NJG1704V, NJG1705V, NJG1709KC1-TE3 /0012-444G
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Datasheet: NJG1704V-C1
File Size: 356112 KB
Manufacturer: NJRC [New Japan Radio]
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Datasheet: NJG1101F
File Size: 345750 KB
Manufacturer: NJRC [New Japan Radio]
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NJG1704V General Description
NJG1704V is a front-end GaAs MMIC including a LNA, local amplifier and MIXER, designed mainly for 800MHz band cellular phone. NJG1704V exhibits low noise of 1.7dB at low total current consumption of 9.0mA.
NJG1704V Features
· Low voltage operation +2.7V typ.· Low current consumption 9mA typ.· High conversion gain 28dB typ. @fRF=820MHz, PRF=-50dBm, fLO=690MHz, PLO=-10dBm· Low noise figure 1.7dB typ. @fRF=820MHz, fLO=690MHz, PLO=-10dBm· High IIP3 -14dBm typ. @fRF=820.0+820.1MHz, fLO=690MHz, PLO=-10dBm· Package SSOP10
NJG1704V Connection Diagram
NJG1705V General Description
NJG1705V is a front-end GaAs MMIC including a LNA, local amplifier and a Mixer, designed mainly for 1.5 and 1.9GHz band cellular phone. NJG1705V exhibits low noise of 16dB at 1.5GHz and 2.1dB at 1.9GHz at low total current consumption of 9.5mA.
NJG1705V Features
Low voltage operation +2.7V typ. Low current consumption 9.5mA typ. High conversion gain 23.5dB typ. @fRF=1489MHz, PRF=-50dBm, fLO=1619MHz, PLO=-10dBm 20.5dB typ. @fRF=1900MHz, PRF=-50dBm, fLO=1660MHz, PLO=-10dBm Low noise figure 1.6dB typ. @fRF=1489MHz, fLO=1619MHz, PLO=-10dBm, fIF=130MHz 2.2dB typ. @fRF=1900MHz, fLO=1660MHz, PLO=-10dBm, fIF=240MHz High IIP3 -15.5dBm typ. @fRF=1489.0+1489.1MHzfLO=1619MHz, PLO=-10dBm -10dBm typ. @fRF=1900.0+1900.1MHzfLO=1660MHz, PLO=-10dBm Package SSOP10
NJG1705V Connection Diagram
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