
Features: Fast charge and conditioning of nickel cadmium or nickel-metal hydridebatteriesHysteretic PWM switch-mode current regulation or gated controlofanexternalregulatorEasily integrated into systems or usedasastand-alonechargerPre-charge qualification of temperatureandvoltageConfigurable, dire...

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bq2004F Picture
SeekIC No. : 004301118 Detail

bq2004F: Features: Fast charge and conditioning of nickel cadmium or nickel-metal hydridebatteriesHysteretic PWM switch-mode current regulation or gated controlofanexternalregulatorEasily integrated into sys...

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Product Details



Fast charge and conditioning of nickel cadmium or nickel-metal hydridebatteries
Hysteretic PWM switch-mode current regulation or gated controlofanexternalregulator
Easily integrated into systems or usedasastand-alonecharger
Pre-charge qualification of temperatureandvoltage
Configurable, direct LED outputs displaybatteryandchargestatus
Fast-charge termination bytem-perature/time, peak volume detection, -V, maximum voltage,maximum temperature, and maximumtime
Optional top-off charge andpulsed current maintenance charging
Logic-level controlled low-power mode(<5Astandbycurrent)


  Connection Diagram


Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Notes
VCC VCC relative to VSS -0.3 +7.0 V
VT DC voltage applied on any pin ex-
cluding VCC relative to VSS
-0.3  +7.0   
TOPR Operating ambient temperature -20 +70 °C Commercial
TSTG Storage temperature -55 +125 °C  
TSOLDER Soldering temperature  +260  °C  10 sec. max.
TBIAS Temperature under bias -40  +85  °C   


The bq2004E and bq2004H Fast Charge ICs provide comprehensive fast charge control functions together with high-speed switching power control circuitry on a monolithic CMOS device.

Integration of closed-loop current control circuitry allows the bq2004 to be the basis of a cost-effective solution for stand-alone and system-integrated chargers for batteries of oneormorecells.

Switch-activated discharge-before-charge allows bq2004E/H-based chargers to support battery conditioning andcapacitydetermination.

High-efficiency power conversion is accomplished using the bq2004E/H as a hysteretic PWM controller for switch-mode regulation of the charging current. The bq2004E/H may alternatively be used to gate an externallyregulatedchargingcurrent.

Fast charge may begin on application of the charging supply, replacement of the battery, or switch depression.For safety, fast charge is inhibited unless/until the battery tempera-ture and voltage are within config-uredlimits.

Temperature, voltage, and time of bq2004F are monitored throughout fast charge. Fast charge is terminated by any of thefollowing:

After fast charge of bq2004F, optional top-off and pulsed current maintenance phases with appropriate display modeselections areavailable.

The bq2004H differs from the bq2004E only in that fast charge, hold-off, and top-off time units have been scaled up by a factor of two, and the bq2004H provides different display selections. Timing differences between the two ICs are illustrated in Table 1. Display differ-encesareshowninTable2.

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