
DescriptionThe AP1634 is designed as one kind of fast fourier transformation (FFT) that is an algorithm frequently used in various applications, like telecommunication, signal and image processing. It transforms the time domain into the frequency domain where the spectrum of amplitude and frequenc...

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SeekIC No. : 004286217 Detail

AP1634: DescriptionThe AP1634 is designed as one kind of fast fourier transformation (FFT) that is an algorithm frequently used in various applications, like telecommunication, signal and image processing. ...

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Product Details



The AP1634 is designed as one kind of fast fourier transformation (FFT) that is an algorithm frequently used in various applications, like telecommunication, signal and image processing. It transforms the time domain into the frequency domain where the spectrum of amplitude and frequency can be analyzed.

This application note describes an implementation of a real-valued 1024 point decimation in time radix-2 FFT for the AP1634 microcontroller family. Assuming that the code is started out of the internal ROM via a 16-bit demultiplexed bus, an execution time of 10 ms has been achieved for a C165 running at 25 MHz internal clock. The code comprises 828 bytes. This application note is based on an application note performed by pls (Programmierbare Logik Systeme, Hoyerswerda, Germany). If you want to know more information such as the electrical characteristics about the AP1634, please download the datasheet in www.seekic.com or www.chinaicmart.com .

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