Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe IRG4CC77KB has some electrical characteristics (wafer form).When parameter is VCE(on),the description is collector-to-emitter saturation voltage,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is 4.5V Max. Max.,the test conditions is IC=10A,TJ=25,VGE=15V.When parameter is V(BR)CES,...
IRG4CC77KB: Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe IRG4CC77KB has some electrical characteristics (wafer form).When parameter is VCE(on),the description is collector-to-emitter saturation voltage,the guaranteed...
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Features: • Standard: Optimized for minimum saturation voltage and low operating frequencies...
Features: • UltraFast: Optimized for high operating frequencies 8-40kHz in hard switching, &...
Features: • Designed expressly for switch-mode power supply and PFC (power factor correction...
The IRG4CC77KB has some electrical characteristics (wafer form).When parameter is VCE(on),the description is collector-to-emitter saturation voltage,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is 4.5V Max. Max.,the test conditions is IC=10A,TJ=25,VGE=15V.When parameter is V(BR)CES,the description is colletor-to-emitter breakdown voltage,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is 600V Min.,the test conditions is TJ=25,ICES =250A,VGE=0V.When parameter is VGE(th),the description is gate threshold voltage,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is 3.0V Min.,6.5V Max.,the test conditions is VGE=VCE,TJ=25,IC =250A.When parameter is ICES,the description is zero gate voltage collector current,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is 200A Max.,the test conditions is TJ=25,VCE=600V.When parameter is IGES,the description is gate-to-emitter leakage current,the guaranteed (Min/Max) is ±11A Max.,the test conditions is TJ=25,VGE=+/-20V.
The IRG4CC77KB has some mechanical data.The nominal back metal composition,thickness is Cr-NiV-Ag (1 kA-2kA-2.5kA ).The nominal front metal composition,thickness is 99% Al, 1% Si (4 microns).The chip dimensions is .443" x .443" .The wafer diameter is 150mm, with std. < 100 > flat.The wafer thickness is .015" + / -.003".The relevant die mechanical dwg. number is 01-5248.The minimum street width is 100 microns.The reject ink dot size is 0.25 mm diameter minimum.The ink dot location is consistent throughout same wafer lot.The recommended storage environment is storage in original container, in dessicated nitrogen, with no contamination.The recommended die attach conditions is for optimum electrical results, die attach temperature should not exceed 300C.