
PinoutDescriptionThe XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 is designed as one kind of platform flash in-system programmable configuration PROM device that generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM. And this device includes 32-Mbit, 16-Mbit, and 8-Mbit PROMs that support Master Serial, Slave Serial, Ma...

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XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004547899 Detail

XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068: PinoutDescriptionThe XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 is designed as one kind of platform flash in-system programmable configuration PROM device that generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM. And ...

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The XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 is designed as one kind of platform flash in-system programmable configuration PROM device that generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM. And this device includes 32-Mbit, 16-Mbit, and 8-Mbit PROMs that support Master Serial, Slave Serial, Master SelectMAP, and Slave SelectMAP FPGA configuration modes.

Features of the XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 are:(1)In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs; (2)Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process; (3)Endurance of 20,000 Program/Erase Cycles; (4)Operation over Full Industrial Temperature Range (-40 to +85); (5)IEEE Standard 1149.1/1532 Boundary-Scan (JTAG) Support for Programming, Prototyping, and Testing; (6)JTAG Command Initiation of Standard FPGA Configuration; (7)Cascadable for Storing Longer or Multiple Bitstreams; (8)Dedicated Boundary-Scan (JTAG) I/O Power Supply (VCCJ); (9)I/O Pins Compatible with Voltage Levels Ranging From 1.5V to 3.3V; (10)Design Support Using the Xilinx Alliance ISE and Foundation ISE Series Software Packages; (11)Built-in data decompressor compatible with Xilinx advanced compression technology; (12)Available in small-footprint VO48, VOG48, FS48, and FSG48 packages.

The absolute maximum ratings of the XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068 can be summarized as:(1)Internal supply voltage relative to GND:0.5 to +2.7 V;(2)I/O supply voltage relative to GND:0.5 to +4.0 V;(3)JTAG I/O supply voltage relative to GND:0.5 to +4.0 V;(4)Input voltage with respect to GND:0.5 to +3.6 V;(5)Voltage applied to High-Z output:0.5 to +3.6 V;(6)Storage temperature (ambient):65 to +150 °C;(7)Junction temperature: +125 °C. If you want to know more information such as the electrical characteristics about the XC5VLX330-1FF1760I4068, please download the datasheet in www.seekic.com or www.chinaicmart.com.

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