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Index 62

Exclusive-OR gates 3

Published:2012/12/27 0:55:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Exclusive-OR gates

Exclusive-OR gates 3

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Exclusive-OR gates 2

Published:2012/12/27 0:55:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Exclusive-OR gates

Exclusive-OR gates 2

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Exclusive-OR gates

Published:2012/12/27 0:54:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Exclusive-OR gates

Exclusive-OR gates

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Nocturnal Animals Whisker

Published:2012/12/24 21:29:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Nocturnal Animals Whisker

Nocturnal Animals Whisker

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Digital Step-Km Counter

Published:2012/12/21 21:39:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Digital Step-Km Counter

Digital Step-Km Counter

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The R3 trigger circuit with adjustable trigger level

Published:2012/12/21 1:18:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: R3 trigger , adjustable trigger level

The R3 trigger circuit with adjustable trigger level
The circuit has two input terminals, i.e. the triggered terminal ( pin 8 ) and reset terminal ( pin 12 ). The trigger level is adjusted by potentiometer RP (10kΩ). Figure b illustrates the pulse waveform. At time t1, the input voltage UE = U8 is lower than the setting trigger voltage U6 = U7, and the reset input remains high ( + U.S. ) level, the pin 14 outputs high level to block the output terminal (pin 2), then U2 is in low level. Until UE = U8 achieve the setting trigger voltage U6 = U7, output voltage U2 only changes to high from low level.   (View)

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General Circuit diagram

Published:2012/12/20 21:08:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: General Circuit diagram

General Circuit diagram

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Bass and treble tone two-way control circuit diagram

Published:2012/12/20 2:19:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Bass , treble tone, two-way control

Bass and treble tone two-way control circuit diagram
Bass and treble circuits are connected together to constitute two-way control tone control circuit shown in figure.   (View)

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Audio automatically compressed circuit diagram

Published:2012/12/20 2:37:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Audio, automatically compressed

Audio automatically compressed circuit diagram
This simple automatic audio compression circuit uses direct regulation technology to control amplitude of the output signal. In contrast, the common feedback technique is used to adjust the input signal. In many audio applications, it's important to have a constant level for the audio signal. This is a real circuit specifically for speech modulated radio transmission applications. The speech circuit is also often applied to the intercom or telephone system. This the sound adjustment cost price is not very expensive. The circuit design here uses simple and inexpensive material.   (View)

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4 ~ 20mA temperature transmitter circuit using voltage output integrated temperature sensor

Published:2012/12/20 2:11:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: 4 ~ 20mA, temperature transmitter , voltage output, integrated temperature sensor

4 ~ 20mA temperature transmitter circuit using voltage output integrated temperature sensor
The circuit can convert TMP35 output voltage signal into a standard 4 ~ 20mA current signal for the Automation Instrumentation and industrial temperature control. It uses 4mA as zero-scale value, 20mA as full scale value. REF193 is the 3V reference voltage source, OP193 is an op amp. RP1, RP2 are respectively calibrate full scale and zero potentiometers, the two can be adjusted independently by each other. The VD1 is an Schottky diode, it can prevent the rising of OP193 open loop voltage. The Supply Voltage is available in the range of +9 ~ +18 V.   (View)

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Basic connection diagram of INA326/327 signal and power

Published:2012/12/18 1:38:00 Author:Ecco | Keyword: Basic connection, signal , power

Basic connection diagram of INA326/327 signal and power
It selects most accurate 0.1μF capacitor for the power supply filtering, and it should be placed as close as possible to the chip power pin. Ro, Co are an output filters which can filter the output noise of circuit; at the same time, it can be used as the input filter for next-stage circuit, such as an input filter of analog - digital converter. The output voltage is based on the ground terminal of R2 / / C2 basis.   (View)

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D Flip-Flop with dual or single output.

Published:2012/12/17 20:37:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: D Flip-Flop, dual or single output.

D Flip-Flop with dual or single output.

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"popcorn" XOR output balancer

Published:2012/12/17 20:36:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: "popcorn" XOR , output balancer

popcorn XOR output balancer

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One KHz Low Distortion Signal Generator

Published:2012/12/17 20:28:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: One KHz , Low Distortion , Signal Generator

One KHz Low Distortion Signal Generator

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One KHz Digital and Analog Oscillator 2

Published:2012/12/17 20:27:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: One KHz, Digital and Analog , Oscillator

One KHz Digital and Analog Oscillator 2

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One KHz Digital and Analog Oscillator

Published:2012/12/17 20:26:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: One KHz, Digital and Analog, Oscillator

One KHz Digital and Analog Oscillator

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10000 and 5000 Hz Multivibrator Clock

Published:2012/12/17 20:26:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: 10000 and 5000 Hz, Multivibrator Clock

10000 and 5000 Hz Multivibrator Clock

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One Hertz Precision Time Base

Published:2012/12/17 20:25:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: One Hertz , Precision Time Base

One Hertz Precision Time Base

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Pseudo-Random Number Generator 3

Published:2012/12/17 20:25:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Pseudo-Random, Number Generator 2

Pseudo-Random Number Generator 3

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Pseudo-Random Number Generator 2

Published:2012/12/17 20:24:00 Author:muriel | Keyword: Pseudo-Random , Number Generator 2

Pseudo-Random Number Generator 2

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