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Index 114

Multipurpose fan with music and colored lamp control circuit (PT2127)

Published:2011/9/14 6:35:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Multipurpose, fan, colored lamp, control

Multipurpose fan with music and colored lamp control circuit (PT2127)

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Multipurpose fan with wave sound control circuit (WT8101)

Published:2011/9/14 6:41:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Multipurpose, fan, wave sound, control

Multipurpose fan with wave sound control circuit (WT8101)
As shown in the circuit, its core component is the integrated circuit WT8101 which is especially used by fans.   (View)

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Single-phase motor winding series and parallel of three-speed circuit

Published:2011/9/14 7:01:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Single-phase, motor, winding, series and parallel, Three-Speed

Single-phase motor winding series and parallel of three-speed circuit
The speed regulation method shown in the pictureis comparetively new. It has so many advantages, such as the wide speed regulation range, large low-speed startup torque. It also saves a reactor, which makes the cost of motor lower. It has been applied to the motor of the fan which is called energy efficient fan.   (View)

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Single-phase motor winding tap speed regulating circuit

Published:2011/9/14 6:47:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Single-phase, motor, winding, tap, speed regulating

Single-phase motor winding tap speed regulating circuit

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Multi-point control motor brake circuit

Published:2011/9/14 6:45:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Multi-point control, motor, brake

Multi-point control motor brake circuit

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Ceiling fan with speed regulating indicator light circuit

Published:2011/9/14 9:49:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Ceiling fan, speed regulating, indicator light

Ceiling fan with speed regulating indicator light circuit
Adding a working indicator light to the ordinary ceiling fan not only can display the speed regulating gears, but also can provide the weak light illumination for the room, as shown in the picture. L is the inductance coil; SA is the speed regulating switch; “1”~“5” are the air-speed gears; off means stop. H is the speed regulating indicator light, which is going to be added. It is the small light with 0.3A/6.3V, which can be added by serial connecting to the input.   (View)

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Single-phase shading coil type motor reactive resistance speed regulating circuit

Published:2011/9/13 23:57:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Single-phase, shading coil type, reactive resistance, speed regulating

Single-phase shading coil type motor reactive resistance speed regulating circuit
As the picture shown, the reactive resistance is in series of motor, adjusting the regulating switch SA. When the key of “fast” is touched, the reactive resistance is not connected, and then the motor operates at full voltage, so the speed is the fastest; When the key “middle” is touched, some inductance coil will be serial, so the speed is intermediate; when the key of “slow” is touched, all the L coils are connected to the stator winding, so the speed of the motor is slowest.   (View)

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Single-phase shading coil type motor reactive resistance speed regulating circuit with indicator lamp

Published:2011/9/14 Author:nelly | Keyword: Single-phase, shading coil type, reactive resistance, speed regulating, indicator lamp

Single-phase shading coil type motor reactive resistance speed regulating circuit with indicator lamp

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Single-phase shaded pole winding tap speed regulating circuit

Published:2011/9/14 0:18:00 Author:nelly

Single-phase shaded pole winding tap speed regulating circuit

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Single-phase motor auto main and auxiliary winding voltage reducing and speed regulating circuit

Published:2011/9/14 0:24:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Single-phase, auto, winding, voltagereducing, speed regulating

Single-phase motor auto main and auxiliary winding voltage reducing and speed regulating circuit

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Sub-ultrasonic fan speed regulating controller circuit

Published:2011/9/13 8:36:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Sub-ultrasonic, fan, speed regulating, controller

Sub-ultrasonic fan speed regulating controller circuit
Sub-ultrasonic fan speed regulating controller can control the switch and speed of the fan, and it also can control the other appliances. The emitting end applies the sub-ultrasonic emitter, which is the main feature of this device. It also has no limitation about direction, and it is durable and do not need power source. The sub-ultrasonic received by the piezoelectric buzzer is amplified by V1, frequency selected by L, C4, and then amplified by V2m. it outputs pulse. You can mold the emitter when operating. The collector V2 will output a positive pulse triggering signal which is counted by the decimalism counter CD4017. It applies the Q1, Q2, Q3 gears of CD4017.   (View)

