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Circuit Diagram

Index 1771

The chat transfer device of collinear phones (2)

Published:2011/6/10 1:10:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: chat transfer, collinear phones

The chat transfer device of collinear phones (2)

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The circuit of a new type of electric mouse killer

Published:2011/6/10 1:27:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: electric mouse killer

It is said that mice are sensitive to magnetic field, which is why common high-voltage girds have bad effects on killing mice. The mice killer in the text has no high voltage ordinarily, so it won't cause the warning of mice, however, once mice touched the grid, the grid would generates a high voltage and kill the mice quickly. See as the figure, 1B is a separating and boost transformer. As the grid takes the earth as a pole, to prevent the mains protector from mistaking actions, the transformer is separated from the mains circuit.   (View)

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The portable phone wire distributor

Published:2011/6/10 1:19:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: phone wire, distributor

The portable phone wire distributor
MCK100   (View)

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The principle diagram of IC reader/writer

Published:2011/6/10 1:11:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: principle diagram, IC reader/writer

This is a IC card and its reader/writer circuit, in which the reader/writer consists of a MPU, key board, display, supervision circuit and so on. The IC card is X76F100Y of XICOR. 2.1 the IC and its connectorX76F100 is a secure series FLASH E2PROM of 128*8 bit, of which either of the reader code and encoder code is 64 bit. The package pin of the smart card is as shown in Figure 2. The chip is packaged on a card, and the card is inserted into the connector of the IC reader, then the reader/writer and fulfills functions of encodeing, checking, saving,withdrawing and so on.   (View)

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The MP3 hardware principle circuit (10)

Published:2011/6/10 1:12:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: hardware, principle circuit

The MP3 hardware principle circuit (10)

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The MP3 hardware principle circuit (09)

Published:2011/6/10 1:13:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: principle circuit

The MP3 hardware principle circuit (09)

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The MP3 hardware principle circuit (08)

Published:2011/6/10 1:20:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: principle circuit

The MP3 hardware principle circuit (08)

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The MP3 hardware principle circuit (06)

Published:2011/6/10 1:20:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: principle circuit

The MP3 hardware principle circuit (06)

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The MP3 hardware principle circuit (05)

Published:2011/6/10 1:22:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: MP3 hardware

The MP3 hardware principle circuit (05)

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the MP3 circuit(2)

Published:2011/6/10 1:22:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: MP3 circuit

the MP3 circuit(2)

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The Aiwa walkman hs-rx 108 circuit

Published:2011/6/10 1:26:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: Aiwa walkman

The Aiwa walkman hs-rx 108 circuit

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The massager circuit of SCH

Published:2011/6/10 1:27:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: massager circuit

The massager circuit of SCH   (View)

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The USB multi-media of 2.5W+2.5W

Published:2011/6/10 1:28:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: USB multi-media

Brief description: it doesn't need an external power supply or a sound card, and the cost is 20 yuan.   (View)

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The common sound circuit of color TV: TDA7057

Published:2011/6/10 1:29:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: sound circuit

Pin functions and reference voltage of TDA7057: 1-pin:0~1v----DC sound volume control 12-pin:0v----empty3-pin:2v----input 14-pin:19v----power supply5-pin:2v----input 26-pin:0v----signal GND7-pin:0~1v--DC sound volume control 28-pin:8.6v----positive output 29-pin:0v----power amplifier GND 210-pin:8.6v----negative output 111-pin:8.6v----negative output 212-pin:0v----power amplifier GND13-pin:8.6v----positive output 1   (View)

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The common sound circuit of color TV: TDA2009

Published:2011/6/10 1:29:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: sound circuit, color TV

TDA2009I-pin:1.2v----left channel input; 2-pin:0.8v----left channel feedback; 3-pin:12v----mute/noisy;4-pin:0.8v----right channel feedback; 5-pin:1.2v----right channel feedback; 6-pin:0v----ground; 7-pin:0v----empty; 8-pin:12.4v----right channel output; 9-pin:24v----power supply; 10-pin:12.4v----left channel output;11-pin:----   (View)

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The common sound circuit of color TV: TDA1521

Published:2011/6/10 1:30:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: sound circuit

This circuit is from Changhong C2191, which is of OTL dual-channel connectionPin functions and reference voltage of TDA1521:1-pin:11v----backward input(L channel signal input);2-pin:11v----forward input 1;3-pin:11v----reference 1(it's 0v when it is in OCL connection, and it's 1/2Vcc when it's in OTL connection );4-pin:11v----ouput 1(L channel signal output);5-pin:0v----negative power supply input(it connects with the earth when it is in OTL connection ); 6-pin:11v----output 2(R channel signal output);7-pin:22v----positive power supply input; 8-pin:11v----positive input   (View)

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The common sound circuit of color TV: TDA1013B

Published:2011/6/10 1:30:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: sound circuit

Pin functions and reference voltage of TDA10131-pin:0v----earth;2-pin:7.7v----sound output; 3-pin:16v----power supply; 4-pin:13.5v----power supply; 5-pin:0.3v----power supply; 6-pin:6.7v----pre-output; 7-pin:2.8v----sound volume control; 8-pin:1.9v----audio input; 9-pin:0v----earth   (View)

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The common sound circuit of color TV: TA8218AH

Published:2011/6/10 1:31:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: sound circuit, color TV

Pin functions and reference voltage of TA8218AH1-pin:1.9v----backward input terminal; 2-pin:3-pin:0v----earth; 4-pin:1.9v----backward input terminal;5-pin:2.1v----heavy low-frequency audio signal input;6-pin:2.1v----L channel audio signal input;7-pin:1.9v----backward input terminal;8-pin:8.9v----filter;9-pin:26v----power supply; 10-pin:13v----L channel audio signal output; 11-pin:4.7v----mute;12-pin:4.5v----empty;13-pin:0v----earth; 14-pin:13v----heavy low-frequency audio signal output   (View)

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Sound circuit: AN5265

Published:2011/6/10 1:32:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: Sound circuit

Pin functions and reference voltage of AN52651-pin:12V----pre-stage power supply; 2-pin:5v----audio signal input terminal;3-pin:0v----mute control terminal(it's mute when it is in a high LEV);4-pin:0.1V----input terminal of sound volume control voltage;5-pin:7v----wave filter; 6-pin:7.4v----negative feedback input pole; 7-pin:0v----earth; 8-pin:7.5v---- the output pole of power amplifier; 9-pin:15-----power supply of power amplifier   (View)

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The dual sound door bell without battery

Published:2011/6/10 1:32:00 Author:Seven | Keyword: door bell

47.The dual sound door bell without batteryAs the popularity rate of phones is higher and higher, more and more homes have domestic phones, however, usage rate is low, therefore, it's economic to use the 48v(60v) DC current of phones as the working energy. Now we introduce a dual sound door bell without battery, the circuit principle is shown in the figure. From the figure, we can see that the circuit is changed from the common circuits of phone rings. a and b are the positive and negative poles of phone wires, respectively.   (View)

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