
Features: Standby mode, maximum current 35 A Reset output guaranteed for VDD voltage down to 1.2 V Comparator for voltage monitoring, voltage reference 1.17 V ±1.5% voltage reference accuracy at +25 °C ±3% voltage reference accuracy for -40 to +85 °C Programmable reset voltage monitoring Programm...

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V6130 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004540144 Detail

V6130: Features: Standby mode, maximum current 35 A Reset output guaranteed for VDD voltage down to 1.2 V Comparator for voltage monitoring, voltage reference 1.17 V ±1.5% voltage reference accuracy at +2...

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Product Details



Standby mode, maximum current 35 A
Reset output guaranteed for VDD voltage down to 1.2 V
Comparator for voltage monitoring, voltage reference 1.17 V
±1.5% voltage reference accuracy at +25 °C ±3% voltage reference accuracy for -40 to +85 °C
Programmable reset voltage monitoring
Programmable power-on reset (POR) delay
Watchdog with programmable time window guarantees a minimum time and a maximum time
   between software clearing of the watchdog
Time base accuracy ±10%
System enable (EN) output offers added security
TTL/CMOS compatible
-40 to +85 °C temperature range
On request extended temperature range, -40 to +125 °C
DIP8 and SO8 packages


 Industrial electronics
 Cellular telephones
 Security systems
 Battery powered products
 Automotive electronics


  Connection Diagram


Maximum voltage at VDD
Minimum voltage at VDD
 VSS - 0.3 V
Max. voltage at any signal pin
VDD+ 0.3 V
Min. voltage at any signal pin
VSS - 0.3 V
Storage temperature
-65 to +150 °C
Electrostatic discharge max. to
MIL-STD-883C method 3015
1000 V
Max. soldering conditions
250 °C x 10 s


The V6130 of fers a high level of in tegration by volt age mon i tor ing and soft ware mon i tor ing in an 8 lead pack - age. A com parator mon i tors the volt age ap plied at the VIN in put com paring it with an in ter nal 1.17 V ref er ence. The power-on re set func tion is in i tial ized af ter VIN reaches 1.17 V and takes the re set out put in ac tive af ter TPOR de pend ing of ex ter nal re sistance. The re set out put goes ac tive low when the VIN volt age is less than 1.17 V. The RES and EN out puts are guar anteed to be in a cor rect state for a sup - ly volt age as low as 1.2 V. The watch dog func tion mon i - ors soft ware cy cle time and ex e cu tion. If the soft ware clears the watch dog too quickly (in cor rect cy cle time) or too slowly (in cor rect ex ecution) it will cause the sys tem to be re set. The sys tem en able out put pre vents crit ical con - trol func tions be ing ac ti vated un til soft ware has suc cess - fully cleared the watch dog three times. Such a se cu rity could be used to pre vent mo tor con trols be ing en er gized
on re peated re sets of a faulty sys tem.

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