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LM348, LM3480IM3-12, LM3480IM3-12/NOPB

LM348, LM3480IM3-12, LM3480IM3-12/NOPB Selling Leads, Datasheet

MFG:National Semiconductor  Category:Integrated Circuits (ICs)  Package Cooled:SOP  D/C:03+

LM3480IM3-12 Picture

LM348, LM3480IM3-12, LM3480IM3-12/NOPB Datasheet download

Five Points

Part Number: LM3480IM3-12

Category: Integrated Circuits (ICs)

MFG: National Semiconductor

Package Cooled: SOP

D/C: 03+

Description: IC VREG LDO 100MA 12V SOT23


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  • LM3480IM3-3.3

  • D/C: 01+& Qty: 735  Adddate: 2024-10-27
  • Inquire Now
    Contact: Mr.Subaninfo@asksemi.com   MSN:asksemiconductor@hotmail.com
    Tel: 86-0755-33060075/0755-29183325/0755-83221176
    Fax: 86-0755-33060076
  • LM3480IM3-5.0

  • D/C: 03+& Qty: 699 Note: IC  Adddate: 2024-10-27
  • Inquire Now
  • PRO-IC Inc.   South
    Contact: Mr.Bruce Lee   MSN:bsleego@msn.com
    Tel: 82-31-5741420
    Fax: 82-31-5741419

About LM348

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: LM348

File Size: 143181 KB

Manufacturer: STMicro

Download : Click here to Download

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About LM3480IM3-12

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: LM3480IM3-12

File Size: 283862 KB

Manufacturer: NSC [National Semiconductor]

Download : Click here to Download

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  • LM301

  • D/C: 97+& Qty: 1203  Adddate: 2024-10-27
  • Inquire Now
  • Moko Technology Limited   China
    Contact: Mr.Tom   MSN:tom-ic@hotmail.com
    Tel: 0086-0755-23956700
    Fax: 0086-0755-23956710

About LM301

PDF/DataSheet Download

Datasheet: LM301

File Size: 521472 KB

Manufacturer: STMICROELECTRONICS [STMicroelectronics]

Download : Click here to Download

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LM348 General Description

The LM148 series is a true quad 741. It consists of four independent, high gain, internally compensated, low power operational amplifiers which have been designed to provide functional characteristics identical to those of the familiar 741 operational amplifier. In addition the total supply current for all four amplifiers is comparable to the supply current of a single 741 type op amp. Other features include input offset currents and input bias current which are much less than those of a standard 741. Also, excellent isolation between amplifiers has been achieved by independently biasing each amplifier and using layout techniques which minimize thermal coupling.

The LM148 can be used anywhere multiple 741 or 1558 type amplifiers are being used and in applications where amplifier matching or high packing density is required. For lower power refer to LF444.

Reliability Metrics

Part NumberProcessEFR RejectEFR Sample SizePPMLTA RejectsLTA Device HoursFITSMTTF (Hours)

Note: The Early Failure Rates (EFR) were calculated as point estimate PPM based on rejects and sample size for EFR. The Long Term Failure Rates were calculated at 60% confidence using the Arrhenius equation at 0.7eV activation energy and derating the assumed stress temperature of 150°C to an application temperature of 55°C.

For more information on Reliability Metrics, please click here.

Design Tools

TitleSize in KbytesDate  
Amplifiers Selection Guide software for Windows8 Kbytes6-Mar-2007View  

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More Application Notes

TitleSize in KbytesDate
AN-460: Application Note 460 LM34/LM35 Precision Monolithic Temperature Sensors306 Kbytes20-Sep-02Download
AN-460 (Japanese): Application Note 460 LM34/LM35 Precision Monolithic Temperature Sensors
322 Kbytes 
AN-1204: Application Note 1204 LM3478/LM3488 Evaluation Board218 Kbytes10-May-04Download
AN-127: Application Note 127 LM143 Monolithic High Voltage Operational Amplifier Applications441 Kbytes2-May-04Download
AN-103: Application Note 103 LM340 Series Three Terminal Positive Regulators421 Kbytes3-Oct-02Download
AN-298: Application Note 298 Isolation Techniques for Signal Conditioning379 Kbytes2-Oct-02Download
AN-182: Application Note 182 Improving Power Supply Reliability with IC Power Regulators27 Kbytes3-Oct-02Download
AN-1192: Application Note 1192 Overture™ Series High Power Solutions548 Kbytes15-Jun-04Download
AN-1756: Application Note 1756 LM3481 Evaluation Board505 Kbytes30-Apr-08Download
AN-1634: Application Note 1634 Starting Up A Buck Regulator With a Voltage Present At V OUT71 Kbytes17-May-07Download
AN-1634 (Japanese): Application Note 1634 Starting Up A Buck Regulator With a Voltage Present At V OUT
95 Kbytes 
AN-1634 (Chinese): Application Note 1634 Starting Up A Buck Regulator With a Voltage Present At V OUT
222 Kbytes 
AN-1471: Application Note 1471 LM3489 Demonstration Board695 Kbytes24-May-06Download
AN-1227: Application Note 1227 LM3485 Evaluation Board86 Kbytes10-May-04Download
AN-181: Application Note 181 3-Terminal Regulator Is Adjustable165 Kbytes1-May-04Download
AN-1392: Application Note 1392 LM3485 LED Demo Board569 Kbytes7-Jun-06Download
AN-1392 (Chinese): Application Note 1392 LM3485 LED Demo Board
235 Kbytes 
AN-1529: Application Note 1529 LM3430 Evaluation Board2770 Kbytes21-Aug-07Download
AN-1529 (Chinese): Application Note 1529 LM3430 Evaluation Board
789 Kbytes 
AN-1148: Application Note 1148 Linear Regulators: Theory Of Operation and Compensation200 Kbytes10-May-04Download
AN-1148 (Japanese): Application Note 1148 Linear Regulators: Theory Of Operation and Compensation
216 Kbytes 
AN-1148 (Chinese): Application Note 1148 Linear Regulators: Theory Of Operation and Compensation
396 Kbytes 

If you have trouble printing or viewing PDF file(s), see Printing Problems.

LM348 Maximum Ratings

Gain Bandwidth1 MHz
Channels4 Channels
Input OutputTypeNot Rail to Rail
Slew Rate0.5 Volts/usec
Supply Min10 Volt
Supply Max36 Volt
Offset Voltage max, 25C6 mV
Supply Current Per Channel0.6 mA
PowerWise Rating 2600 uA/MHz
Max Input Bias Current400 nA
Output Current25 mA
Voltage Noise60 nV/root(Hz)
Shut downNo
Special FeaturesUndefined
FunctionOp Amp
Temperature Min0 deg C
Temperature Max70 deg C
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LM348 Features

mA741 Operating Characteristics
Low Supply Current Drain . . . 0.6 mA Typ(per amplifier)
Low Input Offset Voltage
Low Input Offset Current
Class AB Output Stage
Input/Output Overload Protection
 Designed to Be Interchangeable With National LM148, LM248, and LM348

LM348 Connection Diagram

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