
Features: · Asynchronous master reset· J, K, (D) inputs to the first stage· Fully synchronous serial or parallel data transfer· Shift right and parallel load capability· Complement output from the last stage· Output capability: standard· ICC category: MSIApplication· Serial data transfer· Parallel...

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SeekIC No. : 004250710 Detail

74HC195: Features: · Asynchronous master reset· J, K, (D) inputs to the first stage· Fully synchronous serial or parallel data transfer· Shift right and parallel load capability· Complement output from the l...

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Product Details



· Asynchronous master reset
· J, K, (D) inputs to the first stage
· Fully synchronous serial or parallel data transfer
· Shift right and parallel load capability
· Complement output from the last stage
· Output capability: standard
· ICC category: MSI


· Serial data transfer
· Parallel data transfer
· Serial-to-parallel data transfer
· Parallel-to-serial data transfer


  Connection Diagram


The 74HC195 is high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL). They are specified in compliance with JEDEC standard no. 7A.

The 74HC195 performs serial, parallel, serial-to-parallel or parallel-to-serial data transfer at very high speeds. The "195" operates on two primary modes:shift right (QoQ1) and parallel load, which are controlled by the state of the parallel load enable (PE) input. Serial data enters the first flip-flop (Q0) via the J and K inputs when the PE input is HIGH and shifted one bit in the direction Q0Q1 Q2  Q3 following each LOW-to-HIGH clock transition. The J and K inputs provide the flexibility of the JK type input of the 74HC195 for special applications and by tying the pins together, the simple D-type input for general applications. The "195" appears as four common clocked D flip-flops when the PE input is LOW.

After the LOW-to-HIGH clock transition, data on the parallel inputs (D0 to D3) is transferred to the respective Q0 to Q3 outputs. Shift left operation (Q Q2) can be achieved by tying the Qn outputs to the Dn-1 inputs and holding the PE input LOW.

All parallel and serial data transfers of the 74HC195 are synchronous, occurring after each LOW-to-HIGH clock transition. There is no restriction on the activity of the J, K, Dn and PE inputs for logic operation other than the set-up and hold time requirements. A LOW on the asynchronous master reset (MR) input sets all Q outputs LOW, independent of any other input condition.

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