
Features: · Frequency range DC to 100 MHz.· Separate serial data inputs· Cascadable· Functionally compatible with HEF 4731· Includes recycling mode· Direct shift out· Output capability: Standard· ICC category: LSI.PinoutDescriptionThe 74HCT7731 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices. They are specifie...

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74HCT7731 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004250956 Detail

74HCT7731: Features: · Frequency range DC to 100 MHz.· Separate serial data inputs· Cascadable· Functionally compatible with HEF 4731· Includes recycling mode· Direct shift out· Output capability: Standard· IC...

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Product Details



· Frequency range DC to 100 MHz.
· Separate serial data inputs
· Cascadable
· Functionally compatible with HEF 4731
· Includes recycling mode
· Direct shift out
· Output capability: Standard
· ICC category: LSI.


  Connection Diagram


The 74HCT7731 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices. They are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A.

The 74HCT7731 is quad 64-bit static shift registers with a recycling mode. Each register has separate data inputs Da to Dd, clock inputs CPa to CPd and data outputs Qa to Qd. Data shifts one place towards the output, each LOW to HIGH transition of the clock pulse. Each recycling mode input controls two registers RECab for registers A and B and RECcd for registers C and D. When the REC input is HIGH, the 74HCT7731 is in the recycling mode and data at the output is shifted back into the input of the register, so after 64 clock pulses the contents of a register is again in its original position. This enables the user to tap off data from any position. When the REC input is LOW external data can be shifted in.

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