PDSP16510, PDSP16510ABOAC, PDSP16510ACO Selling Leads, Datasheet
MFG:ZARLINK Package Cooled:10617+ D/C:05+

PDSP16510, PDSP16510ABOAC, PDSP16510ACO Datasheet download
Part Number: PDSP16510
Package Cooled: 10617+
D/C: 05+
MFG:ZARLINK Package Cooled:10617+ D/C:05+
PDSP16510, PDSP16510ABOAC, PDSP16510ACO Datasheet download
Package Cooled: 10617+
D/C: 05+
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The PDSP16510 performs Forward or Inverse Fast Fourier Transforms on complex or real data sets containing up to 1024 points. Data and coefficients are each represented by 16 bits, with block floating point arithmetic for increased dynamic range.
An internal RAM is provided which can hold up to 1024 complex data points. This removes the memory transfer bottleneck, inherent in building block solutions. Its organisa-tion allows the PDSP16510 to simultaneously input new data, transform data stored in the RAM, and to output previous results. No external buffering is needed for transforms con-taining up to 256 points, and the PDSP16510 can be directly connected to an A/D converter to perform continuous trans-forms. The user can choose to overlap data blocks by either 0%, 50%, or 75%. Inputs and outputs are synchronous to the 40MHz system clock used for internal operations.
A 1024 point complex transform can be completed in some 98s, which is equivalent to throughput rates of 450 million operations per second. Multiple devices can be con-nected in parallel in order to increase the sampling rate up to the 40MHz system clock. Six devices are needed to give the maximum performance with 1024 point transforms.
Either a Hamming or a Blackman-Harris window operator can be internally applied to the incoming real or complex data.
The latter gives 67dB side lobe attenuation. The operator values are calculated internally and do not require an external ROM nor do they incur any time penalty.
The device outputs the real and imaginary components of the frequency bins. These can be directly connected to the PDSP16330 in order to produce magnitude and phase values
Supply voltage Vcc -0.5V to 7.0V
Input voltage VIN -0.5V to Vcc + 0.5V
Output voltage VOUT -0.5V to Vcc + 0.5V
Clamp diode current per pin IK (see note 2) 18mA
Static discharge voltage (HMB) 500V
Storage temperature TS -65 to 150
Junction Temperature, Commercial 100
Junction temperature, Industrial 115
Junction Temperature, Military 155
Package power dissipation 5000mW
1. Exceeding these ratings may cause permanent damage. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.
2. Maximum dissipation or 1 second should not be exceeded, only one output to be tested at any one time.
3. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliablity.
4. Current is defined as positive into the device.
· Completely self contained FFT Processor
· Internal RAM supports up to1024 complex points
· 16 bit data and coefficients plus block floating point for increased dynamic range
· 450 MIP operation gives 98 microsecond transforma-tion times for 1024 points
· Up to 40MHz sampling rates with multiple devices.
· Internal window operator gives 67dB side lobe attenuation and needs no external ROM.
· 84 pin PGA or 132 surface mount package