
Specifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit PDISS Power Dissipation* (TC50°C) 50 W IC Device Current* 2.0 A VCC Collector-Supply Voltage* 46 V TJ Junction Temperature (Pulsed RF Operation) 250 °C TSTG Storage Temperature - 65 to +200 °CDescriptionThe AM82731-01...

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AM82731-012 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004284441 Detail

AM82731-012: Specifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit PDISS Power Dissipation* (TC50°C) 50 W IC Device Current* 2.0 A VCC Collector-Supply Voltage* 46 V TJ Junction Temperature (P...

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Product Details



Symbol Parameter Value Unit
PDISS Power Dissipation* (TC50°C) 50 W
IC Device Current* 2.0 A
VCC Collector-Supply Voltage* 46 V
TJ Junction Temperature (Pulsed RF Operation) 250 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature - 65 to +200 °C


The AM82731-012 device is a high power silicon bipolar NPN transistor specifically designed for SBand radar pulsed output and driver applications.

AM82731-012 is capable of operaion over a wide range of pulse widths, duty cycles, and temperatures and can withstand a 3:1 output VSWR with a + 1 dB input overdrive. Low RF thermal resistance, refractory/gold metallization, and automatic wire bonding techniques ensure high reliability and product consistency (including phase characteristics).

The AM82731-012 is supplied in the Hermetic Metal/ Ceramic package with internal Input/Output impedance matching sircuitry, and is intended for military and other high reliability applications.

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