
Features: • Audio Performance- DAC SNR 98dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)- THD -81dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)• DAC Sampling Frequency: 8kHz 96kHz• Pin Selectable Audio Data Interface Format- I2S, 16-bit Right Justified or 16bit DSP• 2.0 Vrms output at 12V or 9V supply• 8.2V t...

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WM8521 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004546151 Detail

WM8521: Features: • Audio Performance- DAC SNR 98dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)- THD -81dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)• DAC Sampling Frequency: 8kHz 96kHz• Pin Selectable Audio Data Interface Forma...

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Product Details



• Audio Performance- DAC SNR 98dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)- THD -81dB ('A' weighted @ 48kHz)
• DAC Sampling Frequency: 8kHz 96kHz
• Pin Selectable Audio Data Interface Format- I2S, 16-bit Right Justified or 16bit DSP
• 2.0 Vrms output at 12V or 9V supply
• 8.2V to 13.2V Analogue, 2.7V to 3.6 Digital Supply
• 14-pin SOIC Package


• Consumer digital audio applications requiring 2 Vrms output- DVD Players- Digital TV- Digital Set Top Boxes- A/V Receivers


  Connection Diagram


Digital supply voltage: DVDD GND - 0.3V GND + 7V
Analogue supply voltage: AVDD GND - 0.3V GND + 7V
Digital ground: DGND. Analogue ground: AGND1, AGND2 GND - 0.3V GND + 0.3V
Digital inputs: MCLK, VSMP, CLAMP GND - 0.3V GND + 0.3V
Digital outputs: DOUT GND - 0.3V DVDD2 + 0.3V
Analogue inputs: VINM, VINP, VREFIN GND - 0.3V AVDD + 0.3V
Reference pins: VRT, VRB GND - 0.3V AVDD + 0.3V
Operating temperature range: TA 0°C +70°C
Storage temperature prior to soldering 30°C max / 85% RH max
Storage temperature -65°C +150°C


The WM8521 is a 96kHz stereo DAC with an integrated outputop-amp stage, designed to generate a 2.0Vrms output signaldirectly, so reducing external component requirements in digitalaudio applications.

WM8521 comes into two variants WM8521HC and WM8521H9which offers different line drive output capabilities. WM8521HCoutputs 2Vrms at 12V supply, while WM8521H9 outputs2.0Vrms at 9V supply. WM8521HC/H9 are designed for costsensitive consumer digital audio applications requiring 2Vrmsline output.

A 24-bit multi-bit sigma delta DAC is used with oversamplingdigital interpolation filters. Digital audio input word lengths from16-32 bits and sampling rates from 8kHz to 96kHz aresupported.

The audio interface of WM8521 supports I2S, Right Justified and DSP digitalaudio formats.

The WM8521 iscontrolled via a hardware interface whichprovides access to features including de-emphasis, mute anddata formats. These devices are pin equivalent and areavailable in a 14-pin SOIC package.

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