
Features: ` Display numbers from 1 to 16` Supply voltage VS = 12 V` Output currents I01 to I09 = 10 mA` Input code BCD + 1` Pull-up resistors 50k to VS` Separate input for dark switchingSpecifications Parameters Symbol Value Unit Supply voltage range Pin 16 VS 13.5 to +0.3 V Suppl...

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U143M Picture
SeekIC No. : 004534586 Detail

U143M: Features: ` Display numbers from 1 to 16` Supply voltage VS = 12 V` Output currents I01 to I09 = 10 mA` Input code BCD + 1` Pull-up resistors 50k to VS` Separate input for dark switchingSpecificatio...

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Product Details



` Display numbers from 1 to 16
` Supply voltage VS = 12 V
` Output currents I01 to I09 = 10 mA
` Input code BCD + 1
` Pull-up resistors 50 k  to VS
` Separate input for dark switching


Parameters Symbol Value Unit
Supply voltage range                Pin 16 VS 13.5 to +0.3 V
Supply current                           Pin 1 IS 150 mA
Output current of one
output Pin 7 to 15
I01 to I09 50 mA
Total power dissipation
     I01 to I09 à 10 mA = 90 mA
     V01 to V09 = 2 V, Tamb = 70°C
Ptot 220 mW

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