
Features: DACl13818'Bit Resolution and Accuracv (38gV, 1 Part in 262,1441Nonlinearity 1/2LSB max (DACI 138K)Excellent StabilitySettlins to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 1opsHermetically-Sealed Sem iconductorsDAC113616-Bit Resolution and Accuracy n52PV,1 Part in 65,536)Low CostNonlinearity 1/2LSB max (DACI13...

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SeekIC No. : 004323633 Detail

DAC114: Features: DACl13818'Bit Resolution and Accuracv (38gV, 1 Part in 262,1441Nonlinearity 1/2LSB max (DACI 138K)Excellent StabilitySettlins to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 1opsHermetically-Sealed Sem iconductors...

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Product Details



18'Bit Resolution  and  Accuracv  (38gV,  1 Part  in 262,1441
Nonlinearity  1/2LSB  max  (DACI  138K)
Excellent  Stability
Settlins  to 1/2LSB  (0.0002%)  in 1ops
Hermetically-Sealed  Sem  iconductors
16-Bit  Resolution  and  Accuracy  n52PV,1  Part  in 65,536)
Low Cost
Nonlinearity  1/2LSB  max  (DACI136K,  L)
Settling  to 1/2LSB  max  (0.0008%)  in Qrs
Eliminates  DAC Glitches
Available  on DACl 136/1  138  Card-Mounted  Assembly


The  DAC114 is  complete  self-contained  culrent  or voltage  output modular  digital-to-analog  converters  with resolutions  and  accuracies  of 1.6  and  18  bits'

The DAC114 combines  precision  current  sources with state-of-the-art  steering  switches  to produce  a  very  linear output.  Inputs  to these  converters  are  compatible  with TTL levels,  The  converters  have  a  current  output  of -2mA full scale. A voltage  output can  be obtained  by connecting  the  internal amplifier  to the current  output by means  of  jumpers.  By using additional  jumpers,  the  user  can  select  any  one  of  the  folowing  output  ranges:  O  to +5V,0 to +10V,  l5V,  or t10V.

The  DAC114 is available  on Card-Mounted  Assemblies In this  configuration,  selectable  options  include'  input codes, output amplifiers,  and  a  high  speed  transient-suppressing Deglitcher  Module,  Deglitcher  IV.

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