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Pack:TO220/3 D/C:03+ Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG VLDO 1.5A 8.5V TO-220The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D2PAK packages and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications....
Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG LDO 1.5A 5V TO-220The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D2PAK packages and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications....
Mfg:STMICROELECTRONICSSEMI Pack:DIP/SOP D/C:08+ Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG LDO 1.5A 12V TO-220The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D2PAK packages and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications....
Mfg:TO220CUWireonCU Pack:7850 D/C:ST Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG VLDO 1.5A 10V TO-220The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D2PAK packages and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications....
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220, TO-220FP and D2PAK packages and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications....
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4940 series of three terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220 and D2PAK package and with several fixed output voltages, making it useful in a wide range of industrial and consumer applications. Thanks to...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L493GT is a cylindrical led lamps.The high efficiency red source color devices are made with gallium arsenide phosphide on gallium phosphide orange light emitteing diode.The green source color devices are made with g...
Mfg:ST Pack:SOP Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC VREG MULTIFUNCT DUAL PSO-20The L4938Nis a monolithic integrateddual voltage regulatorswith twoverylowdropoutoutputsandadditional functions such as power-on reset and input voltagesense.L4938N are designedfor supplyingmicrocomputer controlled syste...
Mfg:ST Pack:SOP Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC VREG MULTIFUNCT DUAL SO-20The L4938N is a monolithic integrateddual voltage regulatorswith twoverylowdropoutoutputsandadditional functions such as power-on reset and input voltagesense. L4938N are designedfor supplyingmicrocomputer controlled sys...
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4938N is a monolithic integrateddual voltage regulatorswith twoverylowdropoutoutputsandadditional functions such as power-on reset and input voltagesense.L4938N are designedfor supplyingmicrocomputer controlled sys...
Mfg:ST Pack:SMD Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC VREG ADVANCED DUAL PSO-20The L4938E/ED/EPD is a monolithic integrated dual voltage regulator with two very low dropout outputs and additional functions as power-on reset and input voltage sense. The L4938E/ED/EPD is designed for supplying the m...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4937NPDis a monolithic integrateddual voltage regulators with two very low dropout outputs andadditionalfunctionssuchas power-onresetand input voltage sense. L4937NPD is designed for supplying microcomputer controll...
Mfg:STM Pack:TO220-7 D/C:98+ Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG DUAL MULTI HEPTAWATT7The L4937Nis a monolithic integrated dual voltageRegulatorswithtwoverylowdropoutoutputsandadditional functionssuch as power-on reset and input voltage sense. L4937N is designed for supplying microcomputer controlled syst...
Mfg:ST Pack:ZIP-15 D/C:05+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL4936N/NH are monolithic integrateddual voltage regulators with two very low dropout outputs and additionalfunctionssuchas power-onresetand input voltage sense. L4936NH are designed for supplying microcomputer control...
Mfg:STM Pack:ZIP D/C:02+ Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG DUAL MULTI MULTIWATT11TheL4936N/NHare monolithic integrateddual voltage regulators with two very low dropout outputs and additionalfunctionssuchas power-onresetand input voltage sense. L4936N are designed for supplying microcomputer controlle...
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP Vendor:STMicroelectronics Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)
IC REG LDO DL 5V/ADV 11MULTIWATTThe L4936E is a monolithic integrated dual voltage regulator with two very low dropout outputs and additional functions as power-on reset and input voltage sense. L4936E is designed for supplying the microcomputer contr...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current make L493...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931CV12 series are very low drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 package and in a wide range of output voltages.The L4931CV12 belongs to L4931 series.
Features of the L4931CV12 are:(1)ve...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current make L4931...
Mfg:SGSTHOMSON Pack:DIP/SOP D/C:08+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current makeL4931 ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current make them ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current make them ...
Mfg:ST Pack:TO-220 D/C:00+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L4931 series are very Low Drop regulators available in TO-220, SO-8, DPAK, PPAK and TO-92 packages and in a wide range of output voltages.The very Low Drop voltage (0.4V) and the very low quiescent current make L4931...
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP8 D/C:04+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL4920andL4921 are adjustable voltageregu- latorswithaverylowvoltagedrop(0.4Vtyp.at0.4A Tj=25),lowquiescentcurrentandcomprehen- siveon-chipprotection.TheL4920andL4921 are protectedagainstloaddumpand fielddecaytransient...
Mfg:STM Pack:TO220/5 D/C:04+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL4920andL4921 are adjustablevoltageregu- latorswithaverylowvoltagedrop(0.4Vtyp.at0.4A Tj=25),lowquiescentcurrentandcomprehen- siveon-chipprotection.TheL4920andL4921 are protectedagainstloaddumpand fielddecaytransients...
Mfg:STM Pack:TO220-5 D/C:04+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL4918combinesbothafilterandavoltageregu- latorinordertoprovideahighripplerejectionovera widerinputvoltagerange.Asupervisorlow-passloopoftheelementprevents the output transistor(L4918 )from saturation atlowinputvol ta...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L487 has 7 features.The first one is precise output voltage(5V±4%).The second one is very low dropout voltage.The third one is output current in excess of 500mA.The fourth one is power-on,power-off information(reset ...
