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Index 227

Bootstrap composite amplification buffer (LM747,LF357) circuit

Published:2011/5/8 7:09:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Bootstrap, composite amplification buffer

Bootstrap composite amplification buffer (LM747,LF357) circuit
747 integrated dual op amp main parameters (typical):   (View)

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TA8611AN images & sound amplifier integrated circuit

Published:2011/5/8 4:14:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: images, sound, amplifier

TA8611AN images & sound amplifier integrated circuit
The TA8611AN images & sound amplifier integrated circuit is produced by the TOSHIBA company, this circuit can be used in imported and domestic color TVs. This IC is in the 20-pin dual in-line package, the pin functions and data is as shown in table 1. Table 1 The pin functions and data of the TA8611AM   (View)

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2.1 channel amplifier circuit

Published:2011/5/6 21:47:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 2.1 channel, amplifier

2.1 channel amplifier circuit
The 2.1 channel amplifier circuit is as shown:   (View)

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MOSFET Amplification Circuit of Grid External Baising Circuit

Published:2011/5/7 4:03:00 Author:Joyce | Keyword: MOSFET, Amplification, Grid, External, Baising Circuit

MOSFET Amplification Circuit of Grid External Baising Circuit
In this amplifier circuit. the grid of MPF162 MOSFET uses an external voltage bias, so it can gain good control of the work electricity and achieve good bias conditions.   (View)

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Active amplifier circuit

Published:2011/5/8 4:04:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Active, amplifier

Active amplifier circuit
The Active amplifier circuit is as shown:   (View)

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TA8615N standard switching circuit

Published:2011/5/8 4:02:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: standard, switching

TA8615N standard switching circuit
TA8615N standard switching circuit
TA8615N standard switching circuit

The TA8615N is designed as one kind of standard switching circuit which is produced by the TOSHIBA company, this circuit can be used in the large-screen multi-system color TVs as the multi-standard IF-sound frequency switch. 1.Features The TA8615N has the system logic circuit, the SIF electronic switch control circuit, the selector switch circuit, the mixer circuit, the 500KHz clock oscillation circuit and the 4.5MHz frequency discriminator circuit.etc. The in-circuit block diagram is as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 The in-circuit block diagram of the TA8615N 2.Pin functions and data The TA8615N is in the 30-pin dual in-line package, the pin functions and data is as shown in table 1. Table 1 The pinfunctionsanddata of the TA8615N   (View)

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Multimedia active speaker circuit

Published:2011/5/6 7:36:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: Multimedia, active speaker

Multimedia active speaker circuit
The Multimedia active speaker circuit is as shown:   (View)

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capacitance measurement circuit

Published:2011/5/8 19:55:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: capacitance, measurement

capacitance measurement circuit

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Transistor PK130F80 internal circuit

Published:2011/5/8 19:18:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: Transistor, internal circuit

Transistor PK130F80 internal circuit
The Transistor PK130F80 internal circuit is as shown:   (View)

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Resistance tolerance measurement circuit

Published:2011/5/8 19:35:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: Resistance tolerance, measurement

Resistance tolerance measurement circuit

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Logic probe circuit

Published:2011/5/8 19:34:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: Logic, probe

Logic probe circuit
The permanently connected LED is used to indicate the TTL voltage level and the changes of this level. If the LED-1 turns on, it means the input voltage is TTL high-level voltage, If the LED-1 turns off, it means the input voltage is TTL low-level voltage. When the input voltage level changes, LED-2 lights one time. This circuit can check the voltage level, the level jump, the single pulse and the cluster pulse. Only half of each IC has used, so you need, you can use the same number of ICs as the two test probes. The in-phase driver of the monostable IC9602 is composed of the la and lc. This monostable in-phase driver IC9602 is triggered by the positive edge and negative edge of C1 and D1. If the cluster pulse's period is less than the width of the flash pulse, the edge LED-2 will always light.   (View)

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Circuit measurement circuit with the range of 100nA-1mA

Published:2011/5/8 19:15:00 Author:Christina | Keyword: Circuit measurement, 100nA-1mA

Circuit measurement circuit with the range of 100nA-1mA

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2.1 channel active speaker circuit

Published:2011/5/6 21:48:00 Author:TaoXi | Keyword: 2.1 channel, active speaker

2.1 channel active speaker circuit
The 2.1 channel active speaker circuit is as shown:   (View)

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The Static Offset Circuit of the Triode Common-Emitter Amplifier

Published:2011/5/6 20:44:00 Author:Borg | Keyword: Static offset, Common-Emitter Amplifier

The Static Offset Circuit of the Triode Common-Emitter Amplifier
The Static Offset Circuit of the Triode Common-Emitter Amplifier

In the following figure, there is a circuit formed by static potentials and bias voltages of common-emitters(i.e V502,V504 and V506). When the supply voltage changes even a little, the static operating point will be effected, and the brightness on the screen will be effected because the static electrode potential of the output tube changes. Therefore, with this circuit, the bias voltage on the emitter of the amplifier changes synchronously with the supply power of +9V, i.e even when this supply power changes a little, the voltages on the emitters, V502,V504 and V506, will change subsequently, making sure that both of the common- and grounded- transistors won’t change because of the supply power, which means that the static potentials of V501,V503 AND V506 keep steady. This character can not only keep the consistence of piles of products, but also make the brightness of a singal screen not to be effected by the little changes of the supply power.   (View)

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The Amplifier Circuit of Dually Amplified TV Antennas

Published:2011/5/6 20:50:00 Author:Borg | Keyword: Amplifier Circuit, Dually Amplified TV Antennas

The Amplifier Circuit of Dually Amplified TV Antennas
The Amplifier Circuit of Dually Amplified TV Antennas

The Amplifier Circuit of Dually Amplified TV Antennas   (View)

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AOP609 Internal Circuit

Published:2011/5/8 1:34:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Internal Circuit,

AOP609 Internal Circuit
AOP609 Internal Circuit

The picture above shows the AOP609 internal circuit.   (View)

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AOL1401 Internal Circuit

Published:2011/5/8 1:35:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Internal Circuit,

AOL1401 Internal Circuit
The picture above shows the AOL1401 internal circuit.   (View)

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AOD434 Internal Circuit

Published:2011/5/8 1:37:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Internal Circuit,

AOD434 Internal Circuit
The picture above shows the AOD434 internal circuit.   (View)

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5SNX13H2500 Internal Circuit

Published:2011/5/8 1:38:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Internal Circuit,

5SNX13H2500 Internal Circuit
The picture above shows the 5SNX13H2500 intenal circuit.   (View)

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5SNX10H2500 Internal Circuit

Published:2011/5/8 1:40:00 Author:Felicity | Keyword: Internal Circuit,

5SNX10H2500 Internal Circuit
The picture above shows the 5SNX10H2500 internal circuit.   (View)

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