
DescriptionThe XC3100 family of field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs)provides the benefits of high-speed, custom CMOS VLSI while avoiding the initial cost, time delay, and inherent risk or a converntional masked gate array.The XC3100 us a performance-optimized relative of the industry-leading XC30...

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XC3100 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004547822 Detail

XC3100: DescriptionThe XC3100 family of field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs)provides the benefits of high-speed, custom CMOS VLSI while avoiding the initial cost, time delay, and inherent risk or a convern...

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Product Details



The XC3100 family of field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs)provides the  benefits of high-speed, custom CMOS VLSI while avoiding the initial cost, time delay, and inherent risk or a converntional masked gate array.The XC3100 us a performance-optimized relative of the industry-leading XC3000 famility.While both families are bistream and footprint compatible, the XC3100 family extends in-system performance to 80 MHz and beyond.The XC3100 family follows the XC4000 speed-grade nomenclature, indicating deice performance based on the internal logic block delay.The blcok logic functions are implemented by programmed-controlled multiplexers. Interconnecting networks between blocks are implemented with metal segments joined by program-controlled pass transistors.

Features of of the XC3100 are:(1)100% architecture, pin out, and software compatible with XC3000 devices; (2)advanced second-generation field-programmable gate array; (3)flexible array architecture; (4)extensive packaging options; (5)standard, off-the-shelf product availabilty-100% factory pre-tested.

The DC characteristics of the XC3100 can be summarized as:(1): high-level output voltage(VOH) is 3.86 V min at IOH is -8.0 mA, vcc min(commerical); (2): high-level output voltage(VOL) is 0.40 V max at IOL is 8.0 mA, vcc max(commerical); (3): high-level output voltage(VOH) is 3.76 V min at IOH is -8.0 mA, Vcc min(industrial); (4): low-level output voltage(VOL) is 0.40 V max at LOL is 8.0 mA, vcc max(industrial); (5): power-down supply voltage(VCCPD) is 2.30 V min.


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