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL484isanintegratedcircuitdesignedforuse withanNPNdarlingtoninbreakerlessignitionsy- stemswithmagneticpickupsensorsandhighener- gyignitioncoils.AkeyfeatureoftheL484isflexibility.Itcanbeused withawidevarietyofmagneticse...
Mfg:STM D/C:04+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL482isanintegratedcircuitdesignedforuse withanNPNdarlingtoninbreakerlessignitionsy- stemswithhall-effectpickupsensorsandhighener- gyignitioncoils.Itcontrolstheenergystoredintheignitioncoiland thedesaturationtimeofthe...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheLM4782 is a threechannelaudioamplifiercapableof typicallydelivering25Wperchannelofcontinuousaverage outputpowerintoan8 loadwithlessthan0.5%THD+N from20Hz-20kHz.TheLM4782 is fullyprotectedutilizingNational!sSelfPea p...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:CHINA Pack:TO92 D/C:06+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L432 is a three-terminal adjustable shunt regulator utilizing an accurate 1.24V band gap reference. The output voltage can be set to any value between 1.24V (VREF ) to 18V with two external resistors as shown in ...
Mfg:500 Pack:IXYS Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:500 Pack:IXYS Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L393DT is a kind of silicon monolithic integrated circuit.
There are some features of L393DT as follows: (1)operating temperature range 0 to 70 (commercial grade); (2)open collector output stage; (3)single supply or...
Mfg:80 Pack:ST Vendor:Other Category:Other
L3936A consists of the speech and the dialer. L3936A provides the DC line interface circuit that terminates the telephone line, analog amplifier for speech transmission and necessary signals for either DTMF or loop disco...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
L3926A consists of the speech and the dialer.L3926A provides the DC line interface circuit that terminates the telephone line, analog amplifier for speech transmission and necessary signals for either DTMF or loop discon...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:ST Pack:SOP Vendor:Other Category:Other
L3916A consistsofthespeechandthedialer. L3916A provides the DClineinterfacecircuitthattermi- atesthetelephoneline,analogamplifierfor peechtransmissionandnecessarysignalsfor itherDTMForloopdisconnect(pulse)dialing.
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The UTC L388 12 contains all the necessary circuitry, amplifiers, detectors, comparators and control functions to implement a high performance, voice-switched, "hands-free"function in an answering machine. The UTC ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:ST Pack:SOP Vendor:Other Category:Other
ThecircuitprovidesDCloopterminationforana- ogtrunklines.TheV-Icharacteristicsisequivalenttoafixed oltagedrop(zenerlikecharacteristic)inseries i hanexternalresistancethatdeterminesthe lopeoftheDCcharacteristic. Anexternal...
Mfg:. Pack:. D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
The Orange source color devices L-383EDT are made with Gallium Arsenide Phosphide on Gallium Phosphide Orange Light Emitting Diode.
Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:500 Pack:IXYS Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:500 Pack:IXYS Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L34SF4BT is designed as T-1 (3mm) infra-red emitting diode which made with gallium aluminum arsenide infrared emitting diode.L34SF4BT has two features. (1)Mechanically and spectrally matched to the L32P3C phototransi...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L-34F3C is designed as T-1 (3mm) infra-red emitting diode which made with gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode.L-34F3C has two features. (1)Mechanically and spectrally matched to the L-32P3C phototransistor. (2)...
Mfg:500 Pack:IXYS Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L3280is a brandnewlowvoltage speechcircuit designedto replacehybrid circuits in telephonesets. L3280 is designed for sets that may be operated in parallel. It features both DTMF input and Beep tone input ; ALCon sen...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:ST Pack:DIP Vendor:Other Category:Other
Dedicatedtosensitivetelecomequipment protection,thisdevicecanprovidebothvoltage protectionandcurrentlimitationwithaverytight tolerance. L3100B shighsurge current capability makes theL3100B are liable protection device ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
In this application note are described different ways to protect L3000N/L30XX SLIC KITs.The L3000N/L30XX are, COMPARED TO STANDARD SOLUTIONS, more complex to protect because the positive battery can be either GND or VB+ ...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L3092N is one member of the L3092 family which is designed as the performance analysis with -24V battery. All the main characteristics are analyzed and compared with the results obtained with a standard battery volta...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
TheL3037subscriberlineinterfacecircuitisabi- polardevicein70Vtechnologydevelopedforcen- traloffice/loopcarrierandprivateapplications.TheL3037ispintopinandfunctioncompatible withL3035/36.Oneparticularpin(reservedin L3035...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
The L3000N-C6 is one member of the L3000 family which is designed as the performance analysis with -24V battery. All the main characteristics are analyzed and compared with the results obtained with a standard battery vo...
Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Mfg:LRC Pack:SC-70 D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Mfg:LRC Pack:SOT-323 D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Mfg:LRC Pack:SOD323 D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
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Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:LRC/03+ Pack:N/A D/C:3 Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
Mfg:LRC Pack:SOT-23 D/C:07+ Vendor:Other Category:Other
Vendor:Other Category:Other
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