PL-2303, PL2303H, PL2303H/HX/X Selling Leads, Datasheet
MFG:prolific Package Cooled:SOP D/C:SSOP28

PL-2303, PL2303H, PL2303H/HX/X Datasheet download
Part Number: PL-2303
MFG: prolific
Package Cooled: SOP
MFG:prolific Package Cooled:SOP D/C:SSOP28
PL-2303, PL2303H, PL2303H/HX/X Datasheet download
MFG: prolific
Package Cooled: SOP
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Datasheet: PL-2303
File Size: 153292 KB
Manufacturer: ETC [ETC]
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Datasheet: PL20
File Size: 120948 KB
Manufacturer: ETC [ETC]
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Datasheet: PL20
File Size: 120948 KB
Manufacturer: ETC [ETC]
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The PL-2303 is a kind of USB to serial RS232 bridge controller.
There are some features as follows: (1) full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1; (2) support the RS232 Serial interface; (3) support automatic handshake mode; (4) support Remote wake-up and power management; (5) 256 bytes buffer each for upstream and downstream data flow; (6) support default ROM or external EEPROM for device configuration; (7) on chip USB transceiver; (8) on chip crystal oscillator running at 12MHz; (9) supports Windows 98/SE, ME, 2000, XP, Windows CE3.0, CE .NET, Linux, and Mac OS; (10) 28 Pins SOIC package.
What comes next is about the absolute maximum ratings. (1): power supply voltage is from -0.3 to +6.0 V; (2): input voltage is from -0.3 to VDD+0.3 V; (3): output voltage is from -0.3 to VDD+0.3 V; (4): storage temperature is from -55 to +150.
The following is about the DC characteristics: (1): the minimum IDD (power supply current) is 0.5 mA, the typical is 19 mA and the maximum is 24 mA; (2): the maximum VIL (low input voltage) is 0.3*VDD V; (3): the minimum VIH (high input voltage) is 0.7*VDD V; (4): the maximum VOL (low output voltage) is 0.4 V; (5): the minimum VOH (high output voltage) is 3.5 V.