Features: High performance- Access times as fast as 70 ns CMOS low power consumption- 30 mA maximum active current- 100 µA maximum standby current- No data retention power consumption Compatible with JEDEC-standard byte-wide 32-pin EPROM pinouts- 32-pin PDIP- 32-pin PLCC- 32-pin TSOP 100,000...
AM28F020A-200JC: Features: High performance- Access times as fast as 70 ns CMOS low power consumption- 30 mA maximum active current- 100 µA maximum standby current- No data retention power consumption Compatib...
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DescriptionThe AM28F010-120EI/T is one member of the AT28C010 family which is designed as the elec...
PinoutDescriptionThe AM28F010-120JC is designed as one kind of 1M Kilobit (128 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12....
The AM28F020A-200JC is a 2 Megabit Flash memory orga-nized as 256 Kbytes of 8 bits each. AMD's Flash mem-ories offer the most cost-effective and reliable read/write non-volatile random access memory. TheAm28F020A is packaged in 32-pin PDIP, PLCC, andTSOP versions. It is designed to be reprogrammed anderased in-system or in standard EPROM programmers.The Am28F020A is erased when shipped fromthe factory.
The standard AM28F020A-200JC offers access times of asfast as 70 ns, allowing high speed microprocessors tooperate without wait states. To eliminate bus conten-tion, the device has separate chip enable (CE#) andoutput enable (OE#) controls.AMD's Flash memories augment EPROM functionalitywith in-circuit electrical erasure and programming. TheAm28F020A uses a command register to manage thisfunctionality. The command register allows for 100%TTL level control inputs and fixed power supply levelsduring erase and programming, while maintainingmaximum EPROM compatibility.
The AM28F020A-200JC is compatible with the AMDAm28F256A, Am28F512A, and Am28F010A Flashmemories. All devices in the Am28Fxxx family followthe JEDEC 32-pin pinout standard. In addition, alldevices within this family that offer Embedded Algo-rithms use the same command set. This offersdesigners the flexibility to retain the same device foot-
print and command set, at any density between256 Kbits and 2 Mbits.
AMD's Flash technology reliably stores memory con-tents even after 100,000 erase and program cycles.The AMD cell is designed to optimize the erase andprogramming mechanisms. In addition, the combina-tion of advanced tunneloxide processing and lowinternal electric fields for erase and programming oper-ations produces reliablecycling. The AM28F020A-200JC usesa 12.0±5% VPP supply input to perform the erase andprogramming functions.
The highest degree of latch-up protection is achievedwith AMD's proprietary non-epi process. Latch-up pro-tection is provided for stresses up to 100 mA onaddress and data pins from 1 V to VCC +1 V.
AMD's Flash technology combines years of EPROMand EEPROM experience to produce the highest levelsof quality, reliability, and cost effectiveness. TheAm28F020A electrically erases all bits simultaneouslyusing Fowler-Nordheim tunneling. The bytes areprogrammed one byte at a time using the EPROMprogramming mechanism of hot electron injection.