
Specifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit -Vbat Reverse Supply Voltage -12 V V(BR)DSS Drain-Source breakdown voltage 60(Internally clamped) V Vp1 Breakdown Voltage in Pad : LEDEM (Vbat < 15V)(Vbat > 15V) Vbat15 VV Ip1 Breakdown Current in Pad :...

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SeekIC No. : 004542401 Detail

VN410: Specifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit -Vbat Reverse Supply Voltage -12 V V(BR)DSS Drain-Source breakdown voltage 60(Internally clamped) V Vp1 Breakdown Voltag...

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Product Details



Symbol Parameter Value Unit


Reverse Supply Voltage



Drain-Source breakdown voltage

(Internally clamped)


Breakdown Voltage in Pad : LEDEM (Vbat < 15V)
                                                         (Vbat > 15V)




Breakdown Current in Pad : RT, CT, ROLLDIR,RDIR

 +/- 10



Maximum DC Load Current

15 A


Voltage Drop Between ground connect ions (see note 1)




Reverse Output Current

- 15



Electrostatic discharge(R=1.5k, C=100pF)

2000 V


Power dissipation at Tc25°C Internally Limited



Junction operating temperature

Internally Limited


Storage Temperature

-55 to 150

Note 1: In case the voltage drops beetween ground connection exceed 0.4V, extenal resistors in series with EM pin and AL pin are needed(if these pins are used) to prevent damages to the device. The value of these resistors is 100.


The VN410 is a monolithic device made using SGS-THOMSON Vertical Intelligent Power Technology, integrating all the features needed to implement a complete automotive flashing system.

This VN410 device has two identical power channels, so the informations are are specified for only one. Rt, Ct pins are connected to an external R, C network which fixes the flashing frequency. LDIR,RDIR direction inputs activate the corresponding output (or none). EM inputs turns on both power outputs for emergency flashing, which is reflected by flashing red LED connected to LEDEM output.AL input can be connected to an anti-theft alarm system, making both power outputs flashing. In case of low load (burned lamp) buzzer frequency and outputs flashing will double, thus indicating a fault condition (direction mode only).

In case of overloading of the power outputs,built-in-thermal shutdown circuits will reduce duty cycle so as to keep maximum junction temperature within safe limits. Rol pin of VN410 is connected to an external resistor to detect a burned lamp and a trailer connection. LEDT is connected to an external green LED which indicates the trailer connection.

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