
Features: TMP93C071F is a high-speed advanced 16-bit microcontroller developed for application with VCR system control, software servo motor control and timer control. n addition to basics such as I/O ports, the TMP93C071F has high-speed/high-precision signal easuring circuit, PWM (Pulse-Width-Mod...

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SeekIC No. : 004524701 Detail

TMP93C071: Features: TMP93C071F is a high-speed advanced 16-bit microcontroller developed for application with VCR system control, software servo motor control and timer control. n addition to basics such as I...

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Product Details



TMP93C071F is a high-speed advanced 16-bit microcontroller developed for application with VCR system control, software servo motor control and timer control. n addition to basics such as I/O ports, the TMP93C071F has high-speed/high-precision signal easuring circuit, PWM (Pulse-Width-Modulator) and high-precision real timing pulse generator.
The device characteristics are as follows:
(1) Original 16-bit CPU (900/L CPU)
􀁸􀀃 ·TLCS-90 instruction mnemonic upward compatible
􀁸􀀃 ·16-Mbyte linear address space
􀁸􀀃 ·General-purpose registers and register bank system
􀁸􀀃 ·16-bit multiplication/division and bit transfer/arithmetic instructions
􀁸􀀃 ·High-speed micro DMA: 4 channels (1.6 􀁐s/2 byte at 20 MHz)
(2) Minimum instruction execution time: 200 ns at 20 MHz
(3) Internal ROM: ROMless
(4) Internal RAM: 8 Kbytes
(5) External memory expansion
􀁸􀀃 ·Can be expanded up to 16 Mbytes (for both programs and data)
􀁸􀀃 ·AM 8/16 pin (select the external data bus width)
􀁸􀀃 ·Can be mixed 8- and 16-bit external data buses.
􀌖 ·Dynamic data bus sizing.
(6) 20-bit time-base-counter (TBC)
􀁸􀀃 ·Free running counter
􀁸􀀃 ·Accuracy: 100 ns (at 20 MHz)
􀁸􀀃 ·Overflow: 105 ms (at 20 MHz)
(7) 8-bit timer (TC0): 1 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·CTL linear time counter
(8) 16-bit timer (TC1 to 5): 5 channels
􀁸􀀃 ·C.sync count, capstan FG count, general: (3 channels)
(9) Timing pulse generator (TPG): 2 channels
􀁸􀀃 ·(16-bit timing data 􀀎 6-bit-output data) with 8-stages FIFO: 1 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·(16-bit timing data 􀀎 4-bit-output data): 1 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·Accuracy: 400 ns (at 20 MHz)
(10) Pulse width modulation outputs (PWM)
􀁸􀀃 ·14-bit PWM: 3 channels (for controlling capstan, drum and tuner)
􀁸􀀃 ·8-bit PWM: 9 channels (for controlling volume)
􀁸􀀃 ·Carrier frequency: 39.1 kHz (at 20 MHz)
(11) 24-bit time base counter capture circuit (Capture 0)
􀁸􀀃 ·(18-bit timing data 􀀎 6-bit trigger data) with 8-stages FIFO: 1 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·Capture input sources: Remote-control-input (RMTIN), V.sync, CTL, Drum-PG,
                                               neral (1 channel)
􀁸􀀃 ·Accuracy: 400 ns (at 20 MHz)
(12) 17-bit time base counter capture circuit (Capture 1/2)
􀁸􀀃 ·(16-bit timing data 􀀎 1-bit trigger data): 2 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·Capture input sources: Drum-FG, Capstan-FG
􀁸􀀃 ·Accuracy: 100 ns (at 20 MHz)
(13) VISS/VASS detection circuit (VISS/VASS)
􀁸􀀃 ·CTL duty detection
􀁸􀀃 ·VASS data 16-bit latch
(14) Composite-sync-signal (C.sync) input (CSYNC)
􀁸􀀃 ·Vertical-sync-signal (V.sync) separation
(15) Head Amp switch/Color Rotary control (HA/CR)
(16) Pseudo-V/H generator (PV/PH)
(17) 8-bit AD converter (ADC): 16 channels
􀁸􀀃 ·Conversion speed: 95states (9.5 􀁐s at 20 MHz)
(18) Serial bus I/F
􀁸􀀃 ·8-bit synchronous (SIO0, 1) : 2 channels
􀁸􀀃 ·UART : 1 channel
􀁸􀀃 ·I2C bus : 1 channel/2 ports
􀂂􀂂􀂂 Multi - Master function/Master transfer with micro DMA.
(19) Watch dog timer (WDT)
(20) Interrupt controller (INTC)
􀁸􀀃 ·CPU: 8 sources 􀂂􀂂􀂂 SWI instruction, and illegal instruction
􀁸􀀃 ·Internal: 21 sources
                                           7-level priority can be set.

        ·xternal: 5 sources

(21) I/O ports
􀁸􀀃 ·57 I/O ports (multiplexed functional pins)
􀁸􀀃 ·8 input ports (P40/AIN3 to P47/AIN10: These pins are also used as analog input for  AD converter.)
􀁸􀀃· 4 output ports (P24/A20 to P27/A23: These pins are also used as address bus outputs.)
(22) Standby function: 4 halt modes (RUN, IDLE2, IDLE1, STOP)
(23) System clock function
􀁸􀀃 ·Dual clock operation 20 MHz (High-speed: normal)/32 kHz (Low-speed: slow)
􀂂􀂂􀂂   17-bit Real Time Counter built in
(24) Operating Voltage
􀁸􀀃· Vcc 􀀠 2.7 to 5.5 V (at 32 kHz)
􀁸􀀃 ·Vcc 􀀠 4.5 to 5.5 V (at 20 MHz)
(25) Package
􀁸􀀃 ·120 pin QFP 28 mm 􀁵 28 mm (Pin pitch: 0.8 mm)
􀁸􀀃 ·Type name: P-QFP120-2828-0.80B


  Connection Diagram


Power Supply Voltage
􀀐-0.5 to 6.5
Input Voltage
-0.5 to VCC+0.5
(Including Open-drain ports)
-0.5 to VCC+0.5
Output Current (per 1 pin)
Output Current (Per 1 pin)
Output Current (total)
Output Current (total)
Power Dissipation (Ta=70°C)
Soldering Temperature(10sec)
Storage Temperature
-65 to 150
Operating Temperrature
-20 to 70

Note: The absolute maximum ratings are rated values which must not be exceeded during peration, even for an instant. Any one of the ratings must not be exceeded. If any bsolute maximum rating is exceeded, a device may break down or its performance ay be degraded, causing it to catch fire or explode resulting in injury to the user. Thus, hen designing products which include this device, ensure that no absolute maximum ating value will ever be exceeded.

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