
Features: `Operating voltage: 2.5V~5.5V`Operating temperature range: -40°C~85°C`Operating frequency range (base on 2 clocks)􀁺 * Crystal mode: 1MHz ~ 8MHz at 4.5V, 1MHz ~ 4MHz at 2.5V􀁺 * RC mode: 1MHz ~ 4MHz at 2.5V`Low power consumption:􀁺 *Typically 0.8 A, during sleep m...

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EM78P809N Picture
SeekIC No. : 004336101 Detail

EM78P809N: Features: `Operating voltage: 2.5V~5.5V`Operating temperature range: -40°C~85°C`Operating frequency range (base on 2 clocks)􀁺 * Crystal mode: 1MHz ~ 8MHz at 4.5V, 1MHz ~ 4MHz at 2.5V⣶...

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Product Details



`Operating voltage: 2.5V~5.5V
`Operating temperature range: -40°C~85°C
`Operating frequency range (base on 2 clocks)
􀁺 * Crystal mode: 1MHz ~ 8MHz at 4.5V, 1MHz ~ 4MHz at 2.5V
􀁺 * RC mode: 1MHz ~ 4MHz at 2.5V
`Low power consumption:
􀁺 *Typically 0.8 A, during sleep mode
`8K * 13 bits on-chip ROM
`Multi-security bits to prevent intrusion of OTP memory codes
`One configuration register accommodates user's requirements
`144 * 8 bits on-chip registers (SRAM, general purpose register)
`4 bi-directional I/O ports (22 pins)
􀁺 * High sink current output pin: 14 pins
􀁺 * 10 programmable pull high I/O pins
􀁺 * 10 programmable pull low I/O pins
`8 level stacks for subroutine nesting
`High performance MCU: Two clocks per instruction cycle
`15 interrupts (External: 4, Internal: 11)
`Programmable free running watchdog timer
`16 bits Counter/Timer
􀁺 * TC2: Timer/Counter/Window
`8 bits Timer/Counter
􀁺 * TCC: 8-bit real time clock/counter with overflow interrupt
􀁺 * TC3: Timer/Counter/Capture
􀁺 * TC4: Timer/Counter/ PWM (pulse width modulation)/PDO (Programmable divider output)
`Time Base Timer: (1Hz ~16kHz at 8MHz)
`Key tone output: (1kHz ~ 8kHz at 8MHz)
`Serial transmitter/receiver interface
􀁺 * Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI): Three-wire synchronous communication
􀁺 * Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter interface (UART): Two wire asynchronous communication
`AD converter
􀁺 * 8 channel 10 bits resolution AD converter
`Operating mode:
􀁺 * Normal mode: Oscillation circuit turned on, CPU and Peripheral circuit in operation
􀁺 * Idle mode: Oscillation circuit turned on, CPU halt and Peripheral circuit in operation
􀁺 * Sleep mode: Oscillation circuit turned off, CPU and Peripheral circuit halt
`Package types:
􀁺 * 28-pin DIP 600 mil: EM78P809NP
􀁺 *  28-pin SOP 300 mil: EM78P809NM
􀁺 *  28-pin SSOP 209 mil: EM78P809NS
`99.9% single instruction cycle commands


General purpose


  Connection Diagram


Temperature under bias                   -40 to 85
Storage temperature                     -65 to 150
Input voltage                                -0.3V to +6.0V
Output voltage                              -0.3V to +6.0V
Operating Frequency (2clk)              DC to 10MHz


The EM78P809N is an 8-bit microprocessor with low-power, high-speed CMOS technology and high noise immunity. It has a built-in 8K*13-bits Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM). It provides multi-protection bits to prevent intrusion of user's OTP memory codes. Seven Option bits are also available to meet user's requirements.

With its OTP-ROM feature, the EM78P809N is able to offer a convenient way of developing and verifying user's programs. Moreover, user can take advantage of ELAN Writer to easily program his development code.

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