
Features: · Output capability: standard· ICC category: flip-flopsPinoutDescriptionThe 74HCT73 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). They are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A.The 74HCT73 is dual negative-edge triggered JK-ty...

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74HCT73 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004250949 Detail

74HCT73: Features: · Output capability: standard· ICC category: flip-flopsPinoutDescriptionThe 74HCT73 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). They are ...

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Product Details



· Output capability: standard
· ICC category: flip-flops


  Connection Diagram


The 74HCT73 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). They are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A.

The 74HCT73 is dual negative-edge triggered JK-type flip-flops featuring individual J, K, clock (nCP) and reset (nR) inputs; also complementary Q and Q outputs.

The J and K inputs of the 74HCT73 must be stable one set-up time prior to the HIGH-to-LOW clock transition for predictable operation.

The reset (nR) is an asynchronous active LOW input. When LOW, it overrides the clock and data inputs, forcing the Q output LOW and the Q output HIGH.

Schmitt-trigger action of the 74HCT73 in the clock input makes the circuit highly tolerant to slower clock rise and fall times.

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