
Features: ` Operating voltage - 2.4V 5.5V for mask type - 2.4V - 4.8V for electrical erasable EPROM type` Dual -clock operation` Main oscillator - 3.58 MHz or 400 KHz can be selected by code option - Crystal or RC oscillator can be selected by code option` Sub -oscillator - Connect to 32.768 KHz...

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W742E813 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004544949 Detail

W742E813: Features: ` Operating voltage - 2.4V 5.5V for mask type - 2.4V - 4.8V for electrical erasable EPROM type` Dual -clock operation` Main oscillator - 3.58 MHz or 400 KHz can be selected by code optio...

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Product Details



` Operating voltage
    - 2.4V 5.5V for mask type
    - 2.4V     - 4.8V for electrical erasable EPROM type
` Dual    -clock operation
` Main oscillator
    - 3.58 MHz or 400 KHz can be selected by code option
    - Crystal or RC oscillator can be selected by code option
` Sub    -oscillator
    - Connect to 32.768 KHz crystal only
` Memory
    - 32768(32K) x 16 bit program ROM (including 64K x 4 bit look    -up table)
    - 5120(5K) x 4 bit data RAM (including 16 nibbles x 16 pages working registers)
    - 40 x 16 LCD data RAM
` 40 input/output pins
    - Port for input only: 3 ports/12 pins
    - Input/output ports: 3 ports/12 pins
    - High sink current output port for LED driving: 2 port /8 pins
    - DC output port: 2 ports/ 8 pins (selected by code option)
` Power    -down mode
    - Hold mode: no operation (main oscillator and sub    -oscillator still operate)
    - Stop mode: no operation (main oscillator and sub    -oscillator are stopped)
    - Slow mode: main oscillator is stopped, system is operated by the sub    -oscillator (32.768 KHz)
` Eleven interrupt sources
    - Four internal interrupts (Divider0, Divider1, Timer 0, Timer 1)
    - Seven external interrupts (RC.0    -3, P1.2 (INT0 ), Serial Port, P1.3 (INT1))
` LCD driver output
    - 40 segments x 16 commons
    - 1/8 or 1/16 duty (selected by code option) 1/5 bias driving mode
    - Clock source should be the sub    -oscillator clock in the dual    -clock operation mode
    - 8 level software LCD contrast adjusting
    - LCD operating voltage source could come from VDD or VLCD1 pin input
` MFP output pin
    - Output is software controlled to generate modulating or nonmodulating frequency
    - Works as frequency output specified by Timer 1
    - Key tone generator
` DTMF output pin
    - Output is one channel Dual Tone Multi    -Frequency signal for dialling
` 8    -bit Serial I/O Interface
    - 8    -bit transmit/receive mode by internal or external clock source
` Two built    -in 14    -bit frequency dividers
    - Divider0: the clock source is the main oscillator (FOSC)
    - Divider1: the clock source is the sub    -oscillator (Fs)
` Two built    -in 8    -bit programmable countdown timers
    - Timer 0: one of two internal clock frequencies (FOSC/4 or FOSC/1024) can be selected
    - Timer 1: with auto    -reload function and one of two internal clock frequencies (FOSC or FOSC/64 or
      Fs) can be selected (signal output through MFP pin)
` Built    -in 18/15    -bit watchdog timer selectable for system reset, enable/disable by code option
` Powerful instruction set: 1XX instructions
` 16    -level stack buffer
` Packaged in 100    -pin QFP


  Connection Diagram


Supply Voltage to Ground Potential -0.3 to +7.0 V
Applied Input/Output Voltage -0.3 to +7.0 V
Power Dissipation 120 mW
Ambient Operating Temperature 0 to +70 °C
Storage Temperature -55 to +150 °C


The W742E/C813 (W742C813 is mask type, W742E813 is electrical erasable EPROM type) is a highperformance 4-bit microcontroller (mC) that built in 640-dot LCD driver. The device contains a 4-bit ALU, two 8-bit timers, two dividers in dual-clock operation, a 40 ´ 16 LCD driver, ten 4-bit I/O ports (including 2 output port for LED driving), multiple frequency output, and one channel DTMF generator. There are also eleven interrupt sources and 16-level stack buffer. The W742E/C813 operates on very low current and has three power reduction modes, hold mode, stop mode and slow mode, which help to minimize power dissipation.

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