
Features: ·Operating voltage 4.4V ~ 5.25V·Low-cost solution for low-speed USB devices, such as keyboard, joystick, and Gamepad.·USB Specification Compliance􀁺* Universal Serial Bus Specification Version 1.1􀁺* USB Device Class Definition for Human Interface Device (HID), Firmware S...

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EM78M611 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004336068 Detail

EM78M611: Features: ·Operating voltage 4.4V ~ 5.25V·Low-cost solution for low-speed USB devices, such as keyboard, joystick, and Gamepad.·USB Specification Compliance􀁺* Universal Serial Bus Specifica...

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Product Details



·Operating voltage 4.4V ~ 5.25V
·Low-cost solution for low-speed USB devices, such as keyboard, joystick, and Gamepad.
·USB Specification Compliance
􀁺* Universal Serial Bus Specification Version 1.1
􀁺* USB Device Class Definition for Human Interface Device (HID), Firmware Specification Version 1.1
􀁺* Support 1 device address and 3 endpoints
·USB Application
􀁺* P75(D-) has an internal pull-high resistor (1.5K Ohm)
􀁺* USB protocol handling
􀁺* USB device state handling
􀁺* Identifying and decoding of Standard USB commands to EndPoint Zero
·PS/2 Application Support
􀁺 *  Auto-detects PS/2 or USB port
􀁺 *  Build-in PS/2 port interface for keyboard and mouse
·Built-in 8-bit RISC MCU
􀁺 *  8 level stacks for subroutine and interruption
􀁺 *  Eight available interruptions
􀁺 *  8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with overflow interruption
􀁺 *  Built-in RC oscillator free running for WatchDog Timer and Dual clock mode
􀁺 *  Two independent programmable prescalers for WDT and TCC
􀁺 *  Two methods of saving power: 1. Power-down mode (SLEEP mode) 2. Dual clock mode.
􀁺 *  Two clocks per instruction cycle
􀁺 *  Multi-time programmable
·I/O Ports
􀁺 *  Up to 11 LED sink pins
􀁺 *  Each GPIO pin of Ports 5, 6, 8, P90~P93, P95, and P96; has an internal programmable pull-high resistor (25K Ohm)
􀁺 *  Each GPIO pin of Port 6, P74~P77, and Port 9 can wakeup the MCU from sleep mode by input state change
·Internal Memory
􀁺 * Built-in 6K*13 bits Program ROM
􀁺 * Built-in 144 bytes general purpose registers (SRAM)
􀁺 * Built-in USB Application FIFOs.
􀁺 * Built-in 4 bytes E2PROM
·Operation Frequency
􀁺 * Normal Mode: MCU runs at the external oscillator frequency; 6MHz or 12MHz
􀁺 * Dual Clock Mode: MCU runs at the frequency of 256KHz (or 32KHz, 4KHz, 500Hz), emitted by the internal oscillator with the external ceramic resonator (or crystal) turned off to save power.
·Built-in Pattern Detect Application for serial signal transmission
·Built-in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
􀁺 * Up to 2 channels PWM function on P.92 (PWM1) and P.93 (PWM2).
􀁺 * Up to 8-bit resolution PWM output
􀁺 * Up to 8 selections of duty cycles
·Built-in 24-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
􀁺 * Up to 24 channels
􀁺 * Up to 10 bits resolution
􀁺 * 4 ADC conversion rates: 256K/12K/64K/32K
·Built-in 3.3V Voltage Regulator
􀁺 * For MCU power supply
􀁺 * Pull-up source for the external USB resistor on D-pin.
·Package Type:
􀁺 * 40 pin PDIP (EM78M611(A/B/C/D) AP)
􀁺 * 44 pin QFP (EM78M611(A/B/C/D) AQ)
􀁺 * 20 pin PDIP/SOP (EM78M611(A/B/C/D) BP/BM)
􀁺 * 20 pin SSOP (EM78M611(A/B/C/D) DM) 􀁺 24 pin PDIP/SOP (EM78M611(A/B/C/D) CP/CM)


·USB Keyboard only.
·USB and PS/2 both compatible with Keyboard.
·USB Keyboard with USB Mouse.
·USB Joystick.


  Connection Diagram


Temperature under bias
Storage temperature
Input voltage
Output voltage


The EM78M611 is a series of Universal Serial Bus 8-bit RISC Multi-Time Programming  (MTP) microcontrollers. It is specifically designed for USB low speed device application and  to support legacy device such as PS/2 keyboard. The EM78M611 also support one device  address and three endpoints. With no firmware involved, these series of microcontrollers can  automatically identify and decode Standard USB Command to EndPoint Zero.

The EM78M611 is implemented on a RISC architecture. It has eight-level stack and eight  interrupt sources. Each device has 144 bytes of general purpose SRAM and 6K bytes of  program ROM, and is embedded with 4 bytes of E2PROM. The EM78M611 has up to 11  pins with the capacity of sinking large current.

These EM78M611 series of chips have many powerful features, including : 
·Dual Clock mode which allows the device to run on very low power saving frequency 
·Pattern Detect Application function which is used in a serial transmission to count  waveform width 
·Width Modulation that can generate a duty-cycle-programmable signal
·24-channel AD converter with up to 10 bits resolution.

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