Features: • Input and output matched to 50• 350W, 46% efficiency; typical RF performance• 36VCC, 44W nominal input RF drive level• Includes RC bias filter• NPN silicon power transistors• Nickel/Gold plated copper flange• MTTF>1x106 hrs.@Tflange=45°CDesc...
200809272143002125: Features: • Input and output matched to 50• 350W, 46% efficiency; typical RF performance• 36VCC, 44W nominal input RF drive level• Includes RC bias filter• NPN silicon ...
SeekIC Buyer Protection PLUS - newly updated for 2013!
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Features: • Choice of CMR performance of 10 kV/µs,5 kV/µs, and 100 V/µs...
Features: • Choice of CMR performance of 10 kV/µs, 5 kV/µs, and 100 V/µs...
Features: • Choice of CMR performance of 10 kV/µs,5 kV/µs, and 100 V/µs...
The MAPP-002729-300M00 is a common-base, Class-C,Sband pallet designed to streamline design of pulse power amplifier modules for ATC (Air Traffic Control) applications. The transistors are DC-isolated to optimize current balance and enable individual current monitoring. A wide-trace Wilkinson combiner maximizes consistency and reduces loss. In addition, the wide traces simplify connection to 50 circuits on any PCB material. The MAPP-002729-300M00 includes a gain compensation network at the input for ultra-flat gain vs. frequency response.