
Features: Precision monitoring of 3 V, 3.3 V and 5 V power supply voltages Fully specified over the temperature range of -40 to + 125 140 ms minimum power-on reset pulse width: RESET output for V6309 RESET output for V6319 16 A supply current Garanteed RESET/RESET valid to VDD = 1 V Power supply ...

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V6309 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004540224 Detail

V6309: Features: Precision monitoring of 3 V, 3.3 V and 5 V power supply voltages Fully specified over the temperature range of -40 to + 125 140 ms minimum power-on reset pulse width: RESET output for V63...

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Product Details



 Precision monitoring of 3 V, 3.3 V and 5 V power supply voltages
Fully specified over the temperature range of -40 to + 125
140 ms minimum power-on reset pulse width:
    RESET output for V6309
    RESET output for V6319
16 A supply current
Garanteed RESET/RESET valid to VDD = 1 V
Power supply transient immunity
No external components needed
3-pin SOT-23 package
Fully compatible with MAX809/MAX810 and AMD809/AMD810


Intelligent instruments
Critical P and C power monitoring
Portable/battery-powered equipment


  Connection Diagram


Terminal voltage to VSS
-0.3 to 6.0 V
Min. voltage at Reset or Reset
-0.3 V
Max. voltage at Reset or Reset
VCC + 0.3 V
Input current at VDD
20 mA

Output current at Reset or Reset

20 mA
Rate of rise at VDD
100 Vs
Continuous power dissipation
320 mW
at TA = +70  for SOT-23
(>70 derate by 4 mW /)
Operating temperature range
-40 to +125
Storage temperature range
-65 to +150


The V6309 and V6319 are mi cro pro ces sor su per vi sory cir -cuits used to mon i tor the power sup plies in P and dig i tal sys tems. They pro vide ex cel lent cir cuit re li abil ity and low cost by elim i nat ing ex ter nal com ponents and ad just ments when used with 5 V pow ered or 3 V pow ered cir cuits.

These cir cuits per form a sin gle func tion: they as sert a re -set sig nal when ever the VDD sup ply volt age de clines be low a pre set thresh old, keep ing it as serted for at least 140 ms af ter VDD has risen above the re set thresh old. The only dif -fer ence be tween the two de vices is that the V6309 has an ac tive-low RESET out put (which is guar an teed to be in the cor rect state for VDD down to 1 V), while the V6319 has an ac tive-high RESET out put. The re set com parator is de -signed to ig nore fast tran sients on VDD. Re set thresh olds suit able for op er a tion with a va ri ety of sup ply volt ages areavailable.

Low sup ply cur rent makes the V6309/V6319 ideal for use in por ta ble equip ment. The V6309/V6319 come in a 3-pin SOT-23 pack age

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