DescriptionMonolithic integrated triac control circuit,the U106BS,incorporates several additional circuits which allow the range of applications to be considerably extended without the need for additional active components. Features of the U106BS are:(1)supply voltage monitoring;(2)few external c...
U106BS: DescriptionMonolithic integrated triac control circuit,the U106BS,incorporates several additional circuits which allow the range of applications to be considerably extended without the need for addi...
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Monolithic integrated triac control circuit,the U106BS,incorporates several additional circuits which allow the range of applications to be considerably extended without the need for additional active components.
Features of the U106BS are:(1)supply voltage monitoring;(2)few external components;(3)full wave drive-no d.c. current component in the load circuit;(4)negative output current pulse up to 250mA-short circuit protected;(5)free available operational amplifier;(6)ramp generator;(7)high resistant input sensor control;(8)control terminal for continuous pulse circuit;(9)reference voltage;(10)logic output;(11)pilse blocking.
Applications of the U106BS are:(1)temperature control;(2)timer;(3)static switch.The U106BS can be used to realize a great variety of temperature control circuits simply by the addition of a few passive components,the inbuilt continuous pulse facility permilitting,if necessary,control in two steps.