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Index 250

555 home appliance finger touching protector circuit

Published:2011/6/6 8:50:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, home appliance, finger touching, protector

555 home appliance finger touching protector circuit
As the figure 15-10 shows, the protector is composed of the finger touching monostable circuit, the music circuit, the control circuit and the step-down rectifier power supply circuit. This device can be used in the applications of children' finger touching fan metal mesh and other electrical equipments' safety protection. The monostable delay circuit is composed of the 555 and the R2,C1, when the fingers touch with the metal mesh or the sequin TP which is connected with the protective cover, the human sensing signal gets into the 555's trigger port - pin-2, the 555 sets, pin-3 has the high electrical level, VT1 cuts off, the SCR cuts off because there is no trigger current, so the motor M stops. The stop time (the monostable temporary stability time) td=1.1R2C1, the parameter of the figure is about 6 seconds. If the person leaves, the motor will automatic recover operation after 6 seconds.   (View)

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Brood thermostat circuit diagram

Published:2011/6/9 4:49:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: Brood thermostat

Brood thermostat circuit diagram
The brood temperature control circuit is composed of the power circuit and temperature detection control circuit, and the circuit is shown as the chart. Power circuit is composed of the power transformer T, bridge rectifier UR, filter capacitors C1, C2, and three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuit IC1. Temperature detection control circuit is composed of the transistors V1, V2, resistors R1 ~ R3, potentiometer RP, capacitor C3, diode VD, operational amplifier integrated circuit IC2, heater EH and relay Κ. AC 220V voltage bucked by T , rectified by UR, filtered by C1, stabilized by IC1 can provide +6 V power supply for the temperature detection control circuit. R1 ~ R3 select 1/4W carbon film or metal film resistors. C1 and C2 select aluminium electrolytic capacitors with the voltage in 16V.   (View)

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Pressure regulation and timing amphibious controller circuit

Published:2011/5/19 1:01:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Pressure regulation, timing, amphibious controller

Pressure regulation and timing amphibious controller circuit
When the pressure regulation, timing selecting switch S2 is at the position 1, the timing control circuit is composed of the NE555, S, C3, RP2 and VS.etc. When using, you press AN, C3 will rapidly discharge through R2 and AN, at this time, pin-2 and pin-6 of the NE555 has the high level voltage, pin-3 outputs the low level voltage, the bidirectional thyristor VS conducts and the output socket CZ outputs the voltage. The DC current charges C3 through RP2 and R3, after C3 is fully charged, the voltage of NE555's pin-2 and pin-6 reduces to 1/3 of the dc power supply voltage. At this time, the NE555 resets and the pin-3 outputs the high level voltage, VS cuts off, CZ has no output voltage.   (View)

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555 dream color light control circuit

Published:2011/5/21 21:59:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: dream, color light, control circuit

555 dream color light control circuit
The color light control circuit is composed of the multivibrator, the control circuit, the SCR trigger circuit and the step-down power supply circuit. The AC step-down rectifier circuit uses the +9V DC voltage which is supplied by IC1 and IC2. IC2 uses the color light control application-specific integrated circuit YX9010, the chip memory has eight kinds of color light control mode. AN is the hand switch, every time you press it, the color light display solution will change, and this circuit can turn on all the four channels of color lights.   (View)

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555 sound control delay lighting switch circuit

Published:2011/5/22 0:04:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: sound control, delay, lighting switch

555 sound control delay lighting switch circuit
As the figure 17-34 shows, the switch circuit is composed of the audio amplifier circuit, the rectifier circuit, the monostable trigger circuit and the relay control circuit.etc. This circuit can be used in wide range of applications such as the corridors and stairs. The audio signal which is collected by the pickup is also amplified by the VT1 and VT2, then it is rectified by the D1 and D2 to make the VT3 in the state of saturated conduction, also it makes the voltage of pin-2 less than 1/3VDD, the 555 sets, pin-3 has the high level voltage, the relay closes to turn on the power supply of the floodlight. When the sound is over, VT3 cuts off, C5 is charged through R5, when pin-6's trigger electrical level is more than 2/3VDD, the 555 resets, pin-3 has the low level voltage, J releases and the light turns off.   (View)

