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The advent of 3G technology opens the door for a wide range of Multimedia applications in mobile infor- mation appliances. These appliances require high pro- cessing performance and low power consumption. The LH7A404 is designed from the ground up to provide high processing performance, low power consumption, and a high level of integration.
The LH7A404 contains a high performance 32-bit ARM922T Core. Power consumption is reduced by the high level of integration, 80KB on-chip SRAM, fully static design, power management unit, low voltage operation (1.8 V Core, 1.8 V or 3.3 V I/O) and on-chip PLL.
LH7A404 Maximum Ratings
DC Core Supply Voltage (VDDC)
- 0.3 V
DC I/O Supply Voltage (VDD)
- 0.3 V
DC Analog Supply Voltage (VDDA1, VDDA2)
- 0.3 V
DC Analog Supply Voltage (VDDA3)
- 0.3 V
Storage Temperature
NOTE: These stress ratings are only for transient conditions. Oper- ation at or beyond absolute maximum rating conditions may affect reliability and cause permanent damage to the device.
LH7A404 Features
` ARM922TTM Core: 32-bit ARM9TDMITM RISC Core (200 MHz) 16KB Cache: 8KB Instruction Cache and 8KB Data Cache MMU (Windows CETM Enabled) ` 80KB On-Chip Memory ` Vectored Interrupt Controller ` External Bus Interface 100 MHz Asynchronous SRAM/ROM/Flash Synchronous DRAM/Flash PCMCIA Compact Flash ` Clock and Power Management 32.768 kHz and 14.7456 MHz Oscillators Programmable PLL ` Low Power Modes Run (200 mA), Halt, Standby (35 A) `Programmable LCD Controller Up to 1,024 * 768 Resolution Supports STN, Color STN, HR-TFT, TFT Up to 64 k-Colors and 15 Gray Shades ` 10 Channel, 10-bit A/D Converter Touch Screen Controller Brownout Detector ` DMA (12 Channels) External DMA Channels AAC (AC97) MMC USB ` USB Host and Device Interface (USB1.1) ` Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) Motorola SPITM Texas Instruments SSI National MICROWIRETM ` PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Interface (KMI) ` Three Programmable Timers ` Three UARTs Classic IrDA (115 kbit/s) ` Smart Card Interface (ISO7816) ` Four Pulse Width Modulators (PWMs) ` MultiMediaCard Interface with Secure Digital (MMC 2.11/SD 1.0) `AAC (AC97) Codec Interface ` Smart Battery Monitor Interface ` Real Time Clock (RTC) ` Up to 64 General Purpose I/O Channels ` Programmable Interrupt Controller ` Watchdog Timer `JTAG Debug Interface and Boundary Scan ` Operating Voltage 1.8 V Core 3.3 V Input/Output (1.8 V I/O Optional*) `Temperature 0 to +70 Commercial -40 to +85 Industrial (With Clock Frequency Reduction*) ` 324-Ball PBGA Package