
Features: ` Fully Characterized, Transient Immune Input Stage (See Product Highlight)` Monitors 5V Supplies (VTRIP=4.6V Typ.)` Outputs Fully Defined At VCC=1V` Ultra-Low Supply Current (500A Max. Over Temp) `Temperature Compensated ICC For Extremely Stable Current onsumption` P Reset Function Prog...

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LX7001 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004403511 Detail

LX7001: Features: ` Fully Characterized, Transient Immune Input Stage (See Product Highlight)` Monitors 5V Supplies (VTRIP=4.6V Typ.)` Outputs Fully Defined At VCC=1V` Ultra-Low Supply Current (500A Max. Ov...

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Product Details



` Fully Characterized, Transient Immune Input Stage (See Product Highlight)
` Monitors 5V Supplies (VTRIP=4.6V Typ.)
` Outputs Fully Defined At VCC=1V
` Ultra-Low Supply Current (500A Max. Over Temp)
`Temperature Compensated ICC For Extremely Stable Current onsumption
` P Reset Function Programmable With 1 External Resistor And Capacitor
` Comparator Hysteresis Prevents Output Oscillation
` Electrically Compatible With Motorola MC34064
` Pin-to-Pin Compatible With Motorola MC34064/MC34164


· All Microprocessor Or Microcontroller Designs Using 5V Supplies
· Simple 5V Undervoltage Detection


  Connection Diagram


Input Supply Voltage (VIN) ....................................................... -1V to 12V
RESET Output Voltage (VOUT) ...................................................-1V to 12V
Output Sink Current (IOL) ......................................Internally Limited (mA)
Clamp Diode Forward Current (IF), Pin 1 to pin 2 ...........................100mA
Operating Junction Temperature
Ceramic (Y - Package) ....................................................................150°C
Plastic (DM, LP - Packages) .......................................................... .150°C
Storage Temperature Range ........................................ -65°C to .150°C
Lead Temperatuseconds) ............................................................. 300°C
Note 1. Values beyond which damage may occur. All voltages are specified with respect to ground, and all currents are positive into the specified terminal.re (Soldering, 10


The LX7001 is an improved undervoltage sensing circuit specifically designed for use as a reset controller in microprocessor-based systems. Today's complex miniaturized systems present difficult challanges to the system designer such as overcoming spurious noise problems. The LX 7001 is optimized for systems that must be tolerant of high-speed power supply glitches caused by high-speed logic transitions and similar switching phenomena. The LX7001 offers a unique stage that couples glitch immunity with a micropower, ultrastable band-gap reference for precision sensing of undervoltage conditions.economical, space-efficient solution for low supply voltage detection when used in combination with a single pull-up resistor. Adding one capacitor offers the functionality of a programmable delay time after power returns. Additionally, the LX7001 offers excellent temperature stability. A high-quality trimmed voltage reference and bias circuit permit very accurate and repeatable undervoltage sensing. The remaining blocks consist of a comparator with hysteresis, high current clamping diode and open collector output stage capable of sinking up to 60mA. The LX7001's RESET output is specified to be fully functional at VIN=1V. It offers the designer an

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