DescriptionThe TGA8031-SCC is a kind of GaAs monolithic medium-power amplifier that operates from 8 GHz to 11 GHz. The amplifier is a four-stage device, including two 500-m dual-gate FETs and one 750-m single-gate FET driving the 1500-m output single-gate FET. The small size and reliability advant...

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TGA8031-SCC Picture
SeekIC No. : 004518391 Detail

TGA8031-SCC: DescriptionThe TGA8031-SCC is a kind of GaAs monolithic medium-power amplifier that operates from 8 GHz to 11 GHz. The amplifier is a four-stage device, including two 500-m dual-gate FETs and one 75...

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Product Details



The TGA8031-SCC is a kind of GaAs monolithic medium-power amplifier that operates from 8 GHz to 11 GHz. The amplifier is a four-stage device, including two 500-m dual-gate FETs and one 750-m single-gate FET driving the 1500-m output single-gate FET. The small size and reliability advantage of a monolithic amplifier over a hybrid design make this device suitable for use as a driver stage or a final stage in a power chain in various military applications such as radar systems, missile guidance and control, and comminication systems.

There are some features TGA8031-SCC as follows: 1)0.5 W output power at 1-dB gain compression; (2)36-dB gain; (3)dual-gate stages for precise output power control; (4)14% typical power-added efficiency at 1-dB gain compression.

The following is about the absolute maximum ratings TGA8031-SCC over operating channel temperature (unless otherwise noted): (1)(positive supply voltage, V+: 10 V; (2)negative supply voltage range with respect to negative supply voltage, V+-VG1: 0 to 10 V; (3)gain control supply voltage range, VCTRL: -5 to 4 V; (4)gain control voltage range with respect to negative supply voltage, VCTRL-V+: 0 to -10 V; (5)positive supply current, I+: 80% IDSS; (6)power dissipation, PD: 6.5 W; (7)input continuous wave power, PIN: -5 dBm; (8)operating channel temperature, TJ: 150; (9)mounting temperature (30s), TM: 320; (10)storage temperature range, Tstg: -65 to 150.

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