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555 sound control turn-off delay switch circuit

Published:2011/5/22 2:47:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: sound control, turn-off, delay switch

555 sound control turn-off delay switch circuit
The capacitance step-down rectifier circuit supplies the VDD=6V DC power supply voltage to the sound control circuit. IC1 uses the special sound control integrated circuit SK-1, and this integrated circuit has the bi-stable flip-flop and the 3-stage amplifier. In peacetime, the pin-9 of IC1 has the low electrical level, but when the pick-up B receives the sound signal of clap, the bi-stable of IC1 flips, pin-9 has the high level voltage, VT1 conducts. Because pin-2 of IC2(555)'s trigger level is less than 1/3VDD, so 555 sets, pin-3 has the high level voltage, the light turns on.   (View)

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555 electronic festival candle circuit

Published:2011/5/22 4:07:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: electronic, festival candle

555 electronic festival candle circuit
As the figure 17-46 shows, the electronic festival candle circuit is composed of the step-down voltage stabilizer, the candle light display circuit and the music blessing circuit.etc. The candle light display circuit is composed of the clock generator, the annular counter and the 21 LEDs which are used as the flame. The astable multivibrator is composed of the dual time base circuit IC1a(1/2 556) and the R1,R2,C1, the oscillation frequency f=1.44/(R1+2R2)C1. The parameters of the figure has the oscillation frequency of 20Hz. It's pin-5 is used as the shift clock CP in the IC2 annular counter. The IC2(CD4017) is one piece of decimal count / pulse distributor, it's R port and pin-13 connect to the ground to form the annular count circuit.   (View)

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555 advertisement decoration light controller circuit

Published:2011/5/22 7:19:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: advertisement, decoration light, controller circuit

555 advertisement decoration light controller circuit
As the figure 17-59 shows, the controller is composed of the pulse generator, the frequency divider, the matrix circuit and the SCR control circuit. We can achieve three kinds of combination change state by controlling the three groups of color lights. The astable multivibrator is composed of the IC1 and R1,R2,C1, the oscillation frequency f=1.44/(R1+2R2)C1, it is about 4Hz. The trigger which is composed of the IC2 and R3,R4,C2 outputs the square-wave A's half wave to the IC1, as the B of figure (b) shows. The waveform relationship between Y1,Y2 and Y3 is as shown in figure (c). By changing the logical combinations of the matrix, we can get more change forms.   (View)

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555 baby wave bed automatic sloshing circuit

Published:2011/6/7 8:39:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, baby wave bed, automatic, sloshing

555 baby wave bed automatic sloshing circuit
As the figure 15-34 shows, the circuit is composed of the pickup, the timer, the oscillator and the drive device, it can be used to automaticly shake the bed when the baby is crying. The pickup B changes the baby cry into the electrical signal, and this signal is amplified and rectified by VT1 to conduct the VT2, C4 discharges and IC1(555) sets, pin-3 has the high electrical level, the timing begins. The timing time td=1.1R4C4, the figure parameters' timing time is about 6 minutes. In the timing time, VT3 conducts and the IC2 multivibrator gets power to work, the oscillation frequency f=1.44/(RP1+R5)C5, the figure parameters' oscillation frequency is in the range of 1 to 6Hz, and the oscillation frequency can be adjusted by RP1. The duty ratio of IC2 is 1:1.   (View)

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555 remote control doorbell circuit

Published:2011/6/7 8:53:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, remote control, doorbell

