
DescriptionThe VCO190-150T is designed as one kind of VCO products made by sirenza microdevices inc. Its operating temperature range is from -35°C to 85°C.Some important specifications of VCO190-150Thave been concluded into several points as follow. (1)Its frequency range would be min 100MHz and t...

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SeekIC No. : 004540827 Detail

VCO190-150T: DescriptionThe VCO190-150T is designed as one kind of VCO products made by sirenza microdevices inc. Its operating temperature range is from -35°C to 85°C.Some important specifications of VCO190-150...

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Product Details



The VCO190-150T is designed as one kind of VCO products made by sirenza microdevices inc. Its operating temperature range is from -35°C to 85°C.

Some important specifications of VCO190-150T have been concluded into several points as follow. (1)Its frequency range would be min 100MHz and typ 150MHz and max 200MHz. (2)Its turing voltage would be min 1Vdc at 100MHz and would be typ 15Vdc and max 16Vdc at 200MHz. (3)Its tuning sensitivity would be min 4MHz/V and typ 7MHz/V and max 10MHz/V. (4)Its output power is min -3dBm and typ 0dBm and max 3dBm. (5)Its output phase noise would be typ -114dBc/Hz and max -105dBc/Hz at 10KHz and would be typ -134dBc/Hz and max -125dBc/Hz at 100KHz. (6)Its power supply would be min 4.75V and typ 5V and max 5.25V. (7)Its supply current would be typ 10mA and max 15mA. (8)Its harmonic suppression would be typ -15dBc and max -8dBc at 2nd harmonic and would be typ -11dBc and max -8dBc at 3rd harmonic. (9)Its spurious (non-harmonic) would be max -80dBc. (10)Its frequency pushing from 4.75V to 5.25V would be typ 1.5MHz p-p and would be max 2MHz p-p. (11)Its frequency pulling at 12dB RL would be typ 0.3MHz p-p and would be max 1MHz p-p. (12)Its tuning port capacitance would be typ 220pF. (13)Its output impedance would be max 50ohms. And so on.

VCO190-150T should be noted that performance tests and ratings for Sirenza Microdevices' products were performed internally by Sirenza and measured using specific computer systems and/or components and reflect the approximate performance of the the products as measured by those tests. Any difference in circuit implementation, test software, or test equipment may affect actual performance. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time and Sirenza microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information. And so on. If you have any question or suggestion or want to know more information of VCO190-150T please contact us for details. Thank you!

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