is generated and the information is decoded and stored in one of two internal registers, which may then be read by the host processor. Bits in the internal Status & Mode Register indicate on which bus the word was received and whether the word had a Data or Command Sync.

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