555 remote control doorbell circuit
As the figure 15-23 shows, the circuit is composed of a launcher and a receiver.The launcher is composed of the self-excited multivibrator (composed of the VT1, VT2, L2, C3.etc) and the coupling coil L1, the oscillation frequency is between 30 to 40MHz. The receiver is composed of the antenna, the tuning coil, the times voltage detector, the monostable timing circuit and the sound circuit. The monostable trigger circuit is composed of the 555 and the RP2, C9, when it receives the high-frequency signal, the signal is selected, detected, amplified by the circuit to trigger the IC1, the 555 sets, pin-3 has the high potential as the power supply of the IC2, so IC2 sends out the music. The length of the music depends on the monostable temporarily stabel timing time, the figure parameters' timing time t=1.1RP2C9 (about 1 to 10 seconds), and it is adjusted by RP2.   (View)

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555 distance remote control amplifier switch circuit

Published:2011/6/7 19:27:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, distance, remote control, amplifier, switch

555 distance remote control amplifier switch circuit
When the rebroadcasting station's distribution transformer T1 outputs the 1kHz audio signal, the subprime stage L2's sensing signal is rectified by the circuit to make J1 to close, the contact points J1-1 and J1-2 which are connected with the city electricity turn on, the transformer T2's subprime stage is rectified and filtered by the circuit to supply power to the power self-locking delay circuit which is composed of the IC(555).etc. In the power self-locking delay circuit, the charging time of the IC(555) monostable circuit is td=1.1R3C3, it is about 2 minutes, this means in the intermittent time (less than 2 minutes), the 555 will not stop because of the monostable delay effect. After the announcing, T1 has no input signal, J releases, and after 2 minutes the J2 releases too, the power self-locking circuit cuts off.   (View)

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The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 5

Published:2011/6/9 7:20:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: loom , electricity saving controller

The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 5
The loom electricity saving controller circuit is composed of the knife switch Q, fuse FU, stop button S1, start button S2, micro switch S3, time relay KT, AC contactor KM, thermal relay KR and motor M,and the circuit is shown as the chart. Turning on the knife switch Q, pressing the start button S2 will make AC contactor KM pull in and the motor M start running. S1 and S2 select compression press buttons; S3 uses the limit switch with the contact current being greater than 1A. KT selects the time relay with the coil voltage being AC 380V. KM selects the AC contact with the coil voltage being 380V, contact current capacity being greater than 15A. Q, FU, and KR should choose with the matching components with M.   (View)

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The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 4

Published:2011/6/9 7:11:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: loom , electricity saving controller

The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 4
The loom electricity saving controller circuit is composed of the knife switch Q, fuse FU, thyristors VT1 ~ VT3, resistors R1 ~ R6, capacitors C1 ~ C3, reeds SA1 ~ SA3 and motor M, and the circuit is shown as the chart. R1 ~ R6 choose 2W metal film resistors. Adjusting the resistance of R2, R4 and R6 can change the VT1 ~ VT3 trigger sensitivity. When the loom stops because of occuring brokenyarn failure, the open and parking handle will jump to the parking position automatically under the action of the clutch. The normally open contacts of SA1 ~ SA3 are disconnected, VT1 ~ VT3 stop running because of the AC zero passage, and the motor M stops operation to enable the power-saving control after automatically stop.   (View)

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The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 3

Published:2011/6/9 6:57:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: loom, electricity saving controller

The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 3
The loom electricity saving controller circuit is composed of the DC regulated power supply circuit, touch control circuit, automatic control circuit and main control circuit, and the circuit is shown as the chart. DC power supply circuit is composed of the power transformer T, bridge rectifier UR, filter capacitor C, current-limiting resistor RI and the voltage regulator diode VS. Touch-control circuit is composed of the touching electrode A, resistors R2 ~ M and transistor V1. The automatic control circuit is composed of the limit switch S2, resistor R5, relay Κ, diode VD and transistor V2. The main control circuit is composed of the fuse FU, thermal relay KR, AC contactor KM and manual control switch S1. C selects the aluminium electrolytic capacitor with the withstang voltage being 100V.   (View)

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The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 2

Published:2011/6/9 6:43:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: loom , electricity saving controller

