Features: • Full-Step, Half-Step and Micro-StepCapability• Bipolar Output Current up to 1A• Wide Range of Motor Supply Voltage10-46V• Low Saturation Voltage with IntegratedBootstrap• Built-In Fast Recovery CommutatingDiodes• Current Levels Selected in Steps or V...
UC3717A: Features: • Full-Step, Half-Step and Micro-StepCapability• Bipolar Output Current up to 1A• Wide Range of Motor Supply Voltage10-46V• Low Saturation Voltage with IntegratedBo...
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The UC3717A is an improved version of the UC3717, used to switchdrive the current in one winding of a bipolar stepper motor. TheUC3717A has been modified to supply higher winding current, morereliable thermal protection, and improved efficiency by providing inte-grated bootstrap circuitry to lower recirculation saturation voltages.
The diagram shown below presents the building blocks of theUC3717A. Included are an LS-TTL compatible logic input, a currentsensor, a monostable, a thermal shutdown network, and an H-bridgeoutput stage. The output stage features built-in fast recovery com-mutating diodes and integrated bootstrap pull up. Two UC3717Asand a few external components form a complete control and driveunit for LS-TTL or micro-processor controlled stepper motor systems.
The UC3717A is characterized for operation over the temperaturerange of 0°C to +70°C.