
DescriptionThe AP1627 is a software module of M3L-bus by using High-Speed Synchronous Serial Channel for C16X microcontroller family. The M3L-bus is used mainly to communicate between the microcontroller and Television application IC like MegaText, and Compact Text. Also this device consists of 3-...

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SeekIC No. : 004286213 Detail

AP1627: DescriptionThe AP1627 is a software module of M3L-bus by using High-Speed Synchronous Serial Channel for C16X microcontroller family. The M3L-bus is used mainly to communicate between the microcontr...

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Product Details



The AP1627 is a software module of M3L-bus by using High-Speed Synchronous Serial Channel for C16X microcontroller family. The M3L-bus is used mainly to communicate between the microcontroller and Television application IC like MegaText, and Compact Text. Also this device consists of 3-wire bus; the SCL(clock), SDA(data), and I2CEN (for START and STOP condition).

When there is a HIGH to LOW transition on the I2CEN line AP1627, it indicates a START condition. A LOW to HIGH transition on the I2CEN is defined as the STOP condition. The data line can only be changed when the clock signal on the SCL line is HIGH. Therefore, the data on the SDA line must be stable during the LOW period of the clock signal.

Occasionally, the MegaText/slave device may slow down the transmission by holding the clock line low after receiving a byte of data from microcontroller. This phenomenon is defined as a WAIT condition. Therefore, microcontroller/master needs to switch the SCL output to high impedance and read the SCL line before transmitting another byte of data to the slave device. If you want to know more information such as the electrical characteristics about the AP1627, please download the datasheet in www.seekic.com or www.chinaicmart.com .

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