The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 2
The loom electricity saving controller circuit is composed of the 12V regulated power supply circuit, current detection amplifier, relay control circuit and motor control switch circuit, and the circuit is shown as the chart. 12V regulated power supply circuit is composed of the power transformer T, bridge rectifier UR, filter capacitors C4 and C5, current limiting resistor R8 and Zener diode VS. Current detection amplifier circuit is composed of the power transformer TA, diodes VD1 ~ VD3, capacitor C1, potentiometer RP, resistors R1 ~ R4 and transistor V1. Relay control circuit consists of resistors R5 ~ R7, capacitor C3, transistor V2 and 1 / 3, diode VD4, start button s and relay K. R1 ~ R7 select 1/4W metal film resistors.   (View)

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555 audio equipment automatic shutdown circuit

Published:2011/6/7 20:46:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, audio equipment, automatic shutdown

555 audio equipment automatic shutdown circuit
As the figure 14-22 shows, the automatic shutdown circuit uses the 555 monostable delay circuit as the core. The monostable delay circuit is composed of the 555 and R6,C5, the delay time td=1.1R6C5, the figure parameter is about 2 minutes, when the audio equipment has no output sound for 2 minutes, the circuit will shutdown automaticly. When the signal gets into the circuit from the R or L port, the VT1 or VT2 amplifies the signal, and this signal is doubled and rectified by the D1 and D2 to conduct the VT3, and the D3 conducts, pin-2 of 555 has the low level (<1/3VDD), the 555 sets, pin-3 has the high level, VT4 conducts, J closes, the audio equipment gets power to work.   (View)

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The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 1

Published:2011/6/9 6:32:00 Author:Lucas | Keyword: loom , electricity saving , controller

The loom electricity saving controller circuit diagarm 1
The loom electricity saving controller circuit is composed of the air switch QF, AC contactor KM, time relay KT, control switch S1, limit switch S2, manual light switch S3, thermal relay KR and illuminating lamp EL, and the circuit is shown as the chart. When the motor M operates normally, if the observation of gray cloth is needed illumination, the S3 being connected can make the EL be lit. When the motor M stops operation because of overload or over current fault, the normally closed contact of thermal relay KR is heated and disconnected to make the KM release, M stops running. S1 and S3 select 380V, SA's key self-locking power switch; S2 selects the two groups of contacts limit switch with the current being greater than 5A. EL uses the lights which are belong to loom. KT selects the time relay with the coil voltage being AC 380V.   (View)

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555 audio broadcast remote control switch circuit

Published:2011/6/7 21:27:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 555, audio, broadcast, remote control, switch

555 audio broadcast remote control switch circuit
The boot delay monostable circuit is composed of the 555, R4, C3.etc, the 555 is set when it gets the power, so the 555 outputs the high electrical level, J2 closes to close the J2-1 and J2-2, the power supply is in the state of self-protection. The contact point J2-3 opens, J3 closes, J3-1 and J3-2 closes to connect the transmitter's power supply, the device is in the standby state. The monostable delay circuit is composed of the IC(555) and R4, C3, because the C3 is charged through R4, so we require it to maintain the 4 minutes no turn state before the broadcast signal coming. After the circuit outputs the 90-120V broadcast signal, the VT1 conducts, the C2 discharges, the 555's pin-2 has the low electrical level to keep the pin-3 to output the high electrical level.   (View)

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electromotion model airplane remote control device

Published:2011/6/8 10:29:00 Author:Lena | Keyword: electromotion model, airplane, remote control

electromotion model airplane remote control device
electromotion model airplane remote control device
electromotion model airplane remote control device
electromotion model airplane remote control device

Electromotion model airplane remote control device consists of two-channel digital proportion driven circuit, servo circuit, power motor drive circuit etc.   (View)

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ultrasonic sensor remote control circuit application example

Published:2011/6/9 7:49:00 Author:Lena | Keyword: ultrasonic sensor, remote control, application

ultrasonic sensor remote control circuit application example
ultrasonic sensor remote control circuit application example
ultrasonic sensor remote control circuit application example

、Piezoelectricity ceramic ultrasonic transducer(ultrasonic sensor)has small   (View)

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