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8-channel capacitive touch sensing key application

Published:2011/9/13 8:49:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: 8-channel, capacitive, touch sensing, key

8-channel capacitive touch sensing key application
TTP226 is a capacitive touch sensing IC with low cost and high stability, providing eight sensing electrodes. It can replace the traditional direct button with fixed size. It has three ways, such as direct output, matrix output and serial output. It is ideal for different kind of consumer electronics and appliances, such as MP3,MP4,PDA, digital photo frame, DVR and so on. The sensing button in the application of DC and AC has the below characteristics: low power consumption, wide working voltage and high sensing distance.   (View)

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Several motors winding serial energized dry circuit

Published:2011/9/14 7:51:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: motor, winding, serial energized, dry

Several motors winding serial energized dry circuit
Ifthereareseveralsimilarorclosemotors,wecanmakeallthewindingsserialaccordingtothepicture,andthenweusethewoodblocktoholdtherotor,sotherotorcannotmovearound.Last,theswitchcanbeclosedtobeenergizedandheated.Weshouldobservethevalueofcurrentbytheammeter.Thesmallestcapacitanceshouldbe70%~80%ofthemotorratedcurrent.Ifthecurrentistoolarge,moremotors canbeseriallyconnected;ifthecurrentistoosmall,themotorscanbereduced.Thedryingrequirementcanbemetforseventoeighthoursofenergization.   (View)

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Several motors self-excitation brake circuit

Published:2011/9/14 7:53:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: motor, self-excitation, brake

Several motors self-excitation brake circuit

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Doppler effect and illumination double-control automatic gate socket outlet circuit(RD627)

Published:2011/9/14 9:01:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Doppler effect, illumination, double-control, socket outlet

Doppler effect and illumination double-control automatic gate socket outlet circuit(RD627)
Asshowninthepicture,itiscomposedofDopplereffectsensinghead,lightcontrolswitch,monostabletrigger,SCRcontrolcircuit,musicsoundercircuit,ACvoltagereductionrectifiercircuitandsoon.Whenvehiclesandpeoplearenearthegate,thedoorwillopenautomatically;meanwhile,amelodiousmusicwillbeplayed.   (View)

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Doppler effect and illumination double-control automatic gate socket outlet circuit

Published:2011/9/14 8:56:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Doppler effect, illumination, double-control, automatic gate, socket outlet

Doppler effect and illumination double-control automatic gate socket outlet circuit
Asshowninthepicture,itiscomposedofDopplereffectsensinghead,lightcontrolswitch,monostabletrigger,SCRcontrolcircuit,musicsoundercircuit,ACvoltagereductionrectifiercircuitandsoon.Whenvehiclesandpeoplearenearthegate,thedoorwillopenautomatically;meanwhile,amelodiousmusicwillbeplayed.   (View)

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Valve open and close control circuit

Published:2011/9/14 7:57:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Valve, open and close, control

Valve open and close control circuit
The circuit shown in the picture is powered by the motor and driven by the machine, thus the open and close of the valve can be implemented.   (View)

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High material place and large power auto control circuit

Published:2011/9/14 9:09:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: material place, large power, auto control

High material place and large power auto control circuit
High material place and large power auto control circuit
High material place and large power auto control circuit

As shown in the circuit, it is composed of the piezoelectric material place sensor, relay control machine circuit, double chime bell sounder circuit and the three phase machine. This is a circuit used to control the three phase machine to the material storage pot. IC applies the piezoelectric material place sensor integrated circuit.   (View)

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Spring timer ordinary double-tube washing machine circuit

Published:2011/9/14 8:42:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: Spring timer, double-tube, washing machine

Spring timer ordinary double-tube washing machine circuit
KT1 is the dewatering timer, and M1 is the dewatering tube motor. SP is the safety switch placed on the dewatering tube lid. KT2 is the washing timer, which is also controlled by spring. SA is the selective switch of washing method, and M2 is the washing motor.   (View)

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High-speed monostable circuit Two

Published:2011/9/14 8:01:00 Author:nelly | Keyword: High-speed, monostable

High-speed monostable circuit Two

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