Features: ` Fully 68000 software compatible` Static design with 32-bit internal structure` Power saving modes: Power-down, Standby and Idle mode` External clock input: 27 MHz at 2.7 V` Single supply voltage of 2.7 to 3.6 V; down to 1.8 V for RAM retention` 68000 compatible bus interface` Intel 805...

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P90CL301BFH Picture
SeekIC No. : 004453795 Detail

P90CL301BFH: Features: ` Fully 68000 software compatible` Static design with 32-bit internal structure` Power saving modes: Power-down, Standby and Idle mode` External clock input: 27 MHz at 2.7 V` Single supply...

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Product Details



` Fully 68000 software compatible
` Static design with 32-bit internal structure
` Power saving modes: Power-down, Standby and Idle mode
` External clock input: 27 MHz at 2.7 V
` Single supply voltage of 2.7 to 3.6 V; down to 1.8 V for RAM retention
` 68000 compatible bus interface
` Intel 8051 compatible bus interface
` 16 Mbytes program/data address range
` 8 programmable chip-selects
` Dynamic bus sizing, 16 or 8-bit memory bus port size
` 56 powerful instruction types:
5 basic data types, and
14 addressing modes
` 7 programmable interrupt inputs:
a Non-Maskable Interrupt input (NMIN)
14 auto-vectored interrupts and 7 interrupt priority levels
` 24 port pins (multiplexed with other functions)
` 2 UART serial interfaces; an independent baud rate
  generator with two programmable outputs (UART0 and UART1)
` UART queue with maximum 256 bytes
` I2C-bus serial interface 100 kbaud
` 2 timer arrays including:
two 16-bit reference counters and 8-bit
  programmable prescalers
six 16-bit match/capture registers with equality
` Watchdog Timer with 21-bit resolution
` Two 8-bit Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) outputs with
  8-bit prescaler
` Four 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) inputs with
  Power-down mode
` 512 bytes RAM on-chip
` On-Circuit Emulation (ONCE) mode and internal
  Test-ROM (256 bytes) for on-board testing
` 80-pin LQFP package
` Temperature range -40 to +85 °C
` 0.5 micron CMOS low voltage technology.


  Connection Diagram


VDD Voltage on VDD to VSS and SCL, SDA to VSS -0.5 +6.5 V
VI input voltage on any pin with respect to ground (VSS) -0.5 VDD +0.5 V
I1,IO Input/output current on any I/O pin - 5.0 mA
Ptot total power dissipation - 300 mW
Tstg storage temperature range -65 +150 °C
Tj operating junction temperature range - +125 °C
Tamb Operating ambient temperature range:

-40 +85


The P90CL301BFH is a highly integrated low-voltage 16/32-bit microcontroller especially suitable for digital mobile systems such as GSM, DCS1900, IS54/95 and other applications requiring low voltage, low power consumption and high computing power. P90CL301BFH is fully software compatible with the 68000.

The P90CL301BFH optimizes system cost by providing both standard as well as advanced peripheral functions on-chip. The P90CL301BFH has a full static design and special Idle, Standby and Power-down modes which allow further reduction of the total system power consumption. An 80-pin LQFP package dramatically reduces system size requirements.

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