
Features: Low power, low voltage operation Contactless power supply Contactless read/write data transmission Radio Frequency (RF): 100 kHz to 150 kHz 1056 bits of EEPROM memory 992 bits (31 x 32 bits) of user memory Defined start of data transmission Auto-verify after EEPROM programming 400 m th...

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T5552 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004511306 Detail

T5552: Features: Low power, low voltage operation Contactless power supply Contactless read/write data transmission Radio Frequency (RF): 100 kHz to 150 kHz 1056 bits of EEPROM memory 992 bits (31 x 32 bi...

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Product Details



Low power, low voltage operation
Contactless power supply
Contactless read/write data transmission
Radio Frequency (RF): 100 kHz to 150 kHz
1056 bits of EEPROM memory
992 bits (31 x 32 bits) of user memory
Defined start of data transmission
Auto-verify after EEPROM programming
400 m thickness of the micromodule
435-pF capacitor
Block write protection for each block
Configurable options include: Modulation type: PSK | Manchester Bit rate [bit/s]:  RF/16 | RF/32 Max block feature Modulation defeat POR start-up delay: 1 ms | 65 ms


Industrial asset management
Process control and automation
Logistic process flow monitoring






aximum DC current into Coil 1/ Coil 2




Maximum AC current into Coil 1/ Coil 2, f = 125 kHz

Icoil PP



Power dissipation (dice)




Operation ambient temperature range


25 to +75


Storage temperature range


40 to +125



The T5552 is a two terminal, contactlessR/W-IDentification IC (IDIC)* for tag applications inthe 125 kHz (± 25 kHz) range. The IC uses the externalRF signal to generate it's own power supply and internalclock reference. It is built into a standard micromodulewich is suitable for contactless R/W identification ap-plications.  It is a plastic encapsulated package on a copperlead-frame substate.

The T5552 contains the IDIC with a total of1056 bits of EEPROM memory grouped into 32individually addressable data blocks and a 435-pF capaci-tor. Each block of the IDIC is made up of 32 bits of dataplus an associated lock bit for block write protection.Blocks 1 to 31 are provided for user related data and block0 for system configuration.

Data is transmitted from the T5552 (uplink) using reflectiveload (backscatter) modulation. This is achieved bydamping the external RF field by switching a resistiveload between the two terminals  ClockA/ClockB asshown in figure 14 (downlink). The IC receives anddecodes amplitude modulated data from the base station.

As soon as the tag included the T5552 is exposed to an RFfield and the field is strong enough to derive enoughenergy to operate, the tag will respond by continuouslytransmitting stored data (uplink mode). The base stationcan at any time switch the tag into downlink mode to writenew user or configuration data. Generally the tag willautomatically  return to the default uplink mode when thedownlink transfer is complete or interrupted or if an errorcondition occurs.

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